
I wonder why no hearing to attack the Obama Administration for the complete failure that allowed the Russians to hack into our government servers. What's worse? GROSS NEGLIGENCE ON A NATIONAL SECURITY LEVEL or hearsay about investigating corruption?
Did anyone bring up that Yovanovitch has joined the whistleblower's former boss on the faculty at Georgetown University?
Nunes, I think, asked her about if she has a new rewarding position somewhere. Maybe it was Counsel. She did say she was at Georgetown. Don't recall the mention of the wb's former boss.
Counsel got it out there that she basically did not address the Hunter Biden situation even though the Dems paint her as some big anti corruption person.
I am going back and reading some of the stuff I missed
Schiff's lead counsel, the MSNBC talking head, said this --

"Regardless of what you call it [Trump's supposedly impeachable offense], whether it’s a quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, abuse [of] power ... "

To me, this shows they are flailing around with no clear direction. It's an impeachment in search of an offense.

Yovanovitch and her ilk are more concerned with Ukraine then people along our own southern border as well as innocent people victimized by criminal illegal aliens in sanctuary cities.
She can give opinions on how Ukranians and other diplomats felt about Trump policies, but she refuses or can't give her opinion on if she can see that Ukranian element were out to get Trump and how Trump would think so.
I wonder why no hearing to attack the Obama Administration for the complete failure that allowed the Russians to hack into our government servers. What's worse? GROSS NEGLIGENCE ON A NATIONAL SECURITY LEVEL or hearsay about investigating corruption?

Facts don't belong here in the new Idiocracy, bystander.
Trump undermined diplomats and Ukraine with his policies but gave stronger aid than Obama. She agrees to that but then cries about his undermine policies. Laughable.
She says the pause on the aid undermine the Javelins symbology of strong support but then has to admit begrudgingly the aid ultimately was released.
Nunes, I think, asked her about if she has a new rewarding position somewhere. Maybe it was Counsel. She did say she was at Georgetown. Don't recall the mention of the wb's former boss.

It looks like she is still an employee at State, in addition to being a current fellow at Georgetown. I didnt hear this live but if this is correct, then Trump didn't even "fire" her. He transferred her. And, if so, then all the "but Trump fired her" talk isnt accurate.
It looks like she is still an employee at State, in addition to being a current fellow at Georgetown. I didnt hear this live but if this is correct, then Trump didn't even "fire" her. He transferred her. And, if so, then all the "but Trump fired her" talk isnt accurate.
Correct, sorry I forgot that in the line of questioning. She very sheepishly admitted she was still at State and a Fellow.
'Progressives' on twitter and the media are attempting to suggest Trump's tweet about this witness was "witness intimidation" But this is not a trial and she is not a witness at trial. If this were a trial, then probably in excess of 90% of the testimony solicited so far would be inadmissible. In fact, some of the Dem witnesses, possibly all of them, might not have even been allowed to testify at all, since none of them are fact witnesses. None were on the call(s) in question and their opinions/feelings about the call(s) are inadmissible and not relevant. Indeed, if this were an actual trial and this is all they got, it would have already been dismissed.
Looks like they got ol Roger Stone. What a character -- I watched a nearly 2 hour documentary on that guy and he certainly lived a crazy life.

I do feel somewhat bad for him in the since that what this is really about is that they were frustrated they couldn't get Trump so they went after him. It's one of the common themes of the highly emotional Get Trump movement. Manfort would never have been put on trial if he not served on the campaign. Flynn would never have been slimed if Hillary had won. Same for people like Gates, Papadopoulos and even Cohen. Why pretend that's not what all of these things were about?
On thing Stefanik was at least able to get on the record was forcing today's star Democrat witness to admit that the Obama Admin knew that Hunter Biden's special deal with Burisma was a problem

Remember the scene from Christmas vacation showing the electric meter spinning when the Xmas lights turned on? If there was a meter showing independents and Democrats jumping to the Republican side because they are tired of the clown show, that’s what it would look like?

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