
How does this [R talking point] impeachment "hoax" [/R talking point] hold up against the impeachment of Clinton? I'm old enough to remember when a high crime and a misdemeanor was not telling the truth about a sexual encounter.
How does this [R talking point] impeachment "hoax" [/R talking point] hold up against the impeachment of Clinton? I'm old enough to remember when a high crime and a misdemeanor was not telling the truth about a sexual encounter.

Bubba got in trouble for lying about the lie. (Perjury)

What law has Trump broke?
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How does this [R talking point] impeachment "hoax" [/R talking point] hold up against the impeachment of Clinton? I'm old enough to remember when a high crime and a misdemeanor was not telling the truth about a sexual encounter.
In both cases, the democrat(s) were lying?
How does this [R talking point] impeachment "hoax" [/R talking point] hold up against the impeachment of Clinton? I'm old enough to remember when a high crime and a misdemeanor was not telling the truth about a sexual encounter.

They had an actual crime on Clinton. That's one of the things that damages the Democrats' credibility on this. They were ok with a President committing a felony. Kinda hard to blow that off and then crap in your pants about something that you can't even define, much less characterize as illegal.
How does this [R talking point] impeachment "hoax" [/R talking point] hold up against the impeachment of Clinton? I'm old enough to remember when a high crime and a misdemeanor was not telling the truth about a sexual encounter.
In both cases, the democrat(s) were lying?

(a) Clinton was actually impeached by the House (unlike Nixon even)
(b) Clinton ended up paying Paula Jones somewhere ~$1M to settle
(c) Clinton was harshly fined by the trial judge in the Jones case for multiple acts of misconduct
(d) Clinton's home state of Arkansas took away his license to practice law (disbarment) over his misconduct/perjury in the Lewisnky matter
(e) Clinton was also disbarred by the US Supreme Court over his misconduct/perjury in the Lewisnky matter (in a unanimous vote)
(f) Clinton was and probably still is a sexual predator, protected from legal consequence by his wife, political party, the media and in some cases, law enforcement itself
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How does this [R talking point] impeachment "hoax" [/R talking point] hold up against the impeachment of Clinton? I'm old enough to remember when a high crime and a misdemeanor was not telling the truth about a sexual encounter.

You mean perjury?

That being said I think the impeachment of Clinton along with the Gulf War (removing Hussein) were two huge mistake made by the Republicans.
Speaking of, this isn't real.
This is truly outrageous. The Dems just continue to lower the bar in terms of dirty politics. Between this and the Kavanaugh debacle, there is no depth they will not sink to for political power.

What's interesting is that this actually has no bearing on the case against Trump or the truth of the whistleblower's allegations. However, it has significant political implications, because it basically eviscerates the narrative that the Democrats are honest statesmen just looking for the truth. Schiff has been exposed as a dishonest, partisan hack, and that's going to hurt them.

Frankly, Pelosi was dumb to turn the investigation over to him. She should have given it to Judiciary, because Nadler is a much smarter and more respected political operator than Schiff is. Even before he got caught lying about this, his credibility was shot after bluffing about Russian collusion for 2 years.

They should have learned from history. Consider Watergate. Democrats pursued the matter, but they were careful about it. They didn't crap in their pants every five minutes, and the guy running the congressional investigation (Rep. Peter Rodino) didn't act like raging partisan. He was pretty evenhanded and measured. Furthermore, since he wasn't setting himself on fire every day, two things occurred. First, if Watergate hadn't turned up anything, it wouldn't have discredited him, because his work looked like a real pursuit of facts rather than a political hit. Second, by not being overly partisan, he made it politically possible for Republicans to assist. That gave the matter the credibility of being bipartisan, which is ultimately what brought Nixon down. Republican senators weren't willing to protect him. If Rodino had shown himself to be a massively dishonest political hack from the beginning, that would not have occurred.
So, you guys are anti lies. Got it. Let's put a pin in this for future reference.

