Lache Seastrunk

That was a great article on Lache.. very truthful. He is a wonderful strong young man. He is on the right track and has support, I know the sky is Lache's limit. He works hard and deserves the best!
Great talent. Hope we can get him in Austin. He will shine in Burnt Orange.
My guess is that lsu being in 2 bcs bowls recently is big.
This kid can play and he is from our great state, we need to keep him in Austin. UT offers a great place to shine your talent, great environment and a great education. Not many schools offer all 3.
Kid's got some serious speed...he's one jet out of Bell county that I'd love to see come to Texas, and STAY at Texas!
Holy poo.....this kid is deceptively fast. His stride is huge and seems to have a nitro button he pushes at will.

I heard he looks good as a storm trooper too.

Lache has almost eclipsed the last great Temple product and he hasn't even begun his junior year.

(post edited for dumbness)

without getting into specifics, he gave a absolutelyt glowing report of his camp at UT last weekend per Orangebloods. He loved it and was very open in saying how much.
sorry, Orangebloods, is a pay site and I am a member. I am honoring my agreement with that site and not posting the specific quotes and information from their story.
"without getting into specifics, he gave a absolutelyt glowing report of his camp at UT last weekend per Orangebloods. He loved it and was very open in saying how much".

many thanks for the update. You told us as much in 2 sentences as Ketchum can provide in a whole page. And we didn't have to pay 10 bucks for it. I appreciate it.
He was on the radio today and said that he'd come back to UT again for another visit today. He said he plans on coming to all of our home games and likes the coaches, knows a bunch of players (Aaron Williams, eg) etc. He also plans on visiting LSU and OU when time allows. He came across as a nice, smart kid.
Really excited about the prospect of getting Lache. He appears to be an amazing kid, with amazing talent and an amazing family. Come on down.
I like our chances.....

He likes UT

Major has been in Temple and went to the spring game

Marquise Goodwin is Lache's buddy....

Coach Goodwin in Temple is Marquise's uncle..that is how they know each other
Without wishing to steal too much of Ketchum's thunder ---- and really, everybody should be signed up for, anyway, as it is a stunning value ---- there is one quote from Lache in his recent update that made me smile about six feet wide:

"Mack Brown is the greatest man in the world."

I hope Lache keeps feeling the love.

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