Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Biden s***show headed overseas to hand out money, bow to China and appease Putin. Is it an accomplishment if he doesn’t fall asleep on camera?
I would have added the funny emoji
But while Biden Harris are a joke there is nothing funny about their handling of our country and how the other leaders see them.
Whenever someone prefaces a sentence with "let's be clear" or "i want to be clear" you know they are coming from a place of weakness on a subject. Unsure of their position as you point out.

It is also a way to stall with an answer while the person has a moment longer to think of what they want to say...
Giggle Queen reminded me today of a few people I have met in my life that are somewhat like her. You have met a few also.

You know, someone that, with virtually every statement, giggles, chuckles or laughs at what they just said. I'm not sure I have a precise definition of this personality "trait", if there is one. I've always thought it is someone very insecure about what they are stating or trying hard to seem friendly or make you like them. Kind of a Jr. High or HS trait IMHO, not one the VPOTUS should have.

She just does not seem to be a serious enough person for her office and to lead.
My Nation Danger warning light has been flashing on my dash for weeks.

Hateful & Marxist Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice continue to whisper or shout into the ear of Joe Biden every day.

Sleepy and corrupt Joe is the 3rd term of of America hating Obama.

Joe is continuing the Obama destructive change of America and of capitalism. Of laws, social decency, respect and customs. I know, you libs will ignore this, look the other way. Few eggs have to be broken...

Massive invasion and chaos at the border with Mexico. No vetting of those passing, criminals, drugs, MS13, untreated Covid positive people. Dont worry Harris is all over the issue.

All this change is cloaked in America must change - we are so terribly racist. Our schools needs to indoctrinate students in CRT - social justice must trump reading, writing & rithmetic.

Obama tells Joe, if you are white or the police you are bad, you are automatically racist. You must admit racist guilt and past supremacy attitude. Continue to promote that.

Hey Joe, you dont know me - you assume I am racist. You are wrong. You hate me because I am white. In turn I SAY YOU AND YOUR ADMIN ARE THE RACIST.

Despite freedom of speech, you are also are not allowed to speak negatively toward the Fed gov or question BLM, ANTIFA, CRT, invasion at the border, vaccines, etc.

Going further, the IRS must be weaponized as upper middle, high income or rich - must pay their fair share (despite them all complying with with current tax laws).

Beijing Biden's massive Fed spending will bring on terrible inflation that will hurt the poor and lower middle class the most.... and my kids and grandkids in the future. Economists have been expressing this for weeks and weeks. Inflation will hurt the little guy the left the most.... the very people the left claims to rep and protect., etc. What a joke.

Never mind that Mongo.... China is taking good notes. They see Biden as weak and feckless. They are spending great sums to building up their military and will invade Taiwan soon while thumbing their nose at Joe. It may be this year or next....

At some point, The American People will get tired of the tierrany and will rise up to stop it...
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Don't leave out that your VP Harris repeats over and over and over "root causes" during her Latin America journey to speak to / identify / address.... but do nothing to actually fix... other to throw money at it.
WorsterMan, she is not my VP. Never has been, never will be.:rolleyes1:
Here is a new fun fact about the Biden administration for ya'll.

Did you know that the BLM and gay pride flags may be flown below the American flag at embassies around the world?

We are all Americans...why not just the American flag?

What say you about this?
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Congrats to Biden for growing inflation to 5%! What an accomplishment!
Inflation - the most cruel tax he could devise. Those of us who are retired and living on a fixed income are being heavily penalized by inflation. I can hardly wait for the mid-term elections so these idoits will lose their slim control of Congress.
It is only "new" for Biden because he doesn't remember from one minute to the next. Shame on the people forcing him. The stress must be awful for him.
Shame on anyone who voted for him knowing he was not capable.
It is only "new" for Biden because he doesn't remember from one minute to the next. Shame on the people forcing him. The stress must be awful for him.
Shame on anyone who voted for him knowing he was not capable.
I don’t feel sorry for him. He’s been a corrupt career politician who is getting his comeuppance.

He is uphauling.
we could have had Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Pete Butigug (sp) or even our own Beto O'Rourke.

Trump was a disaster and so any democrat was going to beat him--even Hillary might have this time--- and we got Biden. Consider the alternatives and be grateful.

And thank God for Senator Manchin
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we could have had Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Pete Butigug (sp) or even our own Beto O'Rourke.

Trump was a disaster and so any democrat was going to beat him--even Hillary might have this time--- and we got Biden. Consider the alternatives and be grateful.

And thank God for Senator Manchin

Any Democrat was going to beat Trump? Besides his mean tweets how was Trump a disaster? If not for the amazingly convenient Coronavirus Trump would have won in a landslide.
He lost trade wars with China and our bitter foe Canada. He tried to turn over Europe to Russia.
He gave encouragement to ethnocentrists and zenophobes and did a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the border disaster while doing nothing about the traitors who hired the cheap labor?

he lowered the content and raised the volume on political discourse

and enough people noticed to throw his worthless casino bankrupting, wrestling promoting, collegiate frauding, slut paying diaper wearing butt out
He lost trade wars with China and our bitter foe Canada. He tried to turn over Europe to Russia.
He gave encouragement to ethnocentrists and zenophobes and did a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the border disaster while doing nothing about the traitors who hired the cheap labor?

he lowered the content and raised the volume on political discourse

and enough people noticed to throw his worthless casino bankrupting, wrestling promoting, collegiate frauding, slut paying diaper wearing butt out
Still better than Biden
He lost trade wars with China and our bitter foe Canada. He tried to turn over Europe to Russia.
He gave encouragement to ethnocentrists and zenophobes and did a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the border disaster while doing nothing about the traitors who hired the cheap labor?

he lowered the content and raised the volume on political discourse

and enough people noticed to throw his worthless casino bankrupting, wrestling promoting, collegiate frauding, slut paying diaper wearing butt out
Not sure if any of this is true. Trump raised the profile of China’s threat, something that Biden is coming around to. Trump had to be loud to speak over the media lies. And so on.
He lost trade wars with China and our bitter foe Canada. He tried to turn over Europe to Russia.
He gave encouragement to ethnocentrists and zenophobes and did a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the border disaster while doing nothing about the traitors who hired the cheap labor?

he lowered the content and raised the volume on political discourse

and enough people noticed to throw his worthless casino bankrupting, wrestling promoting, collegiate frauding, slut paying diaper wearing butt out
Is this better than Trump?

Trump didn't lose a trade war with China. Most importantly, trade isn't a war, it's social cooperation where the people of the world enrich each other. However, he did harm trade between the US and China. American farmers first and other industries were hurt by the tariff tit for tat.
Is this better than Trump?

I agree that there's a double standard. However, the "she won't visit the border" critique is starting to grate on me. Let's be honest. We don't care if Kamala Harris goes to the border for the same reason we didn't care that Ted Cruz went to Mexico during the power outage. There's nothing she can do to solve the problem by visiting the border that she can't do from her office or anywhere else. This trend of politicians flooding to the scene of crises is stupid and superficial and entirely for self-serving photo opportunities, not to actually solve the problem.

Furthermore, if she had gone to the border, would we criticize her less? AOC went to the border. Did we respect her more for it? Of course not. If anything, we respected her less for it. We criticize Harris because we don't like the Administration's policies, and there's nothing wrong with that. We have that right, and we should. However, this freakout that she isn't visiting the border is dishonest. I don't care if she goes there. You don't care if she goes there. Republican politicians and commentators don't care if she goes there.

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