
What’s your defense of POTUS’ release of the convicted servicemen?
I am not sure where this question is coming from since the article is about the Senate looking into the Bidens. But, I don't know much about the case against the servicemen to form an opinion on the matter.

For the record, I would only defend Trump's policies and not the man. Didn't vote for him and probably won't in the next election, nor will I vote for any of the Dems running. I am going to write in my vote for @Mr. Deez
Well done

'An Emerson College national survey found 45% of voters oppose impeachment, compared to 43% that support it.

That’s a reversal of public opinion from the same poll in October before House Democrats held public hearings to showcase their impeachment case against Mr. Trump. In October, 48% supported impeachment and 44% opposed it.

“The biggest swing is among Independents, who oppose impeachment now 49% to 34%, which is a reversal from October where they supported impeachment 48% to 39%,” said the pollsters.' ...."

Americans sour on impeachment, more now oppose ousting Trump: Poll

Emerson Polling
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I thought it was wrong for Obama to commute Chelsea Mannings sentence.

That was less defensible than any of Trump's clemency moves. Obama commuted Chelsea Manning, because he was transgender, not because it was in the interests of justice. In fact, the opposite was true. It was a virtue signaling move.
That was less defensible than any of Trump's clemency moves. Obama commuted Chelsea Manning, because he was transgender, not because it was in the interests of justice. In fact, the opposite was true. It was a virtue signaling move.

Did we end up paying for his 'transitional surgeries?' -- I cant rmbr
Nope, you’re missing the point. If this continues based on and it largely is, the statement of “do me a favor”, the precedent is being set, and no one, Democrat or Republican will be spared.
It also proves Schumer, of all people, correct when he said don't go against the Intelligence Community. That is essentially what happened here. Trump didn't follow their script and they don't like it.
Former Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko alleges during the sale of the port of Kherson on the Dnepr River in Hunter Biden received $12M of the amount illegally.
Onyshchenko is supposedly talking to DOJ.
BREAKING: Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Burisma Owner To Kill London Criminal Cases, Provides Details To DOJ - CD Media

I dont know if anyone looked at this article I posted above that gave an example of how US Aid is laundered back to American citizens (see quote below), but all of this Hunter Biden cronyism which is currently in the news (well, some of the news, lol) and related crooked dealings are only the tip of the iceberg.

Trump is upsetting their apple cart -- or maybe pig trough is the better metaphor?

...President Obama’s money laundering State Department sent billions to compliant countries including Ukraine and Iran. Democrat politicians leveraged their positions to place their relatives in positions of authority when the USAID monies were disbursed to those vendors or “charitable” foundations....
Mechanically, the House is now in recess for Thanksgiving. Members return Dec 3 and recess again for Christmas Dec 12. That is the window for Pelosi to cram in all of the House needs = eight days.

If Pelosi wants a House vote for a hand-off to the Nadler, she's got to take whip count in the first week of Dec and push a quick vote. If so, I dont think the Nadler could start until Jan 2020. And she also has Judicial branch issues (pending cases regarding other witnesses, tax returns, Mueller grand jury info). On top of that, she has the looming the IG report which has been announced (Dec 9, with Horowitz testifying before the Senate Dec 11). Additionally, there is the issue with a budget (she has already said she wont let USMCA got to a vote (doesnt want Trump to have any wins at all even if it means the country suffers)).

So there are two "races"
(1) One is the vote to end their Trump "impeachment inquiry" vs. the looming DOJ/FISA corruption against Trump. This will include a second vote to authorize House Judiciary to begin “official” impeachment hearings.
(2) Two is the race with the various court cases which are all at differing phases -- and some of which have the potential to invalidate this entire HPSCI process. Pelosi will want to get her votes done b4 some federal court shuts the whole thing down

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So, you're agreeing with SH?
Not going back 8-10 pages to see what SH claimed, but my point was that the special prosecutor was a different situation than the one-sided impeachment investigation that Schiff is running.
Nope, you’re missing the point. If this continues based on and it largely is, the statement of “do me a favor”, the precedent is being set, and no one, Democrat or Republican will be spared.

Do me a favor is a phrase that doesn't have to mean anything except acknowledge that the other person would be doing something nice for you.
Do me a favor is a phrase that doesn't have to mean anything except acknowledge that the other person would be doing something nice for you.
Remember, though, that Shifty and the Dems equated that to a "Godfather" mafia way of making a demand. And they got away with it completely unchallenged by the media. None of them journalized and asked wait are you actually saying the POTUS is a mobster and using mafia tactics by asking favor? If anyone has video if any media challenging Shifty or any Dem who said that, I'd love to see it. I don't think it exists.
Dems will vote to impeach, that was never in doubt. The fun begins when the Senate gets a hold of this. They have the final swing (won't be pretty, or comfortable), then voters can decide.

