here is LV paper reporting BLM admiitted to killing 2 bulls
The Link
AND here is a Bretibart link reporting the BLM Admitting they killed Bundy's cattle
yes it is a Breitbart link and no BLM person is named so those who think the Gov't would never do that can cling to that
from Link
'The Bureau of Land Management is confirming it killed six cattle as part of its standoff against the Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville, NV.
“A total of six cattle died or were euthanized,” a BLM official told Breitbart News.
The official listed the dead livestock cataloged by the BLM explaining, “The Bundy branded bull that was euthanized posed a significant threat to employees during the gather. The Bundy branded cow ran into a fence panel injuring its spine and was euthanized.” The dead animals listed by the official were:
•1 Bundy branded bull was euthanized
•1 Bundy branded cow was euthanized
•1 unbranded bull was euthanized
•1 unbranded cow was euthanized
•1 unbranded bull died
•1 unbranded cow died
The Link
If the Breitbart site is making this up that will come out soon enough