
The same Trump that, I think, you and others is so incompetent and unfit to be POTUS, somehow, by asking for a favor, strong armed a guy who bucked his own corrupt system and won election there. Trump's administration is so full of chaos and leaks yet Trump is able to orchestrate a quid pro quo against Zelensky. How was he able to do that?
Because there's a hot war going on there and we have $400,000,000 to help them buy OUR javeline missles. We are propping up Ukraine or they'd become Crimea and a part of Putin's Russia. That's significant leverage. He'd walk around the office with his pecker out if he had to. I think the question is why is he so twisted as to try to get a personal political benefit out of aid that Congress had appropriated? His momma didn't hold him?
Because there's a hot war going on there and we have $400,000,000 to help them buy OUR javeline missles. We are propping up Ukraine or they'd become Crimea and a part of Putin's Russia. That's significant leverage. He'd walk around the office with his pecker out if he had to. I think the question is why is he so twisted as to try to get a personal political benefit out of aid that Congress had appropriated? His momma didn't hold him?
The significant leverage that Zelensky didn't know was being held up until the career diplomats you and the Dems rely on to implicate Trump assured Trump that Zelensky was the real deal? You mean Zelensky was pressured by the train wreck, incompetent and unfit Trump who can't control his own White House and Administration? That same Trump? Okay. You got me.

The significant leverage that Zelensky didn't know was being held up until the career diplomats you and the Dems rely on to implicate Trump assured Trump that Zelensky was the real deal? You mean Zelensky was pressured by the train wreck, incompetent and unfit Trump who can't control his own White House and Administration? That same Trump? Okay. You got me.

He knew. They all knew. The girl testified to that yesterday. This is similar to the ordering of the code red.
Not surprisingly you twist my words to say I think he's "dumb". Read it agin, Professor.
Did you see the big chief tablet with the sharpie yesterday? I have a 77 year old mother that we're watching closely for dementia and my brother and I are managing her communications with her insurance adjuster after a lightning strike. it reminds me of notes that we might leave her.
More fodder for the libs on here to poop or laugh at. Dana Perino observed that in the Democrat debate last night, they on so quickly from impeachment, it is telling. Had they felt the Dems had really nailed the President for an impeachable offense, they would have spent a lot more time on that.
More on the Biden Crime Family --
"An investment firm linked to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in federal bailout loans while his father Joe Biden was vice president and routed profits through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to federal banking and corporate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Financial experts said the offshore corporate structure could have been used to shield earnings from United States taxes....
* * *
Joe Biden was a key advocate for the financial bailout .... "
(italics and bolds are mine)
Hunter Biden-linked company received $130M in special federal loans while Joe Biden was VP

When Rosement (Hunter's investment firm) got all this bailout money, it was only 3 weeks old.


It's a swamp I tell ya
Believe it or not, some reporter asked Nancy about the overwhelming lack of bipartisan support
Is this woman still "fit for office?" Seems pretty shaky
Hunter Biden slept with his brothers widow, got caught with a crack pipe, multiple drivers licenses, a badge in his car, was thrown out of the military for drugs. You can certainly see why a Ukrainian energy company jumped at the chance at making him a director. :lmao: :popcorn: Larry Elder.
Speaking of Burisma, it's top guy (Nikolai Zlochevsky) was indicted on Nov 14 (but it wasn’t reported until yesterday). One of the items in the indictment revealed how Hunter Biden’s payments from Burisma were a “link that reveals how money is siphoned [from Ukraine].”
Hunter and "his partners" received $16.5 million "for their services."
Ukrainian MP Claims $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering, Puts Biden Group Take At $16.5 Million

Joe Biden’s son and his partners received $16.5 million from Burisma — Ukrainian MP

Ans as previously posted in here, last week former Ukrainian official Oleksandr Onyshchenko alleged Hunter Biden received “off the books” payments from Burisma in the millions. The question of where did this money end up is something Nunes keeps trying to put before Schiff's committee but Schiff will not allow it. Why not? BREAKING: Source Reveals Hunter Biden Took 'Off The Books' Payments From Burisma, Aided By FBI Coverup - CD Media

Here is a timely American Thinker piece on "How to Launder Foreign Aid"
It's an interesting tale
This pulled quote is from the end

" .... Shifting capitals, Monrovia to Kiev, the State Department was going to give the Ukraine a billion dollars in foreign aid. Was it the job of the U.S. Embassy to drop millions of American dollars into the operating funds of State Department vendors or State-Department-approved foundations?

President Obama’s money laundering State Department sent billions to compliant countries including Ukraine and Iran. Democrat politicians leveraged their positions to place their relatives in positions of authority when the USAID monies were disbursed to those vendors or “charitable” foundations.

After the three-year airport management contract expired, Liberia lost its TSA airport accreditation, Delta Airlines no longer flies nonstop from JFK to Monrovia, and corruption is back in vogue at Roberts Field."
Does anyone else think the time and place to call the President is sitting at an outdoor restaurant in Kiev where the call could apparently be so easily overheard by anyone?

These are the people to be trusted with US foreign policy?

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