I have to agree paso. His context was that an entire race was "lazy" and were better off when they had a slavemaster forcing them to pick cotton. The reason all but a few of the RW media are jumping off the Bundy train is because there is no appropriate "context" for his views. Any way you look at it he's racist, and I don't say that lightly.
You know, he'd have been better off simply pointing out the welfare class, regardless of race...but he didn't. He didn't acknowledge a substantial caucasion population that is in the same situation as "the negro" he pointed out. The fact that he sees it as a racial issue and not a class issue is why he's a racist. His analogy to slaving times simply reinforced his racist status.
Back to the original issue, he's a welfare recipient himself yet doesn't directly receive a check from the government. He simply profits from the use of raw materials that don't belong to him. There is no dispute on that. Anywhere someone is using US taxpayer land to profit the government should do everything within their power to halt it or profit from it. It's that "profit" that limits the tax exposure for you and I.