I am an independent and will not vote for either candidate because Obama is completely without substantive experience and McCain is completely arrogant.
However, I have to laugh about the people who say Biden will chew her up in a debate. Debating is a completely different skill set from voting in the Senate.
Obama (who has almost no qualifications to be President other than he gives nice speeches) has been quoted by most news services as doing poorer than Hillary in the debates even though she is said to be a so-so speaker.
McCain, who gives terrible speeches, is said to be a better debater than Obama.
The Obama people will have to be very careful how they handle the VP debate. The expectations will be low for her in the debate, so if she comes anywhere near being equal to what he says, then Republicans win. If Biden goes after her, he looks mean-spirited and brings up issues about why Obama didn't take Hillary.
Presidential and VP debates are not true debates anyway, they are about who can communicate sound-bites best.
Last rant: other than taking us into a war like Bush (I was against it), the President has very little ability to make change in the country.
If Obama is voted in, he will swing to the center, just like all presidents do. Don't believe me? Bill Clinton was one of the best REPUBLICAN Presidents of the last few presidencies (NAFTA, welfare reform). The country did well, because the economy was doing well which presidents have very little control over other than ability to screw things up.