Pay Attention. You said thre border was the most secure it has been in your lifetime. I am saying it is not.
The FACT is there were fewer apprehensions of illegals in 1963,64,65,66,67,68,69,70 than there were last year and likely this year.
The number of 'deaths" of illegals who dies trying to cross is significantly higher.
The number of illegals arrested here in USA is significantly higher than those years I listed.
Not sure what definition paso is using but the border is not more secure in numbers sneaking in, in numbers of deaths of people trying to sneak in ( for them the border surely isn't ' secure)
and is not more secure in keeping out illegals who go on and commit crimes.
You mention the number of agents is greater and the apprehension of each agent is greater. The rule of thumb for BP is for every one caught 4 more sneak by.
You mention we are spending more money and in your mind I guess that makes the border more secure? So we are spending record amounts in our schools. Do you think that means the students have learned more?
serious question do you doubt the reports of agents all across Texas AZ and Calif? While they are not addressing your assertion that in your lifetime it is the most secure they are reporting it is worse than it ever has been.
In fact they have been warned to NOT speak to reporters on the latest influx
why would that be?
here is one interview
The Link