Murray/Lodge visit - what the hell is this?


That Strong Train is freakin awesome. I am so on it, hanging out the window Please keep it going!

thank you for that last post
eases the heartburn some.
Strong promising any recruit a starting position seems out of character. I'm wondering if maybe Luicci is wrong about that?
^^ i think there's something to that. He's the last thing from a smooth talker, but once you get past that, you've got a guy speaking truth and football. I'm guessing no hard sell either. When he was on Longhorn Extra last night, he said if a kid has committed but wants to make a visit somewhere else, Charlie lets them. He wants the to get it out of their system and if they flip they flip.
Big difference between "the job's wide open and I think you could be starting Game 1" and "if you commit, you'll get the starting job." Strong likely said something like the first option, and aggies of course interpret it as the second.
If Murray gets into the early rounds of MLB draft, like the 7 figure territory, does he blow that $ off and play CFB? I highly doubt it. So the best thing for us would be if Gentry and Locksley come to Texas, Murray goes to aggie, and then moves on to MLB. If he commits to us, I doubt we get either of the other two and and we lose him to MLB. If he does commit to us, I hope he does it at the last minute so we have a better shot at the other two. Of course, Gentry may be gone by Saturday.
There is also a chance that Murray simply goes back to A&M with Lodge, says he cannot get Soso (who picks us over UCLA with the general idea that Kyler might join, and never even looks at aggy), and Malik wraps up Mack who sneaked out of a&m taking this opportunity and doesn't go back, as he sees he too can be starting soon in a D with no coaching questions. Then Gentry or at least Locksley commits, we give a schol to Merrick if we can't find a grad transfer, and go into next year with 4 QBs (Swoopes, Heard, Locksley, Merrick/Gr.Tfr). That won't be a bad deal either. Barring Kevin Murray deciding to cut all ties with his alma mater for ever in a monumental switch, which I still find hard to see him doing, that is probably what could happen (there are aggy reports that he got calls from every big aggy money-bag that he is done for life if he does this and totally guts the aggy program).

In other words, the visit from Murray and Lodge might have been enough to create confusion and momentum to get two 5-star guys in Jamabo and Mack. As of now, aggy will killl to have this thing turn out that way, and claim they are 2-1 in the three guys on head-to-head (Kyler, Lodge, Mack). I wouldn't mind that.
My preference would be to keep Gentry and get Locksley, but either of them would be good. If Murray leaves a CFB team to go MLB, I would prefer it be aggie he leaves, and not us. At this point, I want Mack, Locksley, Boyd, Reed, and Soso. Gentry too, but Harbaugh going to promise him beautiful things.
College football recruiting season, a time when grown men act like teenage school girls.

(Admittedly, I'm one of them...the grown men, that is. My wife probably thinks I'm an idiot. Then again, that is not a revelation.)
I think the folks who post on TexAgs assume they are representative of all Aggies and everyone is as obscessed, indignant, petty and provincial as they are. I know a lot of Aggies. Most are good people.
Browsing the Texags board, there is no worry for them. They think all these recruits are just punking us, and that we will lose a few more before NSD. After all, according to the Ags, the Big 12 is a dead conference! Crazy that Horn fans wished Newsome good luck at UCLA, but Ags would have bashed him. JS
The ags are just simply delusional. These are the times when it becomes very clear.

When we make fun of the ags and create arguments that ags are worse than they really are, we actually know that we are doing it deliberately. We all know that it is not such a bad school or terrible athletic program as we pretend to take them to be. But the ags are different. They actually believe what they say on these boards about bad coaching by UT coaches, about nobody having any respect for our program or conference, about Coach Strong being a bumbling fool who was getting eaten up in recruiting by Sumlin, about everyone in the nation looking at A&M as a program several levels above UT in stature, about Johnny Manziel being worshiped by everyone in the world, about Chavis being better respected for defense than Charlie or Muschamp, about our 6-7 record being taken by everybody as what we will have for ever based on our history, about their 11-2 being surely taken as their norm, yadda yadda. Those guys believe it all to be precisely so. That is the problem.

In the normal circumstances you wouldn't know if they are deliberate in their opinions or just being homers, but when reality has to strike them at some junctures like now, and they are unable to grasp it at all, you get a very clear picture of how deluded they are.

