Last Ever State Farm Lonestar Showdown

Track and Field counting for 4 points is ludicrous.

I, for one, hope we never again allow ourselves to get suckered in to another marketing gimmick like the Lone Star Showdown.
Sounds like they split the money:

"The already storied rivalry series between the state's two flagship institutions of higher education will be titled and supported financially through a major sponsorship from State Farm Insurance Companies. In a state with more than 1,200 high schools, the Aggies and Longhorns recruit homegrown talent for their broad-based athletics programs. More than 1,300 men and women student-athletes compete for Texas and Texas A&M."

"A logo has been created for use in promotion, advertising, signage, television, and internet publicity efforts. A trophy will designate the Lone Star Showdown champion each year. Host and the two schools are working to increase television and video-streaming exposure of the matchups. Several of the contests already are scheduled for national telecast.

The sponsorship commitment from State Farm was negotiated by UT and Texas A&M representatives with executives from Host Communications, a collegiate marketing and media company with sales offices in Dallas and in Austin and corporate headquarters in Lexington, Ky."

Need we remind our east Texas friends who holds the most trophies?
Just for the record here are the results of the past 8 years competition.

2004-05 UT 14.5 A&M 4.5

2005-06 UT 14 A&M 4

2006-07 UT 10.5 A&M 8.5

2007-08 A&M 10.5 UT 8.5

2008-09 A&M 9.5 UT 9.5 The Aggies retained the cup on the tie breaker.

2009-10 UT 10 A&M 9

2010-11 UT 9.5 A&M 9.5 UT retained the cup by the tie breaker.

2011-12 UT 12 A&M 7

Before this competition for several years we regularly won NCs. In the past 5 years we have only won one. I hope we never get involved in such competition again and Deloss isn't just looking at dollars because too many times maybe the teams were just looking at winning the points to win the cup rather than NCs. Me - I wanted both but I would rather have NCs than a cup any time and maybe this was a distraction.
Re: ...and maybe this was a distraction.

I think it had to do a lot with aggy's improvement in many areas. It clearly gave them a trophy within reach; much more so than loftier goals. It's the old shoot-for-the-moon-if-you-miss-you-land-among-the-stars mentality; it worked for them some.

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