Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

Let's see.

Abandoned trailer found full of smuggled illegal aliens in SA... 51 dead and a dozen hospitalized....

Joe - you got their blood on your shaky hands.

Your inaction protecting our border is allowing the cartels to engage in ongoing human trafficking and drug smuggling.

100,000 fentanyl related deaths in the US last year due to drug smuggling over our border.

Joe - you got their blood on your shaky hands.
Of course Leftists will blame Republicans for not making the border completely open so smuggling wouldn't be needed.

I don't agree with that stance, but assumptions will determine opinions on this issue.
So this floozie testifies at the Jan 6th hearing saying she heard from someone else that Trump assaulted secret service agents while trying to grab the steering wheel of the beast. Is the beast a Toyota Corolla? Because that's about the only way I see this scenario happening. And the story is so bad that even liberal journalists have to report that the agents in question are willing to testify that her statements are completely false.

Does this not just completely invalidate this stupid hearing?
Better yet was Raskin admitting that this was not a court of law and nobody was being charged...yet they still insist on swearing people in before they testi-lie.
The dude she "heard "it from denies ever telling her that.
He has been with the SS for over 20 years.
The 2 SS guys in the SUV ( NOT the "beast" as she claimed in sworn testimony)
deny Trump ever tried anything or swung at an agent.
They also have decades of SS to POTUS and will testify under oath.
Who has more credibility?
I'm not a lawyer or anything, but isn't that the textbook definition of "hearsay", and inadmissible as evidence?
C'mon mean you REALLY never took action against an employee because your next door neighbor's friend's cousin's supervisor said they had heard that someone at the next gas pump over said they overheard someone talking about your assistant doing something that might have been questionable?

I mean, really...that is SOLID if ever there was conclusively solid evidence...
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is at the lowest level since 1985
Thanks joe
At least Trump bought and added to it or it would be more dire than it is.
I keep wondering just how low it can go before it’s critical. And I wonder if China and Russia wonder the same thing. I cannot imagine them not having a figure in mind.
Man this recent effort of Biden admin to spin gas prices as our contribution to the anti-Russia war effort is lame. The commercials this fall write themselves.

"The Dem's in congress say that you paying $7 a gallon is your way of contributing to THEIR new LIBERAL world order. you think you're getting your money's worth?"
I just heard on radio that Biden sold 5 billion barrels of OUR petroleum to Asia and Europe last month.
That has got to be an error in reporting. I will check out when I can but does anyone know?
Biden and his DOJ think that ilegals should be allowed to vote in our elections if they're living in the U.S. (illegally)??? Incredible! If you follow their line of thinking, then they should be allowed to vote absentee. Let's take it the rest of the way on their line of reasoning - let everyone in the world vote in our elections, citizens or not. I imagine the Russians could steer our elections the direction they want - same for the Chinese.
I'm shaking my head in total disbelief - the Democrats just can't be serious - can they? :brickwall:
Biden and his DOJ think that ilegals should be allowed to vote in our elections if they're living in the U.S. (illegally)??? Incredible! If you follow their line of thinking, then they should be allowed to vote absentee. Let's take it the rest of the way on their line of reasoning - let everyone in the world vote in our elections, citizens or not. I imagine the Russians could steer our elections the direction they want - same for the Chinese.
I'm shaking my head in total disbelief - the Democrats just can't be serious - can they? :brickwall:

They're very serious. It's how they get more D voters.
Man this is getting crazy….. heard it claimed today that some of that reserve oil is actually going to China. China for goodness sake!!! And I’m sticking to my fear that we’re going to get the reserves so low we’ll be in serious trouble. If no other reason can you imagine what the cost would be to replace it now?

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