Trump invented imaginary CNN studio, made 58 other false claims last week - CNNPolitics

I think this is just a comparison of what it took to impeach Clinton versus what we have now. What is the standard?

And what does this mean to you? I know you've seen and probably dismissed it but let's be real here. Obama is making plans in this conversation to bait and switch his election promises. What do you call that? Lying? Subverting our Democracy? Just BS that means nothing?

Ted Cruz is great.

John Brennan is criminal. Didn't Snowden have to leave the country because he was a whistleblower on Brennan? So he is a hypocrite too. Of all the people in political circles this should be the first guy arrested and sent to prison and maybe even punished for treason. A true villian this guy.
My big question is, if withholding aid from a foreign government to use as leverage is corrupt (which I don't disagree that it is), then isn't it just as bad to pay money to a foreign government to persuade them to agree to US directions?

If it is wrong to ask a foreign government to look into corruption of a Presidential candidate. Doesn't that apply broadly to governments, intelligence agents, or investigative organizations? If so, how are Obama and Clinton escaping prosecution?
So, you guys are anti lies. Got it. Let's put a pin in this for future reference.

Trump invented imaginary CNN studio, made 58 other false claims last week - CNNPolitics

Barry, Clinton lied under oath. It's a crime. You can dance around that all you want, but that's the bottom line.

If we impeached every politician who lied in any setting, every President would have been impeached (except perhaps William Henry Harrison who was only President for about a month).
Barry, Clinton lied under oath. It's a crime. If we impeached every politician who lied in any setting, every President would have been impeached (except perhaps William Henry Harrison who was only President for about a month).

A month is plenty of time
Wait a minute. Do we still have people here that think that this impeachment nonsense is legit even after the Schiff nonsense?
Barry, Clinton lied under oath. It's a crime. You can dance around that all you want, but that's the bottom line.

If we impeached every politician who lied in any setting, every President would have been impeached (except perhaps William Henry Harrison who was only President for about a month).
I get the difference. The difference now is that with an impeachment inquiry there is true subpoena power and all of these people will be put under oath. That's what I really want to put a pin in. Many think Kavanaugh lied under oath. Kamala H. thought she had something on him.
I get the difference.

Then you should act like you get the difference. Otherwise, people will think you're stupid. The photo already puts you at a disadvantage. Lol.

The difference now is that with an impeachment inquiry there is true subpoena power and all of these people will be put under oath.

And yet so far, I'm not aware of actual subpoenas being issued, which makes me wonder why. Could it be because subpoenas have to comply with the law and have a judicial remedy for abuse? Maybe.

That's what I really want to put a pin in. Many think Kavanaugh lied under oath. Kamala H. thought she had something on him.

Then prosecute him. Nobody seems to want to do that.
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I get the difference.

No you dont, but whatever

The difference now is that with an impeachment inquiry there is true subpoena power ....

Your people are refusing to use subpoenas. Instead of subpoenas, they are sending strongly worded letters. A reasonable person might ask why that is the case. I would ask you why you think they are doing this but you didnt even know this is what they are doing
I get the difference. The difference now is that with an impeachment inquiry there is true subpoena power and all of these people will be put under oath. That's what I really want to put a pin in. Many think Kavanaugh lied under oath. Kamala H. thought she had something on him.

The Dems claim they have overwhelming evidence to impeach Trump. If they have it then why not go a head and take the vote to impeach?

Do you want to answer that or do you want me to?
Barry, Clinton lied under oath. It's a crime. You can dance around that all you want, but that's the bottom line.

If we impeached every politician who lied in any setting, every President would have been impeached (except perhaps William Henry Harrison who was only President for about a month).

Noam Chomsky once claimed (maybe in 1990) every American President since Truman (or Eisenhower) would be hung if the Nuremberg Trial standards were applied. He updated that to confirm Clinton, Bush #2 and Obama had committed crimes against humanity.

His opinion of course.

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