
You understate the degree to which @NOLATiger80 is wrong. There are NOT two schools of opinion on the subject. All leading grammar experts disagree with @NOLATiger80's prohibition against starting a sentence with "or", or any other conjunction.

The misunderstanding about starting sentences with conjunctions arises from a teaching practice. Young kids tend to overuse "and" as a sentence starter, so many grade-school teachers prohibit the practice. For people who never learn to write above a grade-school level, the prohibition remains firmly etched in their poorly developed brains. But those of us who have progressed to writing at a high-school level (or beyond) know that it is perfectly acceptable to start sentences with any of the FANBOYS conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Here's a link to an article discussing the topic.

Dang Njlonghorn, I thought an embarrassing Tiger loss would run off Tiger 80. You did it by educating him.
@everette, that was recently brought up as being started by Spider Ag, who posted as a, well, dumb aggy.

I have never seen any Longhorn friends post on Facebook about anything Longhorn and say "allsome". Certainly none of us embrace it. It is meant to be stupid.

However, I see my Louisiana college educated relatives write "Geaux" for LSU and the Saints very frequently. Also, they will write "Who dat!" about the Saints.

I am disgruntled and it does not sit well with me to have to explain this.
In any future posts concerning another person’s perceived lack of linguistics you may want to make sure that you formed complete sentences. It’s just a suggestion so you don’t look dumb. I’m here to help.
Keep working on you English comprehension. You do well for English not being your native tongue. We will limit the use of polysyllabic words so that you can follow the conversation more easily.
Here's a couple of guys that can get to the QB
Grant Delpit - 5 sacks
Michael Divinity - 5 sacks
Rashard Lawrence - 4 sacks
Glen Logan - 4 sacks

That's a safety, LB and two DEs. Meaning they come from all positions and all angles.
You do not understand, Grashopper.

Ehlinger swats DBs and overruns LBs. Watch and you will see.
Dere ain't no way dem Longhorns can play de foosball like dem Hell S and U Fightin' Tigers, Cher.

Dey gonna jus' geaux home Saturday night feeling blessed to have been mauled by de Tigers.

Uhhooo, my sheaux!

Coach O & dem tiggers gonna reaux over dem horns an den feast on sum boiled crawfish!!!

Aaaaeeeehhheeeeii !!
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So apparently we don't have a chance according to K'LavonD'AndreJ'MarcusO'Henry ChaiseLounge


You understate the degree to which @NOLATiger80 is wrong. There are NOT two schools of opinion on the subject. All leading grammar experts disagree with @NOLATiger80's prohibition against starting a sentence with "or", or any other conjunction.

The misunderstanding about starting sentences with conjunctions arises from a teaching practice. Young kids tend to overuse "and" as a sentence starter, so many grade-school teachers prohibit the practice. For people who never learn to write above a grade-school level, the prohibition remains firmly etched in their poorly developed brains. But those of us who have progressed to writing at a high-school level (or beyond) know that it is perfectly acceptable to start sentences with any of the FANBOYS conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Here's a link to an article discussing the topic.
Because this is a Longhorn site, the proper authority to cite is Garner's Modern American Usage (because the distinguished Prof. Garner earned his Bachelor's degree and his JD at UT.) :bevo:
Garner's Modern American Usage|Hardcover
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Orlando will throw the kitchen sink to get to your QB, so that's nothing we haven't seen plenty of before.
My main point all along, has been the difference in returning production.

LSU returns guys responsible for 30 of their 34 sacks last year.
Texas returns guys responsible for 8 of their 32 sacks last year.

Your new guys might set the world on fire, but the odds are that LSU's guys will increase their production with all that returning experience, while you guys might struggle to reproduce what you had last year.

Thankfully, we find out in a few days how all that statistical theorizing works out in a good on good matchup.
Man, this game is gonna be something else. Texas vs. the Greatest Team the SEC has ever produced. Maybe we could run out on the field holding the White Flag instead of the American Flag! Cause we can't compete with Who Dat!

