Dukesteer, there was no such commitment from Charlie to Gentry. It is stuff that guys like Wescott Ebers at OB are making up. I have not seen Charlie, Watson or Gentry say that.
But I do know that we offered Kai Locksley exactly one week after we offered Gentry and that Gentry knew all along (well, if I knew all along, he certainly knew) that we were already recruiting Kai Locksley hard. Gentry committed in May, about 4 weeks after Kai got his offer, and Gentry knew that we had brought in Kai for the Under-the-lights camp in July. Kai left then saying we were in his top list, and we have recruited him hard all along since then. Gentry did not budge one bit. The OV by Kai Locksley this week was also scheduled well ahead and both Texas and Kai had said for at least 2 months that he was visiting, which also was known to Gentry. So, clearly Charlie hadn't gone back on any promise, or he would have shown he was upset.
Some of these reporters just get on my nerves because they write whatever BS they want, deliberately or carelessly. All along, these guys kept yakking about Watson being so set on pro-style that he wouldn't change. Just simply putting words in our coaches' mouths, that they only wanted the Alabama offense, which has now been changed as Charlie wanting only an OhState offense. They said we were recruiting Gentry because we were stubborn about a pro-style O, and kept harping about why Watson wouldn't consider a spread, while anybody could see all along that he wouldn't be recruiting Locksley if he was so stubborn. Now, the moment we go after Kyler and Gentry flips (for totally independent reasons. It's to Harbaugh for crying out loud), these same reporters are on to their next narrative, of blaming Charlie and Watson for changing the offense and pissing away Gentry who would have been our savior in a pro-style offense. Give me a damn break!
In any event, even if we were to believe that Charlie offered Gentry as the only QB for 2015, it certainly would have no validity and he would have had to tell Gentry just that, right after our first game when Ash went down and we knew he wouldn't be there for 2015. Gentry also knew it, and he did understand that it cannot be just Swoopes, Heard and Gentry next fall. Then he knew that we got Merrick to commit too. Again, he had no problem.
He might have been scared away by the Murray talk which has been there since late December, but that is only if he thinks too highly of Murray. This has nothing to do with him being upset that we were going after another QB, because we already were going after 2 others and had got one committed too.
[btw, I'm not upset at your comment; just irritated at some of these Texas reporters
And I agree with your thought, that Charlie just might know something to go for this high-stakes gamble. It was reasonable to think that Gentry could at least waver if we were to let Murray visit us, so I too hope he knows something.