Its Sarah Palin

Let me add to that... she handily dispatched a former US Senator with 22 years of experience in the Senate and in the Alaska statehouse. Sounds like she beat someone with the same amount of experience as Joe Biden.
Great pick. Fresh ideas to go along with it.

Getting off of oil in ten years is enough insanity to be impeached. So why should he be elected in the first place? Even the keys I type on are petroleum based. Wow what a huge bad idea and feeding people full of false hopes!
Seriously, I don't understand this pick, well, except from a social conservative perspective. They love her. But otherwise it is a very risky play and something that says that McCain camp really doesn't think they could win without gimmicks, irrespective of what polls say.

And those who think that Clinton women are going to support Palin just because she is a woman, think again. They are diametrically opposed in pretty much everything. She could lock up moderate republican woman though. But where this pick hurts the most is with those who are genuinely concerned about readiness to be president. From am experience perspective, she is as lightweight as can be and like it or not, McCain is 72 and had health problems.
so it's confirmed that hornfans can't discuss the merits of a woman who could be a heartbeat away from President without repeated comments on how fuckable she is. Bravo.
I like this pick. She's hot. I mean, I think that she bring a lot to the ticket.

I'm not "Pro-Abortion", but I don't think anyone is really "Pro-Abortion" (except for the occasional professional athlete). However, I think with an overwhelmingly Democratic congress, things aren't going to change that much in that area.

However I am "Pro-Family". But just like "Pro-Education", I think EVERYONE is "Pro-Family". So I don't know what that actually means. But I'd like to add another pic.


OK, so she has more Executive Experience than Obama.

She is a bit of a maverick who likes to root out corruption.

And the day after the Democratic Convention ends, no one is talking about Obama and McCain & Palin's faces are splattered all over the covers of every internet news site there is. I like it.

So, the experience issue is what she will be attacked on? The Dems are going to have to go after it hard to overcome the Biden soundbites the GOP will be using when attacking Obama's inexperience.

I like the pick. My greatest fear was that McCain would be like Dole, satisfied to have finally got the nomination he was due for so long, and not willing to fight for the office. this is an aggressive, and yes, risky move and it shows McCain really wants to be president.
ok, slightly off-topic, but what what do you guys think the breakdown of right vs. left is on Hornfans? I do think that whatever it is, it's influencing how this pick is being perceived on this board.
Ofcourse, if you are on this board, chances are that you have very set political notions. Some try very hard to pretend otherwise, but that's the reality.
This might seem weird to point out..

But obviously Palin loves Alaska and living in Alaska. She has never lived anywhere else in her 44 years.

I wonder how she and her family will adapt to the Washington DC area and lifestyle, if elected. I could imagine there might be some difficulties there.

I don't know, maybe i am being Partisan, but i can't get over the idea of a life long resident of Alaska, being a heartbeat away. All her political views presumably have been shaped by what she felt was best for Alaska, how does she transition that to a National perspective.

You could argue, other governors have done it. Clinton, Bush, etc. But she has less than 2 years of Gubernatorial experience and before that everything was local.

I think it may help McCain's campaign with votes, but god forbid if she is called into duty as President.

Seems like such an odd pick. McCain's age and ability to serve a full term have always been an issue. Pundits and party officials alike have stressed the importance of picking a VP that could be perceived as able to take over as CiC. This pick ,on the surface, doesn't appear to meet that criteria.

The Maverick is back, baby.
With the increasing chances of a new cold war with Russia I'm not sure how she would react with having the "finger on the button". (Not that I would relish McCain's finger on the button either, since he's known to fly of the handle)
Obviously I wouldn't have voted for McCain for any reason...but reading those last 2 posts really scares me.

What if he wins and dies? It is not out of the question.

Then we have a 20 month Governor of the state of ALASKA with a population smaller than Austin, running the entire country.

It was enough to raise my heart beat a couple paces.
Well we know that Obama doesn't have enough experience- that's why he selected Biden as VP candidate. I mean, 10 years ago he was a non-tenure track lecturer.

If Palin has to step into that role, she can select a VP with more experience, too.
And I am going to say something that is going to be completely misunderstood and deemed non-PC.

I say this with an honest straight face.

If you say would Palin even be considered if she wasnt female, I ask; would Obama even have been voted for in such numbers if he wasnt black.

Again this is NOT a racist question, its an honest one.

The answer to both questions is NO. Neither would even have been considered.

Welcome to politics people.
As I've said before, I would rather have Palin as President than McCain.

But before anybody on the Republican side gets worked up about that, the simple fact is that if the four folks on the two tickets were in a four-way race for President, Palin would be my likely choice at this point.

Certainly I'll give it more thought in the months ahead. But right now I just wish both tickets were reversed.
The question is begged: How much experience is sufficient?

2 years in the US Senate, with 8 in a state senate?

6 years as a governor?

2 or 3 decades in the senate?

8 years in the US Senate, but 2 decades as a spouse of a major pol?

The fact is, the voters will decide.

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