Joe Biden Accomplishment Thread

And I’m sticking to my fear that we’re going to get the reserves so low we’ll be in serious trouble. If no other reason can you imagine what the cost would be to replace it now?

I think this is part of the plan. Make oil so scarce and costly that people (hopefully to them) would turn on the industry. Redistribution of wealth to the west coast (from Texas, Oklahoma, La, etc)
There is speculation Biden etal are going to try to shut down Permian by claiming environmental issues.
We can see this happening but how can it be stopped?
Horn2 my fears are beyond that speculation, I’m fearful the reserves get so low our enemies sense an opportunity of weakness. You cannot fight/defend without oil - period. And who the hell is going to send us oil, Israel, the Uk?

To be fair, this is a little deceptive. They have the largest in terms of the number of ships, but that isn't the biggest indicator of naval power. In fact North Korea has a lot of ships, but are they a major naval power? No. In terms of tonnage, we still have by far the largest and the strongest navy.
To Nash's point bigger or not our Navy is less about being combat ready and more about being "woke"
The Army is giving them lessons
When I was commissioned in the USAF (1968), the mission of USAF was to "organize, train and equip air forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained combat operations in the air."
I don't recall anything in the mission statement about social responsibility. Guess I really am a dinosaur.
Sort of Joe related...but with "Dr." Jill


Whoever wrote that line for her is likely now reassigned. Terrible comment

If it were jill Biden winging it, I'll give her a Senior Pass just like I did barbara bush. The older people get the more seemingly bizarre **** comes out of their mouth. They had a different meaning to their words than what was conveyed.

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