Its Sarah Palin

Folks, Obama passed on Hillary to avoid the disaster of having her and Bill inside his own administration making his life a living hell.

I dont blame him.
This could be a brilliant pick or it could be "eh".

Palin could be McCain's answer to the charge that he's just another 4 years of Bush. Or she could look like an idiot in public and hurt him.
There are plenty of qualified, pro life women in the republican party, they've got to be genuinely ticked off right now. I realize she's pro-choice, but did anyone see KBH's tepid defense of this the Palin pick. She was obviously pissed.
I think that's right, Ryan. I think some women will be insulted by what they see as an obvious pander. I think some women will be electrified by the possibility of the first female vice president. I don't know how many fall on each side of the divide, and at this point I really can't even hazard a guess. But I think it's a pick that is dangerous for both sides.

I am intrigued by Jive's comment; and as much as I like Jive and appreciate his commentary, I think he's dead wrong:

In reply to:

GM, there are probably hundreds of other conservatives out there with similar views and experience on energy policies? Was she really the top name from that group?
Experience -McCain wins. Even with Palin on the ticket, Obama will not dare try to bring this argument up, because he doesn't have any .This will not become a battle of who is the best V.P. If anything , the R's will dare the D's to bring up experience. What this pick has the potential to do is energize the R base and sway white undecided women.
McCain is basically now saying Palin is somehow (based on nothing) ready to be president and commander in Chief but Obama isnt

Yeah...that arguement is going to go over real well now. He's now undercut the major part of his campaign
The only benefit I see is not picking off D Hillary supporters but rather retaining R female voters who might go to Obama. Strange pick. I really thought the Rs had found a great argument in the experience thing, but this pick just greatly undermines that argument (unless McCain is the undead).
There is some crappy cover band at the announcement site trying to get a bunch of old people to sing along to a ****** Kiss song.


Interesting choice by McCain.
Experience is still on the table. McCain and Obama are the ones running for president. Do you mean to tell me that the democrats will try to make light of Sarah Palin's inexperience as VP while Obama is running for the presidency? That would be a huge mistake. Palin has run a state and has helped run a business before that. Barack has spent a couple of years in the legislature. Experience is still on the table.
chuy -

Maybe, but all I know is she's an active governor of the state that holds the majority of our country's energy resources who from day one took on the old guard.

As Tanner would say, "I like her, she's got balls."
McCain chooses "celebrity" Palin as running mate.

Can't wait for the Vogue cover to circulate.
Why will she shore up the conservative base? She is pro-life and lifetime NRA, but seems kinda moderate on most issues. She has gay friends and has said she is sensitive to gay discrimination issues. She veto'd a bill to bar benefits to same sex partners (on constitutional grounds), thereby providing the benfits. On the left leaning and GLBT boards I read, the sentiment is that it could have been a lot worse. To me, this translates to a problem with the far right evangelicas that want a true bible beater. But, like most of you, I don't know enough yet.

--plus how can McCain talk about inexperience now?
The more I think about it, the more I think we'll know if this was a good or bad decision based on the VP debate. If she comes out and goes toe to toe with Biden, I think she will answer a lot of the concerns. If she folds up, I think McCain's in trouble.
If she is at all related to Michael Palin, i am voting for this ticket.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
honestly, just a puzzling pick. mccain just undermined his entire flanking strategy on the obama campaign. why would he do that? should by fun to see how it plays out.
We have seen international travel used as an issue against candidates. This may be the first where domestic travel becomes an issue. For her sake, I hope she has been to DC a few times.
Sounds remarkable- yes- I stick by that.

LL answered better than I could about cleaning up the sleaze in AK politics. And her family back story. And her athletics and hunting and guns, and a sensible position on homosexuality that the base is ok with but doesn't sound mean spirited. ANd a beauty queen.

Sounds like the kind of woman most men would want to marry or women would want their daughters to grow up to emulate. Remarkable.

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