Unbelievable how that cult school gets everybody so brainwashed as to have most of the brains disappear.
No coach can promise a QB recruit the starting position and be taken seriously or then actually follow through with it and still maintain any kind of control of their program. It isnt credible and just couldn't happen. Imagine Strong making this promise to Murray. They would assume he was a liar and couldn't believe that he would really put the kid out as the starter in front of 2 or 3 other, possibly obviously better QBs (if it came down to that) in front of the college football world and lose games unecessarily in order to honor his promise. And if he actually did that, his entire coaching staff support and the team unity would be instantly gone, along with all fanbase, BMD and administration support. No way that could happen. Imagine if Strong had made that promise to Heard last January, and then had to start him last season over Ash and Swoopes despite him clearly struggling in camp and looking like the worst option of the 3.

Now on the other hand, Strong could certainly tell him that there are serious current QB issues, that the job is wide open to the best performing candidate and he thinks he can very easliy come in and win that job in fall camp due to his unbelievable talents if he comes in and performs as he usually does.
Yep, even when they were going 4-8 under Franocchio they still thought they were the elite, respected, program of the state, and they were just a few plays away from their rightful return to glory. And us t-sips were just drinking old butter teeth's snake oil.
After Mack and Dodds left I know Aggies who thought UT had to settle for Steve Patterson and Charlie Strong, because no one else would even consider this horrible place a viable career option (even for 10 million dollars!) They are still waiting for the LHN to collapse, and the UT Athletics department to go with them.
A lot of them really do believe this ****.
To hear my aggy friends talk, you'd think the great brunt orange Satan has living under the 40 acres, sowing the seeds of UT's destruction for 100 years, and our day of reckoning is nigh.
Just a late-night update from the aggy sites.

Taylor Hamm of aggy247 had this several hours ago about the aggy OC Spavital visiting Kyler Murray at the Allen HS today - "Was told Kyler's body language today wasn't positive for the first time while with Spav". Then Hamm basically left for the day from the site soon after (apparently just too down on himself to write much). Not sure what "body language" is in such a meeting. He kept picking his nose? Yawned or feel asleep? Started texting others with Spav was going "Hey, Kyler!" ?? ... I leave that to your imagination. Hamm is about as down as the posters have ever seen him.

Before he left, the guys were asking why the ag reporters are getting no info and everything was coming from Austin. Hamm goes, "When your school is doing well, everybody talks. When they're not, nobody returns your call
". That is the truth. When aggy reporters are not finding news, it means that there is no good news there. In recruiting, no news is bad news!

Billy Liucci of Texasgs had a long writeup, pretty much in line with all we heard from the Texas writers, with his own characteristic spins that all could still be well. But he strained to do even that. He also had heard that there was nothing to hang their hat on, after Spav's visit to see Kyler. Liucci agrees that he too had heard about Kyler's visit to Texas having gone very well.

Everybody agrees now, that it is all out in the open. Kyler is dead serious about this. No trolling or anything (of either university). The family is not saying much, and Kyler's decision should be known some time next week.

Meanwhile guys like Ketch and Higdon on the Texas side keep saying everything is going right by the plan and this stuff is happening, as per their sources. I am just conservative, so I will believe it if/when it happens. If not, heck, we tried!
It's funny because I can remember how the Texags board lit up when Kyler was throwing TD passes for Allen in the State Championship game. They were going on and on about what he was going to do for their program. If he comes to Texas (which he should) that's a direct kick in the Aggy balls.
I guess I can't imagine this elaborate of a troll job going on by young guys and it not falling apart in terms of someone talking. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist though I know in life that it happens (no, not 9/11).

It seems to me that there could be some basic things going on:

1) High school seniors enjoy attention from big-time coaches
2) High school seniors like traveling
3) Austin is a cool place to visit
4) They really don't know what they want half the time (I have an eighteen year old son).
5) They do not understand (zero empathy) the effect these things have on the coaches, other recruits or the fan bases.
6) They don't like to communicate their feelings to adults
7) You can't predict anything.
Here is my 2 cents worth piece (sorry for the length) that gives some details on what is going on, at least to the extent I can piece it together.

I don't think there is all that much of mystery in this. To start with, there is some talk out there that Kevin Murray, himself being a great QB once, and having a QB coaching academy, wants to play a role in developing his son. That means he likes to send him to somebody whose QB philosophy matches his own philosophies. After all, he coached his son all this while and made him into the #1 dual-threat recruit in the nation. Plus, his son is non-prototypical for the NFL, and so he has been thinking carefully and deeply about what might make him a prospect for NFL. Right or wrong, he has some ideas on it, and he would probably only go with a college coach who agrees with his thoughts on how it is possible. Of course Sumlin is certainly not known to ruin QBs in college, so letting his son commit early to the school he was rah-rah about, was an easy decision once. But as time went on, Kevin was thinking more about it.

