Last Ever State Farm Lonestar Showdown

Not at all tamster and what a great win by our football team. This lead is not a big surprise but I expected it to be 4 to 2 instead of 5 - 1 so this is great. We still need 4 1/2 points to tie and retain the cup and 5 to win it and as FW has pointed out the last 5 points are going to be difficult maybe as difficult as it was to get our great football win. The competition resumes with basketball on 1-11-12 and I will add more analysis later. A great job by our volleyball and football teams sweeping the points this week.
Now that we have had time to enjoy the great wins this week I am going to put my thoughts in since we don't resume till January. We have 5 points and need 5 more towin it outright or 4 1/2 to tie and we own the tiebreaker and still retain the cup. I am now going to list my opinions on the rest of the competition. Of course there is probably going to be surprises both ways as like last year but this is my projection and of course I want FW and the rest of you to post your thoughts and opinions. A big difference not addressed by State Farm is that softball plays three games this year and whoever wins 2 out 3 will probably get the full point but State Farm is slow addressing the issue. Because of this I don't expect a 9 1/2 to 9 1/2 tie but it will most likely be 10 to 9 or 11 to 8.

Men's Basketball - I would love to be wrong but we are a young team and I expect the Aggies to get the sweep. Unfortunately the first game is in CS while we are still getting things together. It would be a big advantage if we could get a split and 1/2 point but I don't think so.

Women's Basketball - We have lost I think 13 in a row to them and expect it to be 15 in a row after they meet twice.

Men's Swimming and Diving - Of course we should take this one and hopefully get an NC this year.

Men's Indoor Track and Field - The Aggies point of course.

Softball - Unfortunately I think they will give the point to whoever wins two games out of three and I think the Aggies will get them.

Men's Golf - This is going to be very close. We came close to getting last year and blew it on the last day. We are a year older and I think we edge out the Aggies.

Women's Golf - I think we take it again this year.

Men's Tennis - We lost a close one last year and with tranfers and a young team I give it to the Aggies. I hope I am wrong of course.

Women's Tennis - We won it last year and I think we will it this year in spite it being in CS. It will be close though.

Men and Women's Outdoor Track and Field - These will be the final events and hopefully we have take care of business because the Aggies will get both points.

This gives us 9 points to the Aggies 8. The following are too close to call for me and they could go either way. Hopefully we can get at least one of them and retain the cup.

Women's Indoor Track and Field - I know most give this one to the Aggies but we came so close last year and are a year older. The Aggies should win but I think we have a good chance to take it. I hope we can get it.

Baseball - It may come down to this and even though we have dominated in the past I think it will be tough this year. I hope we get it.

Go Horns! Let's keep the Cup in Austin!
Mens swimming may be as big a favorite for the Horns as the two outdoor T&F's are for aggy. I also like Texas to get the two golf points and womens tennis as well. That gets Texas to nine points and just one win needed for the win.

That point could come from mens tennis which is in Austin and while aggy may be slightly stronger I put that one in the toss up and hope that home court gets Texas the point. With Luna on the mound I am a little more optimistic about the softball point and with Stafford back and two in Austin as well as Augie ownage of all things aggy I like our chances in that point too. Dont sleep on womens indoor T&F as Bill pointed out we were oh so close last year and that is where Bev actually matches up well with Pat Henry's crew. That is four toss-ups for one point.

I agree that the other three T&F points would be a huge upset. Getting anything out of basketball too would be nice but not expected.

My prediction:

Texas wins 11-7 getting both golf, both tennis, mens swimming and baseball.
FWIW, my personal take is that football's effort and win defines the trend, and we take the close ones, and the cup, handily.
The Competition resumes next Wednesday (1-11-12) with a men's basketball game in Austin and the Women's basketball game at CS. This will be the only competition in January. After results with Rice I am hoping our men can win in Austin. Let's hope Brown gets over his injury and the team is at their best. Before the season I had little hope on getting any points from our basketball game but right now I am hoping our men can at least get a split and I think it has got to be with this coming game. We will see.
Huge night for the Horns as a full point is won in basketball where most of us thought Texas would be unable to get even a 1/2 point.

The lead is now 6-1 and there are a ton of paths to winning this competition for one last time. Texas now has some breathing room to not have to win both tennis points and both golf points.

Have to figure mens swimming makes this 7-1 and then just 2 and 1/2 points are needed from a ton of possible places.

This isnt over but the fat lady is definitely warming up her lungs.
I don't follow or care about the showdown but I do follow y'all following it and your excitement. So forgive me when I ask what the record is for winning this. I know we have won it more than they have but what is the margin? Was this something they came up with, pushed through and got done or it just happened? It'd be funnier if they wanted this and got handed their butts over the time this existed.

Thanks, I'll hand up and listen.
Texas has won it four times, aggy once and there have been two ties with each school retaining the trophy once as a result of those ties (think Ryder Cup).
Absolutely a great night as worse case aggy gets zero bump from basketball. Any points in T&F now will basically seal the deal.
Seattle, If you followed Texas Women's basketball, you'd know that they have NOT be "LADY" anything since long before the Big 12 started. PLEASE. We'd be glad to welcome you to this century.
An outstanding job by our two basketball teams. I thought the men might have a chance and they pulled it off and gave us a valualbe half point. Way to go Men!
I didn't think our Ladies had a chance but they went to CS and beat the Aggies in a hostile crowd. I have been critical of the Ladies for losing so many in a row to the Aggies but just as I can be critical I can be lavish in my praise. Way to go Horns! A perfect time to end the Aggie win streak and give us a most valuable half point. Super job Ladies. Way to Go Horns!!

This 6-1 lead is very important. Well done by all our teams. Let's keep it going Horns.
The next few events will be on Feb. 3 with Men's Swimming and Diving point on the line at CS and the UT men should take it.
Then on Feb. 6, we have Men's Basketball at CS with 1/2 point on the line and on March 4 we have Women's Basketball 1/2 point on the line at Austin.

Then several points on the line in April where there is lots of action starting on April 14 with Men's Tennis in Austin.

Come on Horns. Let's win this trophy.
Reply to basketsofhorn (choose one):

1) After today's game, put the Lady back in the name


2) Last century, pre-B12, was actually pretty good for the Lady Longhorns. 1986 comes to mind...
I just realized in the 6-1 score that the one point aggy scored represents a sport where that coach is no longer coaching at Texas. Maybe Dodds and Plonsky and have laid down the law similar to Donna Lopiano. Rather than be in the Top 10 or find a new job, it's beat A&M or find a new job.
Great find by Super Dave. Both indoor track teams are actually ranked ahead of aggy. I still think that we will be fortunate to get even one point but that anyy aggy path to winning this competition has to include all four T&F points so winning either one would be huge and signal a possible blow out in the final tally for this last ever competition.

I still have Horns winning this 11-7 but with an unexpected full point from basketball and the possibility of a track point that could balloon to 12-6 or even 13-5. Nice way to say bye to our aggy cousins.
Bill, Baylor then. Watch for the same questionable recruiting practices they have resorted to in WBB, MBB and Tennis to surface in the other women's sports.

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