Last Ever State Farm Lonestar Showdown

Softball is getting rung up again so that point is now in aggy's total making it 9-5.

Mens golf has made up three shots but still stands nine shots back going into tomorrow, not impossible but very unlikely amount to be able to overcome.

Womens golf has made up their full deficit and is tied with aggy going into the third round.

Baseball game two is about to start, looks like it will be on the women golfers to have a big day tomorrow or baseball to take the two games in Austin starting today.
Texas Softball pulled it out in the bottom of the 7th with two runs and won 7-6. The series is now 1-1 with the deciding game tomorrow at 5:00. Men's Golf had the low round 5 under par for the day but are in second, nine strokes behind A&M. 9 strokes is not insurmountable pending weather, pin placement, and who brings their game but it will be tough tomorrow. The women's Golf team is in 6th one stroke behind A&M with the final round tomorrow as well.
Texas baseball is currently down to A&M 4-0 in the fourth inning.
It's hard to fathom that we had a 9-3 lead going in to the weekend and we very well could lose this thing.

It truly is up to softball tomorrow.
Well it is in fact 9-5 but after all but giving up on the softball point the huge comeback puts that one in play again. Of course baseball promptly went out and crapped the bed so it is in fact now 9-5 with mens golf basically making it 9-6 barring an epic day tomorrow. So two real chances tomorrow with softball and womens golf to win this thing.

Should be an interesting Sunday.
women's golf down by one stroke to A&M after three rounds. Final round pending with play currently suspended due to lightning .
The men dug themselves too big a hole in the first round and never did overcome that poor outing. Making up 9 strokes was an almost impossible task and they came so close to doing it. They may still challenge for the NC.

The women are in a similar close one with aggy up 1 stroke with 8-9 holes to play.
FWHorn is right. You can't win a four round tournament on the first day but you sure can lose it. On the final hole today, Texas had to count two bogeys and a triple. That is a five stroke swing. Hopefully the learning experience will earn a NCAA championship.Women's Golf now needs to pull a Ben Chen.
Congrats to womens tennis they beat aggy 4-2 to win the Big XII tournament and avenge their loss two weeks ago. This one doesnt count for LSS (much like Fridays loss by the men to aggy didnt) but it is sweet to get that tourny title in collieville.
Not ahead of yourself the men had a brief one stroke lead.

Women have a 10 shot lead now with a handful of
holes left. I'm calling this election now for Texas.

That said, I wish we would gift wrap that trophy and send it to Aggy with a card saying been good knowing you, here's a little going away present
for you to remember who the boss was while you were here.

They made a big deal of this thing let them have it
now and see how much they value it after another
Ladies shot best round of day for any team to climb all way to a second place finish 10 strokes ahead of aggy.

The LSS is staying in Austin 10-6 now pending softball tonight and of course the two T&F points. This will either end 10-9 or 11-8 as both of those will go aggy.

Ladies sports stepped up today winning a Big XII Tennis championship and finishing an unexpected second in golf to get the last needed LSS point. Lets hope softball completes a sweep day for the women.

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