Does anyone want my tickets? No point in me coming. aggy’s step daddy implemented the run and shoot, their players are guaranteeing wins and they took aggy to 7 overtime’s with these same players. We have no chance.
Here is what LSU fans and players will soon discover about Sam Ehlinger.

Sam hits the weights so hard he has to shed his skin twice a year to hold the muscle in.

Sam Ehlinger once challenged Kyler Murray to a contest who has the most testicles, Sam won by 5.

Sam Ehlinger doesn't take showers, he prefers blood baths.

Sam Ehlinger hits linebackers o hard their kids are born concussed.

Sam Ehlinger is not hung like a horse, horses are hung like Sam.

Humans have 23 Chromosomes, but Sam Ehlinger has 72 and all of them can bench press 400 lbs.

Sam Ehlinger can turn a steak into a flawless diamond just by chewing it.

Freddie Kruger has nightmares that Sam Ehlinger is coming to get him.

Sam Ehlinger once had sex with a dead woman, and she orgasm ed 10 times.

Sam Ehlinger once threw a 75 yard touchdown pass, to himself.

When Sam Ehlinger goes hog hunting, he doesn't take a gun, he takes a football and kills 10 at a time with 80 yard hail Mary passes.

Jake Fromm asked his Magic 8-ball 1000 times if Georgia was going to beat Texas, all it said was Ehlinger every time.

Sam doesn't read his playbook, he stares at it until all the plays are absorbed into his brain.

Sam Ehlinger once masturbated in the mens restroom and 20 women in the next bathroom had spontaneous Orgasms.

Sam Ehlinger can kill a man with a Nerf football.

All of this, was just his freshmen year.
Why did LSU implement the new offense?

A) lost to aggy
B) haven’t beat Alabama in forever
C) thinking about moving to the Big 12 to get away from aggy
D) all of the above
Debating with folks from a state where "Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints" and the false word "Geaux" are embraced by those with college educations.
We put ALOT of old books in our kids hands...books written when we knew a bit more about what's what.
I am always impressed and surprised at the grammatical make-up, rule adherence, punctuation, etc. and the variations even from what I was taught; and I believe I had a pretty good education. (You like that semicolon dont you!?)
If you compare those books to what is taught now or many of the books being written, you see we have forgotten much of what we once "knew" about our language.


You understate the degree to which @NOLATiger80 is wrong. There are NOT two schools of opinion on the subject. All leading grammar experts disagree with @NOLATiger80's prohibition against starting a sentence with "or", or any other conjunction.

The misunderstanding about starting sentences with conjunctions arises from a teaching practice. Young kids tend to overuse "and" as a sentence starter, so many grade-school teachers prohibit the practice. For people who never learn to write above a grade-school level, the prohibition remains firmly etched in their poorly developed brains. But those of us who have progressed to writing at a high-school level (or beyond) know that it is perfectly acceptable to start sentences with any of the FANBOYS conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Here's a link to an article discussing the topic.
Guilty as charged for going easy on a mentally challenged swamp creature.
If you only added two more safeties to that list, you would have Texas.

I say we challenge our swamp kitty neighbors to the east to a spelling bee.

Sports betting, you should learn how it works.

It's all part of the "Look how we beat Georgia Southern" mindset of swamp kittens. For some reason you now think every game will be like Georgia Southern.

Your two returning safeties plus NB combined for 3.5 sacks last year. The rest of your returning TEAM had four. I will take LSU's "D" ability to get to QB over the horns.

Thanks for playing though.
My main point all along, has been the difference in returning production.

Like Coach Herman would say, "That was last year's team."

Your new guys might set the world on fire, but the odds are that LSU's guys will increase their production with all that returning experience, while you guys might struggle to reproduce what you had last year.

Whether or not we are better than last year remains to be seen. I do know we are faster than last year. We are definitely relying on talented youth and good coaching. As Herman reminds them constantly, it is their team. The coaches are just there to point the way.

