Murray/Lodge visit - what the hell is this?

We have to go all in with Gentry. Because even if Murray came here he might be playing baseball only. Gentry is our future...........unless he goes to Michigan.
Serious question, what's the difference between Kyler and J Heard's skill set? They're one year apart, but both led their HS team to back-to-back state championships. Kyler has had all kinds of ink written about him and was curious if he was a younger version of Heard.

I'll hang up and listen.
Kyler is shorter and actually pretty small for a QB, and his athletic skill-set is similar to Heard's, when it comes to abilities to run an offense that features a QB run game, mostly of the spread kind. Both have similar leadership skills and winner attitude, as they both showed in HS. But Kyler is an amazingly accurate and polished passer while I have never seen Heard's passing (while quite good) described in superlative terms. That means, many think that Kyler is one of those rare QBs who has a chance to start as a true freshman, as long as a simpler offense that fits him is put in place, as he is capable of "doing it all". That's my understanding. I will also listen to what everybody else thinks.
Wait, Harbaugh is in on Gentry now or there is an interest or he is waivering? I think I need to seek out Gentry threads. He's my favorite thus far.

edit: Dammit, just read up on it. Damn.
^^ LOL. Yeah, we have converged to some few threads to discuss all the stuff stuff that is going on. Look for the closest thread title where you think any item would be, and generally it should be there
I00p is right - Meat Chicken's Harbaugh has gotten up to 7 or 8 OV's this weekend from a bunch of kids committed to other programs including Gentry. He has seriously turned Gentry's head... I am very concerned about him. From some posts I have read, CFS is going to have to put the full course press on keeping Gentry's commitment.
Well, well, look at the tie Kyler Mrray wore at an award function this evening!


Can't say yet that he "lives in an orange house," like we used to say of commits some years ago, but I can say that he wears a burnt orange tie for sure.

Could it mean.... Nah, may be not
Here is a better picture. Actually with Deandre McNeal at the Dallas Morning News Sports heroes banquet... More like an orange tie. Still weird for him to wear that. He is just not showing anything to reduce the aggy fanbase's anxiety, which is what I find curious. For 30 hours and counting now, without a pro-aggy word... May mean nothing but this is all good fun

Am I mistaken or does he have an Orange Pocket Square as well? Sharp shoes too.

I would say that whoever took that top photo needs to be told to charge their phone but if they have not already, they are not currently able to accept calls or media messages. Please try back later or try the number again.
Okay, I get the feeling that stuff is coming to a head pretty soon on this Kyler Murray thing. Late tonight, Geoff Ketchum of Orangebloods released some info which is pretty definitive. Mainly, the Murray/Lodge visit went extremely well, and the word he is hearing is that "Strong knocked it out of the damn park yesterday on the visit. Knocked it out". He says "a decision has been made and that a press conference will be held next week to make the announcement" from the Murrays' side. Here are his words, "I'm not telling you tonight that it is definitely going to happen because there's a part of me that doesn't believe it and i've been digging around on this story for months, but what i am telling you is that every single person we communicated with on thursday was indicating that things are moving in a burnt orange direction."

He released the info around 10:30 pm, and the aggy sites have been going crazy asking the Mods to find out what is going on. Remember that after 30+ hours since the Murray/Lodge tweets, there has still not been a single tweet or a word/text to recruiting reporters from either recruit with an explanation, nor any attempt from Kyler Murray to calm the nerves of the whole aggy fanbase that is hyperventilating. I just don't see how the poster-boy of their class would do that to them unless he is seriously considering Texas. The time to finish any troll job on Texas and laugh about it with aggy friends is all long gone, and the aggy folks are beginning to get upset at him even if they won't say it. Then he goes and wears an orange tie to a banquet. Certainly he couldn't have thought that it would escape aggy attention. What is he up to?

I mean, ESPN spent 5 minutes discussing a potential Murray switch to Texas today. Everybody knows it, and nobody thinks it is any troll job, or that he was just having some fun on a visit.

Plus, there is utter radio silence from aggy homer recruiting gurus. None of them is able to hear any counter-evidence from any solid source near the Murrays either.

