Kavanaugh's SC Confirmation Hearings

There is a reason Mark Judge is hiding nor was subpeoned. He's a loose cannon. Based on Judge's own writings, he'd dispel the Kavanaugh as a choir boy myth were he forced to testify.

Kavanaugh will get to the Supreme Court.

Conservatives never cared whether Ford's story was accurate or not. Just remember "Boys will be boys" should be what y'all tell your daughters when they expose their next #MeToo moment. Defeating those evil liberals was more important.
No, I would say the process is important to finding the truth.
One of these days, they are going to kill someone over not getting their way on a political question. Maybe multiple someones

It is at least a little curious they dont seem to know where Ellison's office is. Different standards for different folks

All four people Ford stated were present (the number changed for Ford) submitted sworn testimonials under penalty of the law that they were not aware of any such event. Her close friend was one of them and added she was never anywhere with Kavanaugh.

The Democrats sank to another desperate level. They tried to destroy him simply for their own benefit. They also destroyed Ford in the process.

Liberals never cared whether Ford's story was accurate or not. Just remember, "you are guilty until proven innocent" should be what y'all tell your sons when they expose their next #metoo movement. Defeating those evil conservatives was more important.
So what is the reason the accuser was happy to give a pass to her lifelong friend Leland Keyser? Loose cannon? Afraid of the real truth?
"Keyser’s lawyer, Howard Walsh, responded to the committee late Saturday in a written statement.
“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” the attorney wrote".
One of these days, they are going to kill someone over not getting their way on a political question. Maybe multiple someones

It is at least a little curious they dont seem to know where Ellison's office is. Different standards for different folks

The irony also being that they say Trump and the Rs are all fascists, yet they allow this sort of protest. The complete opposite of fascism.
...Also IMO, this hints at one of the reasons Trump retains such a high core loyalty. Most Republicans play scared and do not fight back. Everyone with an IQ above 90 can see what is going on here and what this is really about. Yet too many Rs are willing to just lay back and let it happen, as if it were inevitable.....

Trump showed them part of the blueprint for success

It's all a sham -- check out their long-reserved url's

11 won't have an answer
11 did the conservatives ever call any candidate anything close to being a rapist?
Conservatives NEVER tried to drag kagan or sotomayer through the mud.
As JF pointed out even the final vote does not show any conservative trying to " stop the confirmation of a Democratic candidate"
just as SH won't have an answer on why he thinks Judge won't be asked to testify because he might be a loose cannon but won't be able to explain why Dems won't want Leland to testify. remember she has reported she does not know Kavanaugh and has no memory of being at a party where Brett was with or without the accuser being there
Republican pollster Glen Bolger is saying that the GOP is getting "a significant jump in GOP voter interest in the elections this week."
And "The Dem intensity advantage is melting away."

He credits the "Kavanaugh effect"

But warns "remains to be seen if it lasts. GOP campaigns should not assume their turnout concerns are done."
Yeah because conservatives would never try to stop the confirmation of a Democratic appointee.
Blocking a nominee is one thing. Destroying a good mans life and reputation without any corroborating evidence is quite another. I hope there is at least a single Democrat with an ounce of integrity that will stand up and say that what happened was wrong and shameful. Just one.
Folks, when people come out of the woodwork claiming sexual assault after 30-40 years have passed during election/nomination times you can bet it's not on the up and up.
We will see won't we?
Whether there will be a Dem who will admit this has been a disgraceful attempt to ruin a man and his family
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To respond to everyone who says that conservatives wouldn't do this, I was referring more to not even allowing a hearing for Garland. The chief judge in Kavanaugh's DC circuit court.

But regarding the actual appointees by Obama/Clinton, what dirt did they have? Own it. Do what Blasey Ford did or the other two people who say that Kavanaugh drunkenly groped them. If you really wanted to stop the confirmation of Sotomayor, then call her out on whatever conduct she exhibited in her past as well. If you honestly believe that conservatives will only consider the judicial merits of the person assuming the lifetime appointment and nothing else, then we're at an impasse. There's a calculating reason that Kavanaugh mentioned his love of beer, and it wasn't to show off his judicial merits. I'll agree that the media is typically friendlier to liberals, but not to the point of completely ignoring scandals the size of Clarence Thomas'. If you don't think the current scenario applies, then flip the script and see how you would react if President Hillary Clinton nominated a circuit court judge who was accused of sexual assault. Both Clinton and the nominee would be crucified by the GOP majority. You can't point to RBG or Kagan as a past example of how that's not true.
Unless we didn't believe her story.

That's easier when one starts by assuming the accuser is lying or inferring that the behavior was not assault. "Boys will be boys" is what multiple people stated earlier on this thread.

As the father of 3 teenage boys, I can't imagine thinking the ascribed behavior by Ford being acceptable. This is why conservatives will lose a generation of women when all is said and done.

Note that I'm NOT defending any Democrat politician and how they handled this situation. They clearly played politics.

Dr. Ford was simply trying to tell her story. The treatment by those on the right, and those on this board, should make anyone with a daughter ashamed. "Boys will be boys" indeed.
Yeah because conservatives would never try to stop the confirmation of a Democratic appointee.

They let a pro-life justice be replaced by the God-hating chief counsel for the ACLU.

To respond to everyone who says that conservatives wouldn't do this, I was referring more to not even allowing a hearing for Garland.

They didn't try to destroy him as a human being and ruin his family. Might they do it in the future? I hope not, but it would be hard to blame them if they did.
That's easier when one starts by assuming the accuser is lying or inferring that the behavior was not assault.

Personally, I didn't assume the accusation was false. However, when none of the so-called witnesses backed any of it up, some pretty basic details were absent, and when it went against the accused's character and record, it became pretty clear that the accusation did not deserve the presumption of truthfulness that the Democratic Party and leftist media gave it.

"Boys will be boys" is what multiple people stated earlier on this thread.

That's a ruse and a phony narrative. Has somebody said "boys will be boys?" I'm sure they have. I sure as hell haven't, and I haven't seen any Republican senators say that. What I have heard is that we shouldn't presume guilt without any corroboratimg evidence. That used to be a pretty basic concept.

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