This is going in circles now.
You guys need to read the court orders and educate yourselves. This is not difficult.
The government was removing his cattle that was trespassing on government owned land. The cattle was to be sold at auction to pay the amount Bundy owed the government and for the cost of removing them (the removal cost was likely to be more than the cattle are worth). Bundy was ordered in 1998 and then in 2013 to remove his cattle from two different parcels of government land. These orders are public documents signed by real federal judges. He appealed the 1998 order and lost. I do not think he appealed the 2013 order. Bundy has never complied and is a trespasser.
The 2013 order was signed by a judge appointed by none other than St. Ronnie Reagan. This should not be some mystery to any side of this debate and yet mysteriously one side just does not seem to get this or even realize this is the culmination of a long legal dispute that Bundy repeatedly lost. The guy has been trespassing on land in defiance of a court order for six years in one case and almost a year in another. This is not a "good" or "innocent" guy. He is deliberately flaunting two judgments.
Bundy also owes $1.2 million for grazing fees, penalties, and interest. He has never paid. He has been billed and has a judgment that he could pay (the being presented with a bill is ********). His "defense" was to challenge the legitimacy of the federal government in 1998. He lost. He still refuses to pay. He could pay this money into the registry of the federal court or in a Nevada state court (or even the portion he admits he owes), but he has not. He is a thief. There really is not another side to this. Period.
This entire matter is pretty far beyond the tiresome time for me now. The more you educate yourself about Bundy, the less sympathetic he becomes. He is a thief and is probably crazy. He also insists on putting his children and grandchildren at risk and he called in armed militia to escalate this situation. I have zero sympathy or empathy for him of any of his supporters.