Murray/Lodge visit - what the hell is this?

^^^ Not trying to play Baghdad Bob on this, but there is nothing to this. Just a west coast report. Too late for Oregon to do anything with Murray. If there were a few weeks left, they could have orchestrated something (Kyler did/does like them). Not now.
Hope you're right, Bob.
Here is something interesting that Bobby Burton posted just now. It seems Daylon Mack decided on last Wednesday that he was going to make a trip to Austin last weekend. So he texted Kyler Murray to ask if he wanted to come along, and Kyler texts back that he was already on his way to Austin.

Nobody knew any of this till Kyler posted the Texas #1 jersey on his twitter in the afternoon. But it is interesting to know that these two actually decided separately to do the visits and Charlie was working on both independently. Charlie

There's still no idea though, if Kyler will actually flip. Nobody knows.
I have been waiting for the tell-tale signs of how aggy coaches really feel about the possibility of Kyler joining them, namely, if they were lookkiing for other QBs in a hurry. Frankly, though Kyle Allen looks pretty good, their QB depth is about as bad as ours (may be even worse?), since Kenny "the Trill" Hill was kicked out for falling asleep drunk by the roadside with his pants falling off....

If Kyler doesn't join them, they are in a world of hurt (unlike us, because we at least have Locksley whom we can go after for a flip). So I was waiting foor some news to come about Sumlin making a backup plan. There was none till yesterday and it was bothering me. But finally the aggy recruiting reporters seemed to mention Jake Hubenak yesterday. I just saw on shaggy somebody mentioning hearing from a friend of the Blinn JC head coach that aggy has been in touch with Hubenak.... Take it for whatever it's worth...

Okay then! This game is going the way we want so far, though we still the final score to win it.
ESPN's Gerry Hamilton, who right now seems to have the best access to the top recruits that Texas and A&M are in on, had an article at ESPN (insider, so it is not free. I have only seen some cliff notes). Interesting.

He seems to say stuff totally counter to what others are saying, and thinks a&m has some momentum right now. Sounds confusing. He says a&m has made some late push on Boyd and Hill, but he is still calling them more probable to us. He says Kyler Murray told him a&m is the leader and that Mack talks to Kyler daily. He thinks we did very well with Mack on the visit and then Charlie's in-home and seems to be giving us thee edge on Mack. Lodge could go to Ole Miss, or to Kyler (which means whichever place Kyler goes to)... If Kyler is doing an in-home with Charlie tomorrow, after Sumlin's important in-home today, then we may be leading... Something like that. Sounds all confusing to me.

The deal about a&m having momentum and all that seems a bit weird. Now, aggy has been slamming ESPN for their coverage of the Kyler visit and later Gerry saying CS hit a home-run with Mack etc. Aggy thinks ESPN is recruiting for us in some conspiracy. So he may be backtracking a bit to even things up anyway. as always, who the heck knows. NSD can't come soon enough....

I'm still not expecting Murray, though I see enough logic for why he has to be coming to us at this point. We may have a hint pretty soon this evening after Sumlin's visit.
As of now at 7 pm CST, Sumlin's visit has been ongoing for an hour or so (90 min?), with Kyler. No announcement is expected from the aggy side, unless Kyler himself tweets something out or the family texts aggy reporters. So say the strange humans known as aggy recruiting reporters.
Not a sound from college station on the sumlin visit yet... No news is not bad news for us today.

But, apparently, Lodge's dad did not show up for Sumlin's in-home this afternoon with the classic "something came up" excuse. The ags are crestfallen, and they think they have lost Lodge too. They may not have, but they are seeing the writing on the wall. For some strange reason, I actually feel bad for aggy. In fact none of the recruits we are both after has committed just yet, but aggy is just crying already. Poor agg..... nah, who am I kidding? damn aggy!
Ok, I'm feeling a little better until Jay gives another update. At that time I might be back to discouraged.
Good point. Add this momentum, the positive press he and the program get not to mention national media for his Code of Conduct to a hopefully turned around season and we are set up well for next year too.
Still no news, as of 8.45 pm CST. No news is good news... No news is good news.... no news is good news... Please, come on "no news". Stay with us "no news".
Aggy commit James Lockhart, who has been trying his best to help recruit after the big-shots deserted aggy, had a tweet right at 7 pm which said "AS lot has changed since December 19th". If that is based on what he heard of the in-home, then the in-home only lasted perhaps 45 minutes or less. He has since deleted the tweet, which makes it more suspicious. Dead silence from aggyland, so I don't know what is up. Hmmm.
There is a rumor that Sumlin's in-home was only 20 minutes. Very unsure if it is believable but people are running with it. I am not taking it seriously.

Meanwhile, saw an aggy classic posted at shaggy (from Texags I believe). When they heard that Lodge's dad didn't show up for the in-home, one dude goes, "That's total lack of disrespect!" LULZ!

I warn you not to go anywhere near shaggybevo. That forum has just gone to an alternate universe that must be populated by drug addicts or something. Funny at times though, and the guys are really sharp in their wit. I once in a while take a look and run out in horror!
This is a link to an article back in Sept. It was shortly after when Lodge decommitted from Aggie. I think Lodge didn't like the negative recruiting that Sumlin was doing. I think it's between us and Ole Miss. I think Jay already mentioned this but this article makes sense why it's between us and Ole Miss. .
The Link
Yep. It is amazing how many mistakes Sumlin has made this year in recruiting (and seemingly in everything else too).... He is trying to make every one of these recruits forget something or other, and it's just not going to work. Then aggy just sits there thinking we are buying these recruits with bagmen. Charlie simply had to sell the dream and work hard on these kids, getting the parents on his side. Sumlin kept them all ready for Charlie to pounce on. Sometimes you can make kids forget things, because teenagers are like that, but you just cannot get the parents to forget.
Still no confirmation on when Sumlin's visit started and when it ended (if it ended). Somebody startedf a 20 min visit rumor, and some girl says she "saw Sumlin's car still parked outside at 8:30" rumor.... I don't care how long the visit was. I just need some confirmation of Sumlin being spotted at some bar, and I want nothing but "no news" with us, till Charlie gets up there to Allen, TX.
Okay, the visit finished sometime back. Apparently a 90 min visit.

Gigem247 just reported that the aggy sources feel the visit went well. The Murrays are not doing interviews, so nothing directly from them. One source says Murray may visit A&M this weekend.

Aggy reporters' sources have been very unreliable lately, so I am not sure if this is the final word. Anyway, I didn't get my wish for "no news". Doesn't look bad enough to call it bad news either, unless the a&m visit rumor is true. It wasn't given as a sure thing. At least there is no immediate word on any cancellation of a Charlie visit either, so no news on that count is good news for now.

Will monitor what else comes through the grapevine.
OK, Kyler announced. ASo I didn't get no news to stay

Following my heart... #GigEm

Good luck to the young man. Sumlin finally gets a break.

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