The Ketchum blast at 10:30 about an upcoming press conference was all over aggy sites within 5 minutes. Clearly texts must have reached the Murray folks and those closest the family. If Ketch was just blowing smoke, I would have expected some clear rebuttal by now somewhere. No sign of that either. [EDIT: Brian Perroni of aggy 247 did post a denial that "there is absolutely no press conference, from a source he calls "incredibly close to the situation" tonight, but I notice that Perroni was unable to pry out even an obligatory "Kyler is still an aggy" from such a source, or you can bet your life he would have posted that spin. So no real denials from "incredibly close" sources over there yet!]

Something is up, and aggy is quite worried as of now. There is no need to announce anything, let alone do a press conference, to say that he is committed to aggy, because he right now is listed as a commit. He only has to send a tweet out saying, "Gigem. All is cool". Why hasn;t he done that?

I assumed Sumlin and party would talk to Murrays to prevent this from happening, and so expected that the Murrays probably wouldn't say anything till then. But even for that, there has been enough time. So, I am beginning to think that Kyler Murray could indeed be getting close to flipping to us.

And the general feeling from multiple recruiting reporters is that as Murray goes, so goes Lodge. Probably Soso too. Soso is perhaps 45% for us and 55% for UCLA as of now, and that could go up to 60-40 in our favor after the OV that just started this evening, but since he is such a buddy to Lodge and Murray, if Murray is coming, count Soso as 90% with us too. Pretty much incredible, if it turns out that way so suddenly. And nobody is finding any indication that it isn't going that way. Everybody is kinda stunned right now, I think!

Still, we should certainly not be anymore than "cautiously optimistic" as of now. God, what a weird recruiting season....
Just WOW if this actually happens. And if it does happen, does this mean Our chances for Lodge goes up? And if that happens, I can't help think that D Mack has to reconsider seeing what we have building here on the forty. That's still a lot of ifs but dang I'm being very hopeful.
I eyes keep reading and my brain is saying don't believe it, don't eat the Murray recruiting cheese... you will get sick and become disappointed. If Murray flips to UT it will be one of the biggest flips that I have seen in quite some time. If it happens, aggy nation will experience a tsunami meltdown.

Most telling to me is Strong saying there is only four spots left. Which to me means there must be three silent commits. Murray, Lodge and Soso prehaps.
Well technically until he commits somewhere else he’s still committed to the place he committed to.

You are free to quote my analysis on the usual networks.
His statement could mean many things but until an athlete makes a statement to de-committ, he remains committed. Only time will tell!
I had seen the DMN article before going to bed last night, but didn't post it here because I didn't feel it really meant much. Remember that this was at a Dallas Morning News banquet, which meant only DMN reporters would have been there (I suppose). That is the only reason that this reporter managed to be the only one to get Kyler one-on-one. Nobody from aggyland had been able to get Kyler or Kevin to say a word. So, with a reporter who isn't close to Kyler, who was able to ask the question only because it was a DaMN event, Kyler was only going to say "I am still committed to a&m", because that is simply stating the current fact till he makes an announcement of what he is going to do. It's a bit of convoluted logic, but think about it...

Now, if he said anything more like "I had to make a trip to Texas just to confirm my decision, but I will be signing with A&M" that is a different thing. That meant he was ready to use DaMN as the outlet to let the news out. He didn't say that. So I feel the same as Dionysus and 22_Horn about this.

The aggy fans at their sites immediately knew it meant nothing, though they are trying to hanging their hopes on it.

I am still not sure if this huge chess move from Charlie is going to work out, but don't put much weight on the DaMN report.
Meanwhile I just saw in another site that "Looch" (Billy Liucci, the mod at Texags) said this, this morning:

"Kyler is trending/leaning towards t u. Texas offered him the starting job. if you don't think this is a real possibility then you're and ostrich with your head in the sand. Hope Spav/Sumlin can pull this off"

If the ultimate homer Liucci is already pushed to the point of saying that, it means this is getting seriously serious!

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