
Ha. No, really. Why?
As someone who has endured multiple suspensions for knowing simple facts like men are male and that males are NOT women AND who has also been suspended for discussions of conservative issues, I just told you why.

You are as bad as SH about not listening to those who have endured something and have a factual basis upon which to refer...
She’s smart. This **** is a sham, but even a bigger snooze.

Well, she's lucky at least for tonight. She's in Lisbon, Portugal right now at your expense. She served you well. She busted her *** with 14-hour days all week, but it's Friday, and she's guzzling port wine while I'm taking care of our five-year-old and watching this **** on TV.
I don’t believe they make them with sausage in the Czech Republic. It’s a Texas thing.

You're right, but there's a variant. The idea of the kolache with sausage is a Texas thing. That is true. However, they make something similar over there. The sausage would remind you more of an almost Polish-style, and the breading is a little less dense. I had one about two years ago. I don't remember what it's called, but it was damn good. Honestly, I'd settle for either one right now. lol
Well, she's lucky at least for tonight. She's in Lisbon, Portugal right now at your expense. She served you well. She busted her *** with 14-hour days all week, but it's Friday, and she's guzzling port wine while I'm taking care of our five-year-old and watching this **** on TV.
I don’t remember approving that trip, so be prepared if I deny the expense account.
I don’t remember approving that trip, so be prepared if I deny the expense account.

Understandable, and it's weird. When she first took the job, she was told that travel would be very rare. Most federal employees like to travel. They make a little more money, and it's usually fun. But we have a small child at home, so she doesn't like to do it. For the first two years, they kept their word, and she only traveled once.

However, her department later handed down a very weird regulation that said her agency has to guarantee a "free appropriate public education" (so-called FAPE) to the kids it serves. If she worked for the military schools, I would understand, but that isn't what her agency does. It's a support agency for military kids who attend international schools. But once that regulation got handed down, they started sending her all over the place. Furthermore, for a government job, they kick her *** when she travels. She usually works from about 7 a.m. until about 9 p.m. at night when she's traveling. That's why she needs all that booze on the Friday before coming home. lol
Twitter is suspending users for tweeting this around

So the reason twitter accounts which sent out the pic of "I hired Trump to FIRE people like Yovanovitch" were being suspended is because of Dmitri Alperovitch and the Atlantic Council, of course. Crowdstrike is full of sneaky ********

By the way, I'm not saying that Schiff was breaking the rules by cutting Stefanik off. He was actually enforcing them correctly. However, members push the envelope on stuff like that all the time. Democrats sure as hell did when the GOP was in the majority. It was routine. And for Dowd to make an overtly sexist comment about her in that context was pretty outrageous. And of course, if someone said the same thing about a female Democratic lawmaker, he'd be out of a job by now.

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