Always good to give this thread a little bump.
Something I thought you guys might like that happened to me today. I've got a history professor over here at Baylor who is a HUUUUUGE Chelsea fan. Grew up going to the matches and everything. Of course, he HATES Liverpool, so basically he has gotten sick of my sly remarks here and there. Anyway, somehow during lecture we got in a little argument over the two teams. We went from Gerrard and Lampard to the match the other week and such, nothing too serious. I guess I overstepped the line when I called out his team and said their season is basically over but I wasn't surprised. Mind you I said this humorously, not rudely. He proceeded to RIP into me about how I need to stop bringing it up all the time and learn to keep my mouth shut about things when I don't have all the facts.
It didnt make much sense to me, but wow, I thought he had a better sense of humor. Anyways, afterwards I had a little chuckle and felt the need to share. That is all.