
Understandable, and it's weird. When she first took the job, she was told that travel would be very rare. Most federal employees like to travel. They make a little more money, and it's usually fun. But we have a small child at home, so she doesn't like to do it. For the first two years, they kept their word, and she only traveled once.

However, her department later handed down a very weird regulation that said her agency has to guarantee a "free appropriate public education" (so-called FAPE) to the kids it serves. If she worked for the military schools, I would understand, but that isn't what her agency does. It's a support agency for military kids who attend international schools. But once that regulation got handed down, they started sending her all over the place. Furthermore, for a government job, they kick her *** when she travels. She usually works from about 7 a.m. until about 9 p.m. at night when she's traveling. That's why she needs all that booze on the Friday before coming home. lol
It’s unusual to hear Federal employees working so many hours. I’ll take some solace in the fact that some of the extraordinary amount of taxes I have paid go to you as an honorary Longhorn.
It’s unusual to hear Federal employees working so many hours. I’ll take some solace in the fact that some of the extraordinary amount of taxes I have paid go to you as an honorary Longhorn.

It is usual, but there is some upside. She has more flexibility than most federal employees and has authority to bust through red tape if necessary.
So the Dems got a special focus group of their like minded people to find out what sounded the worst to them. They came up with bribery. True story. So there you have it.
So under the Obama’s administration they had an Ambassador coming home in a body bag. Now the Dems are all up in arms because Trump fired the corrupt Ukraine Ambassador. What a crazy time we live in.
Police officer: I'm writing you a ticket for attempting to drive 70 in a 55mph zone

Driver: What? I was going 55

PO: Yes but you turned on your signal to go to the left lane. Vehicles were just clocked going 70 there

D: But I was going 55

PO: Don't matter none to me. I could see what you were doing. If you attempted a murder, could you get off scot free? Think about THAT one, sir

D: You wouldn't happen to be an OU alum would you?.. Because that **** you just said right there... it just doesn't make any fking sense
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So attempted murder or shooting with intent to kill is not a crime now?

Yeah, I'm not sure how her testimony is so relevant and damning, but the whistleblower's testimony wouldn't be considered relevant. It's a strange "logic."

My two cousins are the worst examples of Liberals that I know and the reason why I have hammered back at Liberalism so hard. I am a Democrat. But their hatred and rude behavior towards my mother over politics has incensed me. Both their Facebook pages are full of hatred of Trump, arrogant vile insults and gloating over what they heard this week. This ambassador was a courageous hero to them and you better believe her "testimony" was direct evidence in their mind. They cannot be reached and their entire being is consumed by hate. There is no logic other than their hard core value system and they promote the white privilege campaign and the idea that Trump is a Nazi and all who support him are evil people. In short, their entire being is that of a troll. You either agree one hundred percent or you will be treated with contempt and a manner that makes you wonder if they are even real. They have adopted the lifestyle that politics is life itself and they have become a tool of powerful forces.
That sucks .The way they treat their aunt is inexcusable.

It is inexcusable. Hating Trump is first, second and third in life; loudly and constantly.

There's an old saying, "A charging horse knows no rank." Well that is their manner. You are to be ridiculed and abused if you do not display their intensity and commitment towards absolute Liberalism.
So, when is the vote? That is all I care about. The hearings aren't swaying opinion one way or the other. It's time to put up or shut up.
I did not know by was a dem. His posts are always well thought out and intelligent. Hmmm

Ha ha... ok, I laughed out loud. A literal LOL...

* I'm a strict constructionist but not an isolationist.
* I don't trust the judgment of any politician.
* I have a heart . I'm a published poet and I see the human side.
* I'm a CPA and I see the business side.
* I don't trust religious zealots (see strict constructionist).
* I am in favor of gay marriage and wouldn't outlaw abortion outright but I am outraged over the way hard-core feminists equate a viable baby with a tonsil.
* I hate extremism of any sort.
* I am an environmentalist but not willing to buy into international treaties that transfer our wealth to corrupt UN bureaucrats and their "experts" along with the politicians of developing countries.
* I'm a vegetarian 75% of the time.
* I'm half-Cuban and the son of a Cuban immigrant.
* I see reparations, student loan forgiveness, benefits for illegals and socialism as a catch-all not as answers to our problems but instead platforms for the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex which, in a quid pro quo manner, is a vote buying scheme in return for the psychological justification of the low ceiling of the welfare state and the absolution of blame for the personal choices made by the beneficiaries.

