Kamala--Notorious Right Wing News Sources (CBS and NBC) say she's losing.


I refute that she "skipped" all the hurricane meetings. She presided over multiple preparedness meetings getting the kickback contractors lined up.

Maybe I should propose an ordinance to rename "Harris County" to "Kamala Harris County".

Rodney Ellis would never stand for that regardless of how many times she told him he was better than "Bobbie".
The more I hear about and from Emhoff, the less I like him. He seems really slimy and like a crappy husband and father.
I do not judge the man for boinking the nanny (or the babysitter).
Did you hear about the other part? He apparently harassed her so much (likely to get an abortion) that she got so stressed, enough to cause a miscarriage.
Did you hear about the other part? He apparently harassed her so much (likely to get an abortion) that she got so stressed, enough to cause a miscarriage.
Well, I don't judge him for that either, but that sounds rather mean....
Harris is in a hard spot. More campaigning to win the presidency puts all Dems at risk of losing. Doing less reduces risk to congressional dems but likely provides zero chance to win presidency. Since Pelosi runs the party, I expect to see very little of Harris beyond scripted rallies.

Maybe I should propose an ordinance to rename "Harris County" to "Kamala Harris County".
The only good thing about Dora simping for Cackles is that it gets her out of Harris County...but she refuses to answer who is paying for that travel...which means citizens are paying for it out of the mismanaged County budget...
Dora the Explorer is a puppet getting paid a County salary of $185 but that doesn't include "benefits". Follow the strings or the money, it all leads back to the same office, although you might wind up "admiring" the Western Hemisphere's largest collection of really crappy African art.
Wow, Tim Walz is on Fox News Sunday. I guess Kumallah has realized that she needs to reach out to other voters than her extreme left wing base. Too little too later.
Wow, Tim Walz is on Fox News Sunday. I guess Kumallah has realized that she needs to reach out to other voters than her extreme left wing base. Too little too later.
Of course he will talk about closing the border, no tax on tips and tougher sentences for drug/human traffickers. You know, things they have absolutely no intention of following up on.
I truly think the Dems will lose because they have run out of ammunition against Trump. You can brainwash folks for so long. They never talk about the policies that they will actually implement if elected.
True statement. They are apparently willing to count on folks voting against Trump, not for Harris - so they see no reason to state their positions.

She did say she wanted to create an "opportunity economy" that works for everyone. Whatever that means.
I haven''t seen the interview with Shannon Bream, but she is an incredibly nice and sweet woman. She would never go for blood.
She is also extremely vocal about her faith, having written books and as a guest speaker.
She obviously is vehemently against any abortions, and I think, since that is the one thing the Dems have going for them, there will be a good amount of time spent on that.
He is trying to reach a very large audience, lots of Dems watch Fox.

I would be interested in how the abortion issue went, if Shannon was able to pin late term abortions on him and his state, and not get away with his sob stories about a few handfuls of women that had to travel to a different state.

The right could trade sob stories about women, children and men killed, raped, kidnapped, poisoned by Fentanyl, by the illegal immigrants that have come to our country. I personally don't like the dead to be used as political pawns, unless the family wishes to speak about them.

Lawyers, please help me with this. Give me a Roe v Wade for Dummies. In the way back of my brain I though the biggest reason it was passed was due to privacy.
Please don't mock me if I have mixed this memory up with an episode of The Simpsons!
They have been amazingly correct on many issues. :)
Bream did press him on the unlimited abortions through full term as well as post live birth care of botched abortions. He slimed around and tried to divert to how bad Trump is.
Lawyers, please help me with this. Give me a Roe v Wade for Dummies. In the way back of my brain I though the biggest reason it was passed was due to privacy.

Yes, it was based on a constitutional right to privacy. Basically, the Court reasoned that restricting the ability to abort one's unborn child infringed on the woman's right to privacy in making medical decisions. The big problem is that there is no constitutional text to support such a right, so the Court applied the so-called substantive due process doctrine, which is the Court's catch-all "because we don't like it" tool. It's what they turn to when they really hate a law but have no legitimate basis to strike it down. In other words, it's what they use when they're willing to forfeit their legitimacy and act like dictators to futherer their policy preferences.

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