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I don't know what the attitude of the team was prior to the game. May have been overconfident, maybe thinking they can't lose to an unranked Arkansas team that won only a few games last year. Then the reality set in that the pigs are much better and more fired up to whip our butts than our guys were. Sark will most likely be watching film when he gets back and will have a discussion with the position coaches and coordinators about preparation and execution. I would not want to be a player that was part of that performance today. I believe that the good times are over for the players this season, might even see some starters benched, but that is pure speculation. Whatever he does, I hope that we never see a lackluster performance again, at least within my lifetime. It's one thing to lose a close game against a top team when everyone gave the maximum effort and left all they had on the field, but it's another to see lack of discipline and a consistent subpar performance by practically every man on the team. That's his one embarrassing loss. I hope there are no more like that.