ISIS looking at Southern border

Take away all the funding for border security except for policing functions to catch criminals. But also take away any support money for any non-citizen. Let them pay their own way for all things. (no food stamps, no free hospital stays, no free school, no free trips back to their home country, no free trips to their relatives, nothing spent on illegal activity and fine anyone caught here illegally)

Remove the incentive to be here unless you are following the rules. Make it expensive to be here if you aren't following the rules with fines.
Paso is obviously for open borders. He knows it is not hard to get in. And logic and Isis are polar opposites, an attack on us does not have to help their cause. They are crazy SOBs.
What did you say?

I was too busy dodging car bombs and random kids from Honduras.

Paso wouldn't be so passive if millions of illegal Irish were storming the border.
Michtex...... Your statement is totally lacking in plain ole common sense.
Have you lived in McAllen like I have? I bet not. I have watched illegals casually and effortlessly walking out of the bushes by the river carrying their jug of water on their way to downtown Mission or McAllen. They carry their clothes in a black trash bag until they reach Texas soil then get them out of the bag and put them on. EASY AS PIE. Then they disappear into the population.
dillo is correct.
How much easier can I be to just walk in?

No one is thinking every single attacker can be stopped. N
and there are may more reasons to secure our border than to just stop an islamist terrorist.

How did BO put it this morning?
Oh yes
" "We will defend the territorial integrity of every single ally."

Too bad he didn't mean the country he is supposed to be leading.
If ISIS would vote for the dems, Obama would welcome them into the country with open arms.
Why should you guys be treated as anything other than clowns?

This is not a serious discussion, but rather just more relentless attacks on the President.

The indictment stands. How else could a person like Obama be elected and re-elected. You should wake up and get a clue.
I love how Rick Perry said that Obama could improve border security by increasing manpower on the border and drones, conveniently forgetting that that's what Obama proposed last year and the Republicans killed it.
"I love how Rick Perry said that Obama could improve border security by increasing manpower on the border and drones, conveniently forgetting that that's what Obama proposed last year and the Republicans killed it. "

Well BI don't forget the House passed the Border Safety and security Act in 2013. which Dems killed in the senate

and the House in Aug this year passed another border security bill for nearly 700 million for Border Security. What did the Senate do with the bill?

I am sure you just forgot to mention those bills passed by Republican controlled House.
Listening to the liberals say there is no domestic threat from ISIS is so pathetic. One described the most obvious way that it is going to happen, kudos.

The issue with the border is we cannot sustain another level of poverty in this country.

Paso knows this cause he works the Barrios, they are rackets to get benefits, they are setup by Cartels, Gangsters, Mexican Mafia whatever you want to call them, the reasons for illegal immigration today are night and day then what they were 20-30 years ago. Today they are run by organizations that are basically using these people as human slaves, promising them a better life in America with free food, medical and other benefits.

It is the biggest Human Trafficking scam that has Conservatives and Liberals not even knowing what is actually happening and they just keep arguing back and forth about nonsense,not even the real issues.
You guys are like caricatures of humans.

I am about to drive really close to the border (maybe 100 yards within view of that stupid fence you paid for).

Pray for me.

I actually drove under one of the international bridges and managed to avoid getting blown up. I may try again next week.

I am having trouble reading this with all the intermittent power outages due to the exploding cars and immigrant children run amuck.


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