It's time

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The Breitbart ******** as you call it is on various news outlets. The BLM took over 100 acres of a person's private property a few years back and now they are going to use that as a precedent. They didn't even pay the guy, they just took his land that had been in his family for generations. I would like to see them come after your property without compensating you for it to see how loud you would yell. But you probably wouldn't notice it anyway with your head so deep in the sand.
Tell me why the BLM needs to be involved in a "boundary matter"? Shouldn't that be between the states? Texas and Oklahoma have already went to court over the boundary and settled it. This is just another land grab attempt.
Have you read the prior court case involving the 100 acres?

Nope. I have read a synopsis though and I generally understand the legal issue. I do not care much other than that the issue was resolved in court not at the point of a rifle. The landowner lost to the BLM.

As I understand what occurred, the river shifted north a bit and the Texan just took the "new" land. The Court ruled that it was federal land either because it was still in Oklahoma or because it was part of the streambed. This is hardly a land grab other than by the Texan who just took the 100 acres when the bank shifted. The issue involves a rather complex issue of erosion and a legal definition that differs in Texas and Oklahoma.

The BLM is surveying the Red River and deciding what, if anything, to do about some additional land (BLM says it is nowhere near 90,000 acres). If they do decide that it is federal land, they will go to court and abide by what a judge determines.

This is the way our system works.
Republican politicians have already started abandoning Bundy since those comments. Some local Nevada TV station is also reporting that there is no record of Bundy's family owning any land in that area before 1945 when his parents purchased the land, after the BLM was created. This guy may turn out to be a flake just like some of those on the Left that they like to glom onto for some cause only to realize that the spokesperson has a seedy past.
The only thing puzzling to me is how so many on the right keep falling for this ******** over and over and over again. I do not get this.
It's amazing how faux manipulates it's puppets without their realizing it. I couldn't find even a LINK to the welfare cowboy story on their website now!
What ******** Paso? We're not talking about Bundy as a person, this thread is about taking back the land. Rog, I see your mom let you back on the computer.
You guys are so full of ****.

You attack the government for being armed when these wackjobs had weapons and had threatened the federal officials. They had been defying a federal court order since 1998 on one parcel and 2013 on another. How else were the cattle to be removed?

And then you still want to argue about it.


I'm struggling to understand the disproportionate Federal response angle when these images of the militia are out there for anyone to see. In fact, most of these were proudly being displayed on RW sites. Were you expecting an unarmed IRS agent to show up with taped up glasses in the context of the Bundy call to arms and previous threats? I'm not sure who actually evicts squatters where you live but in Seattle it's the King County Sheriff deputies that show up to remove the occupants. Of course, I doubt any have every had to deal with "militia" armed and aiming weapons at them.





You hitch your point to a wackjob and now want to distance yourself from him. I get this. I am not letting you do it. You own Bundy and his goofy nonsense.

some posters think if they repeat crap enough others will believe it
No one in this thread hitched to Bundy as some kind of folk hero.
He should pay what he owes
and for those trying to show that the armed Feds were in response to civilian militia go back and read the Las Vegas paper's link I posted. They who were there reported hundred armed agents deployed to the area and reported there was NO armed civilians in the area.
The armed civilians came AFTER the armed feds showed up. That doesn't make them showing up the right thing to do.

BTW which side fired the ONLY shots fired?

If y'all think armed federal response is ok when people don't follow federal law then let's apply it equally.
I know you're trying to discredit the whole thing because of something he said, great try on that maneuver but It could've been anyone in that position and I would still feel the same way. But this thread is about taking back the lands, not about Bundy the person. Very alinskyesque move on your part.......

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