Thankfully, we find out in a few days how all that statistical theorizing works out in a good on good matchup.

It will be a great pleasure to observe. I think the game is more important to Texas in that if LSU loses but wins conference, they are in the CFP. If Texas loses and wins the conference with a loss or two, it might well be New Year's Day Bowl, again.

My hope is both teams win out.
That's a safety, LB and two DEs. Meaning they come from all positions and all angles.

Wait, safeties and linebackers are now allowed to rush the QB?!?!

No wonder the SEC is so good on defense. Well it’s probably too late for us to look into this by Saturday.
Someone get a memo to Herman and maybe if we’re lucky we’ll be prepared for this by week 3.
Wait, safeties and linebackers are now allowed to rush the QB?!?!

No wonder the SEC is so good on defense. Well it’s probably too late for us to look into this by Saturday.
Someone get a memo to Herman and maybe if we’re lucky we’ll be prepared for this by week 3.

You need to listen to Mr Bill more. He knows all and sees all. He's touting the horns safeties as sack machines.
Historical note:
Second college game I saw (driving down from hometown, Newton) was in Baton Rouge, vs. TCU. And that night I saw on the field... Billy Cannon. Believe that would have been his senior season, 1959. High School Principal took myself and a friend to the game. I also remember sitting in a car by the Texan cafe, late on a Sat night, hearing on the radio the famed 89-yard Canon punt return against Ole Miss that won that game.
Footnote: According to his Wiki bio, Cannon, signing with (then) Houston Oilers in 1960, became the first $100,000 professional football player. Not quite a million in today's dollar: $866,794.

My first college game had been in Austin, attending a Band Day road trip with our high school, and that afternoon on the field at DKR... opponent also TCU... was Jim Swink. TCU won going away, with Swink running wild, from my end zone seat he seemed to dance all over the field.

So in my lifetime I saw both those backs, and by attending UT starting in 1960, also got to see James Saxton. Who got knocked out (of the game) against TCU in a devastating 6-0 loss I'll never forget (1961).

Thing I remember, even that long ago, about a night game in Baton Rouge was... coffee. Noisy crowds as our car inched along near the stadium among a swarming crowd all around our car, and, windows rolled down, all I could smell was strong coffee. Maybe some whiskey.
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I was in Baton Rouge yesterday. I’ve got the low down.

After scoring 72 on aggy last year but losing, they hired consultants Jaque Parti and Kevin Rumlin to design a new offense. It speeds up the offense and spreads out the defense with multiple receivers. Not sure how we defend this. aggy has Jimbo so I expect they can score 80 in Baton Rouge this year.

After letting aggy score 74 on them last year, they decided SEC defense had to change. They brought in Butty Rine to install a defense like no other. They rush the passer and they are now DBU.

This LSU team harkens back to the Les Miles years. And everyone knows how dominant he was at Oklahoma State against Texas. We are fricked as they will push our shite in our arse.

However, if we can somehow win, I say we make beer cups commemorating the event and engrave our bowl rings with the score! Better yet, let’s force them to be our rival. Woop?
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However, if we can somehow win, I say we make beer cups commemorating the event and engrave our bowl rings with the score! Better yet, let’s force them to be our rival. Woop?

Lol, if we win I suggest we make purple and gold pee pads with LSU as the target and keep them in every urinal in the stadium for the rest of the year.
Because this is a Longhorn site, the proper authority to cite is Garner's Modern American Usage (because the distinguished Prof. Garner earned his Bachelor's degree and his JD at UT.) :bevo:
Garner's Modern American Usage|Hardcover
I'm glad you mentioned Bryan Garner -- he's my favorite. Here's what Professor Garner has to say about starting sentences with conjunctions. My favorite line:

There are ten sentence-starting conjunctions in the United States Constitution. And rightly so.
My parents grew up in Louisiana, and I was born there. Moved to Texas when I was 5 years old. I thank them frequently for moving us out of that stupid state.

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