Biden is going to beat her to a bloody pulp and feast on the remains when their inevitable debate turns toward foreign policy. She's woefully undergunned and outclassed in that area.
And that's a HUGE area.
Internally, just b/c a woman is happy that they have a fellow woman on the ballot doesn't mean they're going to vote for them.
You Rs forget that since day 1 you have been forced to nominate the least weak, least offensive in a field of candidates that is probably the weakest the Rs have fielded in 50 years.
Nobody voted for McCain...they voted against Guiliani, Huckabee, Romney, etc. McCain got it by default.
He's trying to escape that, but he did a woefully sorry job with this pick. But you Rs have been so immersed in a field of bad candidates that someone like Palin actually looks good when, in fact, this is a mistake of IMMENSE proportions.
Never, EVER forget that a VP pick will NOT do a damn thing to win a Presidential race, but they damn sure can LOSE the race for President for you.
She may be a woman, and you may have seen a woman get all excited about this, but a pro-life woman is going to lose every pro-choice woman in the nation, and not only lose, they're going to motivated to CRUSH her b/c woman simply cannot stand another woman who is pro-life. They think of them as someone on the team giving away their playbook to the other team.
~60% of women are pro-choice.
Now, factor in the remaining pro-life women. A large percentage of them are fundamentalist Christians, and the largest denomination in the U.S., and certainly the denomination that has the highest number of fundamentalist, is the Southern Baptist Convention.
The SBC won't even allow a women to be ordained, be a pastor, or have ANY leadership role in the denomination EXCEPT as it relates to teaching other women that their role is to be submissive and honor the "man of the house."
For example, 2 years ago Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary fired the one, and only one, woman that the SBC had teaching theology....she wasn't ordained, but she had a decent Ph.D., decent scholar, was very fundamentalist, scriptural literalist, etc....because the SBC did not think it proper that a WOMAN hold a position of authority over their potential pastors.
They fired her because she was a woman. Period.
Then they changed the curriculum to include cooking classes for woman as well as a classes designed to help woman understand their role as submissive not only at SWBTS, but also NOBTS, SBTS, and SEBTS.
Now, do you think that the SBC is going to line up behind McCain b/c of Sarah Palin given that they won't even allow women to assume a position of deacon or merely head children's ministry in some country church?
You think that they believe it's proper to have a woman a heartbeat away from the Presidency given (a) the inherent authority in the position, and (b) they truly believe by way of written policy that part of President's role is that he is to be a "Christian leader" who will "lead America back to her Bible-believing origins" and that he is to "help lead others to Christ" through his role as President.
And the document is NOT gender neutral. It specifically refers to "he"....and that specific gender reference is intentional.
Trust me....I know SBC politics from the inside and have many friends who are power players in the denomination. I've already fielded 2 calls regarding this matter, and each of them said that this guarantees that they will NOT vote for McCain.
They won't vote for Obama, but their damn sure not voting for McCain. They're staying home.
It's Mitt Romney with a bra.
Massive mistake....huge mistake. McCain has surrounded himself with what has to be the worst staff possible, and unfortunately for him he's listening to them all the way to the point where he's ceased being a "maverick."
Being a "maverick" was his best chance.
This pick is not evidence that he's a "maverick." This pick is signal that he is irrational and desparate. A maverick would have picked Joe Lieberman.
He had to swing for the moon, but he just took strike 3.