Can't see how dems come out ahead on this in the end. They needed to move the needle immediately and it didn't happen

I said it before; they will campaign on pursuing corruption on the part of Trump (that can't beat him in a straight up policy campaign) that was thwarted by corrupt and evil Republicans in the Senate. They want it all on record.
Mechanically, the House is now in recess for Thanksgiving. Members return Dec 3 and recess again for Christmas Dec 12. That is the window for Pelosi to cram in all of the House needs = eight days.

If Pelosi wants a House vote for a hand-off to the Nadler, she's got to take whip count in the first week of Dec and push a quick vote. If so, I dont think the Nadler could start until Jan 2020. And she also has Judicial branch issues (pending cases regarding other witnesses, tax returns, Mueller grand jury info). On top of that, she has the looming the IG report which has been announced (Dec 9, with Horowitz testifying before the Senate Dec 11). Additionally, there is the issue with a budget (she has already said she wont let USMCA got to a vote (doesnt want Trump to have any wins at all even if it means the country suffers)).

So there are two "races"
(1) One is the vote to end their Trump "impeachment inquiry" vs. the looming DOJ/FISA corruption against Trump. This will include a second vote to authorize House Judiciary to begin “official” impeachment hearings.
(2) Two is the race with the various court cases which are all at differing phases -- and some of which have the potential to invalidate this entire HPSCI process. Pelosi will want to get her votes done b4 some federal court shuts the whole thing down


Some more on the procedural aspect of this -- Once this goes back to the Nadler, I do not think Nancy will let him call any additional witnesses. So what they got is what they got.

Why? Because Nancy does not trust the Nadler. You might recall that Nadler personally made many big claims and promises about Russiagate, but then his hearings ended in total and complete disaster. Corey Lewandowski single-handedly destroyed Nadler and exposed that hearing for the sham it was. What an embarrassment that was.

I could never tell if anyone in here watched those hearings, but the Nadler doesnt understand the law. I think he has been a politician his entire adult life and doubt he went to law school. He usually had 3 lawyers literally standing right behind him in those hearings they kept trying to tell him what to do and how to do it. It was pure comedy. The Republican side of House Judiciary was stacked with experienced trial attorneys. And so if you ever wondered how the "impeachment inquiry" ended up before Schiff/Intelligence instead of Nadler/Judiciary which has actual jurisdiction over impeachment hearings, well this is why. Nancy could not trust the Nadler to get the job done. The move was inconsistent with House Rules, but since when are Dems going to let rules get in their way?

And now that it has to go back to House Judiciary, again because this is THE committee which has actual jurisdiction over impeachment, Nancy will not let any more witnesses to be called. She will not risk another Lewandowski-style destruction of the Nadler.
I guess Burisma gave the Bidens millions because Hunter is such an upstanding citizen.
The Dems must be cringing at the information that is coming out on so many fronts. I wonder how many are nervous about Dec09?

And people starting to ask why WE, USA, are sending so much money to so many countries , most of which are corrupt, when the other countries like Germany France UK do not.
FBI lawyer reportedly altered document in Russia investigation origin, didn't change outcome
Altered documents; doesn't mean anything. That's the world we are living in.

I wrote about this in the other thread. The threat of a jail terms and loss of legal licenses will hopefully compel this person(s) to flip on their superiors. I dont know if this is the story, but it is a common one. And f I were one of these people, I would be worried about waking up hanging from a noose in my cell.
Some more on the procedural aspect of this -- Once this goes back to the Nadler, I do not think Nancy will let him call any additional witnesses. So what they got is what they got.

Why? Because Nancy does not trust the Nadler. You might recall that Nadler personally made many big claims and promises about Russiagate, but then his hearings ended in total and complete disaster. Corey Lewandowski single-handedly destroyed Nadler and exposed that hearing for the sham it was. What an embarrassment that was.

I could never tell if anyone in here watched those hearings, but the Nadler doesnt understand the law. I think he has been a politician his entire adult life and doubt he went to law school. He usually had 3 lawyers literally standing right behind him in those hearings they kept trying to tell him what to do and how to do it. It was pure comedy. The Republican side of House Judiciary was stacked with experienced trial attorneys. And so if you ever wondered how the "impeachment inquiry" ended up before Schiff/Intelligence instead of Nadler/Judiciary which has actual jurisdiction over impeachment hearings, well this is why. Nancy could not trust the Nadler to get the job done. The move was inconsistent with House Rules, but since when are Dems going to let rules get in their way?

And now that it has to go back to House Judiciary, again because this is THE committee which has actual jurisdiction over impeachment, Nancy will not let any more witnesses to be called. She will not risk another Lewandowski-style destruction of the Nadler.
I saw it the other night on YouTube. It was mostly about Trump trying to pressure Sessions to reign in the Mueller investigation. Again, Trump proved right in that it was an out of control investigation. Lewandosky could have gone further in embarrassing Dems.

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