That leads me to the guess that he found Sumlin's thoughts not matching his. There has always been a general feeling that Sumlin and he were not the greatest of friends anyway. Now comes the narrative from multiple sources that there was a Sumlin-Murray chat last week that was nothing positive to say the least (ans may have been downright argumentative, like Texas side sources reported). Some say that Kevin does not want Murray to have much say in how Kyler would be developed. Who knows, but my impression is anyway that Sumlin is that kind of a coach, a little stubborn on his own offensive and QB philosophies. Seeing Manziel being so not ready for NFL, may have only made this all a bigger concern for Kevin Murray.

Now on to Kevin's contacts with Texas. The friday before Thanksgiving in November, Watson made what was supposed to be a quick morning visit to Kevin Murray at the HS where he coaches, that turned into some brain-storming for the next several hours (as 247 reported that day). I think Watson was there to check on the 3-star QB prospect Merrick, who plays at another school but was under Murray's QB academy. Merrick had come to our Under-the-lights camp in July already (and Kevin Murray came with him), so Watson must have seen some potential in him (but for all I know, the interest in Merrick may have also been because he knew that Merrick is very close to Soso Jamabo, as they both played in the same AAU basketball team). Anyway, in the afternoon, Watson suddenly called Merrick from Murray's office and told him that he had a grey-shirt offer subject to clearing it with Charlie (which he did later in the day). Merrick was greatly surprised and committed on the spot.

The offer of a greyshirt was a clear indication that Watson was fully fine with Murray coaching him up for one more year and sending him to Texas. 247 reported that Murray and Watson had very close ideas on QB development and that the hours-long discussion was on quarterbacking. I have to assume that the talk must have strayed on to Kyler Murray too. The seeds of what happened later must have been planted at least by then. Kevin started thinking of it at least then, though there is talk that it could be from some months earlier even before, because Kevin has known Charlie from back in1985; I am just reporting what I remember seeing officially reported.

Put 2 and 2 together, it comes down to Watson respecting Kevin's ideas of quarterback development sufficiently well to trust a future QB commit (Merrick) to be developed for a year by Murray (Merrick is not from a poor family and is willing to spend time/money to work on his own development, but that's a different story), and if smoke from aggyland is to be believed, there isn't that level of trust in Kevin as a QB coach, from Sumlin.

If you were the father, and one coach who does not seem to trust you as a QB mind (as rumored!) asks you to hand over your son to him, and another coach who thinks like you on quarterbacking (and may even welcome your input) asks you to hand over your son, whom would you send him to?

Then at the end of December we heard of something big possibly breaking in Texas recruiting - and many guessed it was a Kyler flip story. It did not break, which I assume was because the sources were sensing Kevin Murray's thinking, while Kyler was not giving it a chance. Threads were being deleted both at Texas sites and aggy sites, about the rumors. But they were there. I think Jason Hogdon even said it could happen with 24-36 hours, though it didn't. What happened at that point at a&m, and how things got steadied, is unclear to me. But some smoke was there a month back on this. I assume Kyler just said no way.

Kyler remained all in on A&M and was actively recruiting for them and being the glue for the recruiting class. What might have happened in the process is that Texas created the Malik momentum and then the Florida momentum to get in on so many of Kyler's frieds and work on them. Turned some of them like Lodge and Soso who (as per rumors) even started telling Kyler to drop his all-sold-on-aggy idea and consider Texas. he was still not willing even a couple of weeks ago, and then with Merick working on Soso, and Malik working on Mack, there were enough guys who were no longer that interested in A&M.

It all came to a head in some sort of a discussion between Murray and Sumlin last week. Then we got that midweek visit. I have seen no report or rumors that Texas really initiated anything this week. We may have been constantly trying to see if Kevin and Kyler might make a move, but this week it actually happened. The difference this time is that Kyler felt that there were enough of his friends considering Texas that he no longer has to feel like he was doing something that crazy.

Another curious rumor that came out this week (I repeat it's a rumor, but seemingly this came from some Allen HS source) about Sumlin saying something to the effect that "he was even fine if Kyler went somewhere else but not to Texas". If true, it is some sort of an indication that (or could be construed as) he feels he is not going to die if Kyler goes away. RRumors are around that this had an effect, but I don't know.

But something, either a nudge from Dad, or feeling how deeply his dad wants to be involved in his QB development, or something that peeved him about Sumlin or a&m, made Kyler start evaluating how prudent it was for him to be acting as "the guy who built the a&m class". That may have led him to thinking about what is best for him.

Kids come to a point sometimes in their lives when they start understanding what adults are about. Maybe Kyler did just that? Sometimes it is when push comes to shove and you have little time left to decide things that the details become clear in one's mind. Ataboy Kyler, if you ask me what I think about it! So here we are....

