This is truly outrageous. The Dems just continue to lower the bar in terms of dirty politics. Between this and the Kavanaugh debacle, there is no depth they will not sink to for political power.
What's interesting is that this actually has no bearing on the case against Trump or the truth of the whistleblower's allegations. However, it has significant political implications, because it basically eviscerates the narrative that the Democrats are honest statesmen just looking for the truth. Schiff has been exposed as a dishonest, partisan hack, and that's going to hurt them.
Frankly, Pelosi was dumb to turn the investigation over to him. She should have given it to Judiciary, because Nadler is a much smarter and more respected political operator than Schiff is. Even before he got caught lying about this, his credibility was shot after bluffing about Russian collusion for 2 years.
They should have learned from history. Consider Watergate. Democrats pursued the matter, but they were careful about it. They didn't crap in their pants every five minutes, and the guy running the congressional investigation (Rep. Peter Rodino) didn't act like raging partisan. He was pretty evenhanded and measured. Furthermore, since he wasn't setting himself on fire every day, two things occurred. First, if Watergate hadn't turned up anything, it wouldn't have discredited him, because his work looked like a real pursuit of facts rather than a political hit. Second, by not being overly partisan, he made it politically possible for Republicans to assist. That gave the matter the credibility of being bipartisan, which is ultimately what brought Nixon down. Republican senators weren't willing to protect him. If Rodino had shown himself to be a massively dishonest political hack from the beginning, that would not have occurred.