My parents grew up in Louisiana, and I was born there. Moved to Texas when I was 5 years old. I thank them frequently for moving us out of that stupid state.
I remember a friend's brother worked for Shell back in the late sixties and they were so fed up with the state of public education there they told Shell to fix the schools or they would quit Shell.
So apparently we don't have a chance according to K'LavonD'AndreJ'MarcusO'Henry ChaiseLounge


Just as we were with the pronouncement from the La Tech IDOIT!
I just hope we don't look past the LSU match-up and focus on the big game with Rice next week. Yes, I'm well aware that LSU is Alabama's b!tch (and has been for all of recent memory), but I'm telling you, if we don't take this game seriously, LSU could jump up and bite us. I really wish Herman and staff would focus on LSU this week instead of Rice.

I know there is the temptation to look past LSU and start the preparation for the big game on 9/14 vs. the mighty Birds of Prey in the Bayou City, but you can never take an opponent for granted. LSU could be giant killers this year folks. There's a chance, however small, that we could drop this game. Keep the focus on the game at hand. Go 1-0 every week. There will be plenty of time next week to focus on the Rice match-up.
Pretty funny. Austin has its own problems. Antifa of the south. How do y'all put up with such a liberal city???
Oh, they still like to grind away on the working class with a smile. Now everybody is from somewhere else. They think they are old Austin even if they only lived here ten or twenty years. National chain restaurants and retailers have pretty much overwhelmed the original old Austin.
Pretty funny. Austin has its own problems. Antifa of the south. How do y'all put up with such a liberal city???

We don’t talk politics here. If you want to start making comparisons between the fringe elements of both sides (I don’t think youd want that if you’re wise) take it to the west mall.
Politics aside, Austin has a lot to offer in terms of living, entertainment, ambience etc. Baton Rouge is just a **** hole. No reasonable person could deny that, so I expect our new LSU friends to do so.
Baton Rouge is just a **** hole

I love Austin, if not it's political persuasion. That said, only Augusta National is more elite than The Country Club. Also, how can you hate a city that was home to Edwin for many years. Guy was the best thing to happen to Louisiana since Huey P

I love Austin, if not it's political persuasion. That said, only Augusta National is more elite than The Country Club. Also, how can you hate a city that was home to Edwin for many years. Guy was the best thing to happen to Louisiana since Huey P

I was born in New Orleans. Drove through Baton Rouge many times. My first job as a charter pilot took me to BR quite frequently. I stand by my assessment.

Politics aside, Austin has a lot to offer in terms of living, entertainment, ambience etc. Baton Rouge is just a **** hole. No reasonable person could deny that, so I expect our new LSU friends to do so.
As predicted, one of our new LSU friends disliked this. Sorry, friend.
I have a longtime business associate/friend, who has spent all 75 years of his life in South Louisiana. He has been good friends with Edwin for many decades.

His quote, "I'd rather do business with the devil himself in hell than ever do business in New Orleans".

All of our NOLA business is left up to me. He won't go there.
I feel the need to just say "no" to this crap
I cant figure out how Mr. Westcott Eberts keeps his job, he always displays such poor judgement

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