Kavanaugh's SC Confirmation Hearings

The only shot now is that Kavenaugh's defense so enflames the GOP that they get their people in line and go all in to confirm. And if they can get enough red state dems' feet held to the fire, they might have a shot to pull this off with a couple of defections.
Gotta love the part on Kav's talking about his calendar when he explained as a 17 yo he was feeding the poor AND did tutoring of IIRC mentally challenged kids.
Not exactly the profile of a gang rapist.
WHPS Sanders said--

"Lindsey Graham has more decency and courage than every Democrat member of the committee combined. God bless him."

I have to admit I have never much cared for Graham. Until today.
And it sounds like a Dem is coming over too


Glenn Reynolds: "Had he received a normal confirmation, I suspect Kavanaugh would have been a bit of an establishment squish. I rather doubt that he’ll be that now."

I sure hope he's right.
....I do feel confident concluding this much -- there is no chance any prosecutor could get a conviction off this testimony. None would even take it to trial.
In fact, I will go so far as to say that, with these facts, she could not win a civil trial even with its significantly lower burden of proof. As an example, let's say Ford sued Kavanaugh in small claims court for $100, alleging he borrowed that amount from her 38 years ago in front of 4 other people. And today, all 4 of those eyewitnesses deny it. Combine this with Ford's additional self-contradictions and she would have no chance of winning a judgement in a civil trial..."

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So... Kavanaugh isn't a sexual predator? But doesn't Mitchell say #ibelieveher?
Actually, #ibelieveher. Mitchell that is.
Want a cherry on top?

The perfect way to hammer the final nail on this shameless period in US history would be for Trump to force the release of all the names of people in Congress who have settled sexual harassment cases using taxpayer money. To hell with these people (regardless of party, release them all)
Apparently this is the leaker of the Ford letter -- Heather C. Sawyer. She works for Feinstein
HEATHER C. SAWYER – Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame

It hasn't been confirmed that she was the leaker, but Ford went to Anna Eschoo, who took the matter to Feinstein. Eschoo, Feinstein, and Ford were the only ones who knew about it. The leak basically had to come from one of them or from someone who works for them. It really doesn't matter who exactly picked up the phone and called the Washington Post.
The only shot now is that Kavenaugh's defense so enflames the GOP that they get their people in line and go all in to confirm. And if they can get enough red state dems' feet held to the fire, they might have a shot to pull this off with a couple of defections.

I think Kavanaugh's defense coupled with a Graham's comments are enflaming the Right. I think they figure that if even a conciliatory and bipartisan guy like Graham is in a rage, then it must be pretty bad.

My guess is that Flake and Murkowski will fall in line. I think Donnelly ultimately will too. Manchin is probably a toss up. Ditto for Collins, though I think she leans in favor.

If the confirmation fails, a major strategy needs to be launched. Collins is from a blue state and would surely be replaced by a liberal Democrat. She basically gets a pass. If Donnelly and Manchin screw him, there should be a major grassroots conservative effort with big money to take them out this November. If Flake goes "full Judas" and votes No, then it should ruin his DC career. No lobby gig. No cushy DC job. And the GOP should actively screw with anybody who tries to help him. Murkowski should get primaried and not by inexperienced hack like Joe Miller. She needs a real opponent who won't lose a write-in campaign.

But I think they'll all ultimately vote Yes.
He and Graham together may have even motivated some voters

I dont get why this post was pooped upon?

It was posted concurrently with Graham's rousing finger wagging, which came after Kavanaugh's rousing opening. And since then, the sense expressed in the post seems to be confirmed by the general consensus.

I guess there are different degrees to the poop emoji -- you didnt like Graham's seizing the moment? You dont think or like the idea his moment was so big that he may have rallied R-voters? Do you just like tossing the poopoji?
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I don't get how Alaska is not more conservative and holds Murkowski accountable. I expect Collins to not be in line with the Republicans. I totally agree Flake's future career should be threatened and there should be follow through if he screws this up. Hopefully, it ends in a deadlock and Pence gets to swing by and close the deal.
That's quite a staff Feinstein assembled. Chinese spies and LGBT hall of fame leakers.

I liked how, when asked if her staff leaked the letter, she said she hadn't asked them. A minute later she said "no", indicating that her staff hadn't leaked it. She said she'd just asked them?! Apparently she turned around and one of her staff that was in attendance shook his/her head no. Another solid investigation by the Dems.
Hugh Hewitt, talk show host and lawyer, tweeted that the ABA was a liberal advocacy organization. I'd say they lean left.

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