Good morning everyone...long time listener, first time poster so to speak. I thought this topic would be perfect for me to chime in on. As someone who is close to the Temple program (no, not a coach) I have been watching Seastrunk long before he had any of this hype. If you haven't seen him play, Friday against Plano would be a great opportunity...he is as good as advertised.
To the post above that says Texas is not actively recruiting him...according to his personal trainer (whom I trust his word), Major Applewhite called during a streching session two days ago. Sounds to me like they are actively recruiting! By all accounts I have heard from people who know, he is LEANING towards LSU right now...he hasn't made up his mind. To realize this means absolutely nothing, just look at Ryan Perilloux or Darrell Scott....they were both leaning towards Texas until signing day.
Anyways, I am a lifetime Texas kinda guy...went to the University and now religiously follow the program. Its nice to finally be a part of these discussions.