20 years ago today April 15th 1989 96 Liverpool fans went to an FA Cup Semi Final held at Hillsborough stadium. 96 never went home. RIP
age in parrenthesis
John Alfred Anderson (62) Thomas Howard (39)
Colin Mark Ashcroft (19) Thomas Anthony Howard (14)
James Gary Aspinall (18) Eric George Hughes (42)
Kester Roger Marcus Ball (16) Alan Johnston (29)
Gerard Bernard Patrick Baron (67) Christine Anne Jones (27)
Simon Bell (17) Gary Philip Jones (18)
Barry Sidney Bennett (26) Richard Jones (25)
David John Benson (22) Nicholas Peter Joynes (27)
David William Birtle (22) Anthony Peter Kelly (29)
Tony Bland (22) Michael David Kelly (38)
Paul David Brady (21) Carl David Lewis (18)
Andrew Mark Brookes (26) David William Mather (19)
Carl Brown (18) Brian Christopher Mathews (38)
David Steven Brown (25) Francis Joseph McAllister (27)
Henry Thomas Burke (47) John McBrien (18)
Peter Andrew Burkett (24) Marion Hazel McCabe (21)
Paul William Carlile (19) Joseph Daniel McCarthy (21)
Raymond Thomas Chapman (50) Peter McDonnell (21)
Gary Christopher Church (19) Alan McGlone (28)
Joseph Clark (29) Keith McGrath (17)
Paul Clark (18) Paul Brian Murray (14)
Gary Collins (22) Lee Nicol (14)
Stephen Paul Copoc (20) Stephen Francis O'Neill (17)
Tracey Elizabeth Cox (23) Jonathon Owens (18)
James Philip Delaney (19) William Roy Pemberton (23)
Christopher Barry Devonside (18) Carl William Rimmer (21)
Christopher Edwards (29) David George Rimmer (38)
Vincent Michael Fitzsimmons (34) Graham John Roberts (24)
Thomas Steven Fox (21) Steven Joseph Robinson (17)
Jon-Paul Gilhooley (10) Henry Charles Rogers (17)
Barry Glover (27) Colin Andrew Hugh William Sefton (23)
Ian Thomas Glover (20) Inger Shah (38)
Derrick George Godwin (24) Paula Ann Smith (26)
Roy Harry Hamilton (34) Adam Edward Spearritt (14)
Philip Hammond (14) Philip John Steele (15)
Eric Hankin (33) David Leonard Thomas (23)
Gary Harrison (27) Patrik John Thompson (35)
Stephen Francis Harrison (31) Peter Reuben Thompson (30)
Peter Andrew Harrison (15) Stuart Paul William Thompson (17)
David Hawley (39) Peter Francis Tootle (21)
James Robert Hennessy (29) Christopher James Traynor (26)
Paul Anthony Hewitson (26) Martin Kevin Traynor (16)
Carl Darren Hewitt (17) Kevin Tyrrell (15)
Nicholas Michael Hewitt (16) Colin Wafer (19)
Sarah Louise Hicks (19) Ian David Whelan (19)
Victoria Jane Hicks (15) Martin Kenneth Wild (29)
Gordon Rodney Horn (20) Kevin Daniel Williams (15)
Arthur Horrocks (41) Graham John Wright (17)
Forever Young the faces of our 96
I thought I'd add the Wiki for those that are unfamiliar with the background (as basic a source as Wiki is, but I think it gives a decent background)
And never ever buy the Sun newspaper when in the UK.
"The Arms of God." Liverpool fans pulling fellow Liverpool fans out of the overcrowded pen. (a pen was just that, a pen like sheep or pigs are kept in. One way in and fences stopping you from getting out. The police kept funneling fans into the lower center pen and caused the death of 96 fans. The fans on the second tier did their best to get people to safety.
The police completely mismanaged the crowd control and killed 96 people