In short I'm a moderate and due to my religious leanings that seems to push me left of center. I have been abused by religious zealots of the right-wing variety (not a Roman Catholic Priest; just mental abuse including my ex-wife) and government power absolutely needs to be kept out of their hands.

In a clear shift from my own fear of an oligarchy or corporatism, I now believe that Liberal power is much more abusive than right-wing power because the mega-trend has been shifting our culture (socially speaking) to the left and the most obvious example is the complete acceptance, normalization and mainstreaming of homosexuality (I'm not going to get into all the letters; I'm just talking about your basic gay person). This is a huge cultural shift and I believe the vast majority of white Christians have accepted it. I know I have and I'm happy with that.

But the Left-wing power base is absolutely a threat to our freedoms. There is no doubt about it. Their virtue signaling, PC, value judgments are crushing us. They are militant, unreasonable and fascist.

There is no doubt about this in my mind.

I believe Donald Trump is the blow-back to all of this and regardless of policy (which I wish we are discussing instead of the coup), his manner and combativeness was the allure. At least that's my opinion. He is the anti-PC President and they are raging mad about his unapologetic attacks on their value system and manner. Well that is on them (Liberal extremists). Trump is here because people like Beto, AOC, Omar and Warren are out their spewing the most ridiculous pronouncements and we are being bludgeoned by a compliant media to normalize what would be a horrifying increase in government power, not only by the central government but by the apparent army of losers on the internet who call out anyone and everyone in the most vile, sickening manner if we do not speak in robotic Liberal-speak.

I hate that and that is the biggest threat to our freedom. Not Donald Trump; instead it's left-wing extremism.
I believe Donald Trump is the blow-back to all of this and regardless of policy (which I wish we are discussing instead of the coup), his manner and combativeness was the allure. At least that's my opinion. He is the anti-PC President and they are raging mad about his unapologetic attacks on their value system and manner. Well that is on them (Liberal extremists). Trump is here because people like Beto, AOC, Omar and Warren are out their spewing the most ridiculous pronouncements and we are being bludgeoned by a compliant media to normalize what would be a horrifying increase in government power, not only by the central government but by the apparent army of losers on the internet who call out anyone and everyone in the most vile, sickening manner if we do not speak in robotic Liberal-speak.
yeah, bystander, you are a Republican in the world of 2019.

I am really sorry about what you have suffered from the church. I hope you can give Jesus a chance just one on one. He doesn't have the baggage of many who call themselves by His name do.
yeah, bystander, you are a Republican in the world of 2019.

Most definitely, but the Democratic Party didn't leave him 3 years ago. It left much further back than that. He calls himself a "strict constructionist." No Democrat has appointed a strict constructionist (or something like that - a textualist, an originalist, etc.) to the Supreme Court since the 1930s. On the other issues, it left him gradually starting in the late '60s. In the last few years, I'd say it has reached the point where it can't even fake having respect for his views.

When he calls himself a Democrat, it reminds me of my former paralegal. She once told me, "I'm a strong Catholic. I just don't believe in praying to Mary and believe that you can pray directly to God to ask for forgiveness of sins." I told her, "so in other words, you're a Protestant." I know that those aren't the only differences, but they are pretty fundamental.

I am really sorry about what you have suffered from the church. I hope you can give Jesus a chance just one on one. He doesn't have the baggage of many who call themselves by His name do.

Very well said. Many base their views on religion according to their experiences with a religious leader. If that leader turns them off or shows himself to be corrupt, they walk away. The reality is that you can walk away from that corrupt person without walking away from the faith. Christ's legitimacy as the Messiah was never based on anyone's character or judgment.
My two cousins are the worst examples of Liberals that I know and the reason why I have hammered back at Liberalism so hard. I am a Democrat. But their hatred and rude behavior towards my mother over politics has incensed me. Both their Facebook pages are full of hatred of Trump, arrogant vile insults and gloating over what they heard this week. This ambassador was a courageous hero to them and you better believe her "testimony" was direct evidence in their mind. They cannot be reached and their entire being is consumed by hate. There is no logic other than their hard core value system and they promote the white privilege campaign and the idea that Trump is a Nazi and all who support him are evil people. In short, their entire being is that of a troll. You either agree one hundred percent or you will be treated with contempt and a manner that makes you wonder if they are even real. They have adopted the lifestyle that politics is life itself and they have become a tool of powerful forces.

Well, I think you illustrated the real point of her testimony. It was not to prove bribery or high crimes and misdemeanors. It was to prove that Trump and Giuliani are ********. Well, we pretty much already knew that.

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