Now the real question in my mind is on whether Kevin Sumlin can do something to repair the damage in the relationship with Kyler, if that is the issue. My sense is that the ball is really in Kyler's own court and may not be in Kevin's court. Kyler now knows that there is more to all this, and that he has to make a decision. The reported "poor body language" in the visit by A&M coaches yesterday indicates that he remains pensive about this all.

I say there is a 60% chance that it is too late for A&M to fix this. Just my hunch. But don't be surprised if Kyler just decides to stick with a&m after all.
Jay, great insight and perspective as usual.

Let me share an angle regarding Gentry. Given Charlie's undeniable level of integrity, the fact that he appears to have reneged on his reported commitment to Gentry of only taking one QB in the class, perhaps the following is going down. (Frankly, I hope so.)

When Murray entered the picture, obviously everything changed and Strong had a decision to make. Does he back away from the Gentry promise because the pull Murray could have with other high quality targets is simply undeniable. So, if -- as I hope -- Strong knows something about Murray and his entourage, he would have a reasonable basis to explain his change of heart with respect to Gentry. In essence, who could fault Strong for going "all in" for Murray when Lodge, Soso and others could potentially come along?

I don't know anything. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking. Either CS knows something, Harbaugh has one upped him, or he is willing to play a high stakes game.
Dukesteer, there was no such commitment from Charlie to Gentry. It is stuff that guys like Wescott Ebers at OB are making up. I have not seen Charlie, Watson or Gentry say that.

But I do know that we offered Kai Locksley exactly one week after we offered Gentry and that Gentry knew all along (well, if I knew all along, he certainly knew) that we were already recruiting Kai Locksley hard. Gentry committed in May, about 4 weeks after Kai got his offer, and Gentry knew that we had brought in Kai for the Under-the-lights camp in July. Kai left then saying we were in his top list, and we have recruited him hard all along since then. Gentry did not budge one bit. The OV by Kai Locksley this week was also scheduled well ahead and both Texas and Kai had said for at least 2 months that he was visiting, which also was known to Gentry. So, clearly Charlie hadn't gone back on any promise, or he would have shown he was upset.

Some of these reporters just get on my nerves because they write whatever BS they want, deliberately or carelessly. All along, these guys kept yakking about Watson being so set on pro-style that he wouldn't change. Just simply putting words in our coaches' mouths, that they only wanted the Alabama offense, which has now been changed as Charlie wanting only an OhState offense. They said we were recruiting Gentry because we were stubborn about a pro-style O, and kept harping about why Watson wouldn't consider a spread, while anybody could see all along that he wouldn't be recruiting Locksley if he was so stubborn. Now, the moment we go after Kyler and Gentry flips (for totally independent reasons. It's to Harbaugh for crying out loud), these same reporters are on to their next narrative, of blaming Charlie and Watson for changing the offense and pissing away Gentry who would have been our savior in a pro-style offense. Give me a damn break!

In any event, even if we were to believe that Charlie offered Gentry as the only QB for 2015, it certainly would have no validity and he would have had to tell Gentry just that, right after our first game when Ash went down and we knew he wouldn't be there for 2015. Gentry also knew it, and he did understand that it cannot be just Swoopes, Heard and Gentry next fall. Then he knew that we got Merrick to commit too. Again, he had no problem.

He might have been scared away by the Murray talk which has been there since late December, but that is only if he thinks too highly of Murray. This has nothing to do with him being upset that we were going after another QB, because we already were going after 2 others and had got one committed too.

[btw, I'm not upset at your comment; just irritated at some of these Texas reporters

And I agree with your thought, that Charlie just might know something to go for this high-stakes gamble. It was reasonable to think that Gentry could at least waver if we were to let Murray visit us, so I too hope he knows something.

I'm getting a little concerned about you. I envision you locked away in a disheveled, windowless room, dimly lit from a single, flickering bulb, walls, floor to ceiling haphazardly plastered in alternating layers of recruiting service reports, notes on situational variables and a massive, hand scribbled domino-effect flowchart. Then there are the twitter accounts...dozens and dozens of them..and they all need to be checked...and checked and checked and checked!

In reply to:

Quite close a description of my blogging lately, OrangeShogun
... It just happened to be a very rare time when I am not teaching classes and have a little extra time (probably not for too long) to be at home in a room, and following this fun ride closely. My grad students will come after me soon, but they have been given enough work to do for now and are happy that I'm not pestering them
Jay, for gosh sakes, you need to go on a teaching sabbatical, at least through February 4th. Where are your priorities?

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