IMO, the Fix is in

I'm receptive to that, but I'm not sure what capabilities they've added or what we did to make it easier for them. Have we lived sanctions or weakened our forces in the region?

Very naive, Barry. I don't know if Iran will actually get a bomb, but if they don't, it won't be because of the nuclear deal. As I said at the time, it was inconsequential in both directions.

That's the narrative, but I remember authoritarians acting up quite a bit more before Trump than during.
Turkey, Hungary, Brazil...It's a thing that was happening with or without Trump. He helped. It's like two 5 star recruits signing on to a class at Tech. Their stock jumped.
Turkey, Hungary, Brazil...It's a thing that was happening with or without Trump. He helped. It's like two 5 star recruits signing on to a class at Tech. Their stock jumped.

Three points on this. First, Turkey and Hungary were at least as big of problems 4 years ago as they are now. I was at Ramstein Air Base back in 2016 when the place got overrun with US military personnel and their families who had to evacuate Turkey. Hell, there was a friggin coup attempt.

Second, Hungary hasn't really screwed with the US, and Turkey is doing it less than they were 4 years ago.

Finally, Iran was far more aggressive 4+ years ago. And for all the talk about Russia, before Trump, Putin was invading other countries - after the US pulled its entire tank force out of Europe.

And this is the problem on your end. You have some semi-valid criticisms of parts of Trump's activities (publicly giving Kim Jong-Un a reach-around, for example), but before he took office, the Democrats were letting Putin invade Crimea and letting Iran push us around. I'm not a fan of the reach-around for Un, but I'm less of a fan of earning but being denied the reach-around from China and Iran.
Three points on this. First, Turkey and Hungary were at least as big of problems 4 years ago as they are now. I was at Ramstein Air Base back in 2016 when the place got overrun with US military personnel and their families who had to evacuate Turkey. Hell, there was a friggin coup attempt.

Second, Hungary hasn't really screwed with the US, and Turkey is doing it less than they were 4 years ago.

Finally, Iran was far more aggressive 4+ years ago. And for all the talk about Russia, before Trump, Putin was invading other countries - after the US pulled its entire tank force out of Europe.

And this is the problem on your end. You have some semi-valid criticisms of parts of Trump's activities (publicly giving Kim Jong-Un a reach-around, for example), but before he took office, the Democrats were letting Putin invade Crimea and letting Iran push us around. I'm not a fan of the reach-around for Un, but I'm less of a fan of earning but being denied the reach-around from China and Iran.
Lol re reach around. I don't think the migration to authoritarians is trumps fault. He is a symptom.
We’ve gotten 3 years of relative quiet out of North Korea, and unlike the past formal agreements, didn’t have to pay them off with diesel fuel or nuke reactors like in the 90’s under Clinton.

If all it takes to have quiet there is a few friendly words to their dictator and a meeting at the DMZ like President Trump did, seems like a better bargain in than anyone else has been able to get.
We’ve gotten 3 years of relative quiet out of North Korea, and unlike the past formal agreements, didn’t have to pay them off with diesel fuel or nuke reactors like in the 90’s under Clinton.

If all it takes to have quiet there is a few friendly words to their dictator and a meeting at the DMZ like President Trump did, seems like a better bargain in than anyone else has been able to get.
Not to those with TDS.
If King Barry of Chitown had arranged a few meetings with Kim including the first ever trip across the DMZ by a US President, the media would have proclaimed him the greatest peacemaker in the history of the world.

Look how they collectively soiled their pants in joy when that fool ate a hot dog at a baseball game in Cuba.
Lol re reach around.

I wanted to use verbiage that people from Oklahoma would understand.

I don't think the migration to authoritarians is trumps fault. He is a symptom.

This could be a thread all to itself, but we also need to define the term "authoritarian." I've noticed the Left (both in the US and abroad) throwing it around with respect to Trump and to right-leaning populist movements in Europe (such as Brexit and those in Poland and Hungary) quite a bit. They're clearly reading from the same list of talking points, but it seems pretty superficial. Furthermore, it's never explained. It's just deemed, without evidence, to be "obvious."

For example, Trump is accused of being overly friendly to authoritarians like Putin and Un. Ok, fair point. However, Obama and Democrats are friendly to Castro and Iran. I'm no Putin or Un fan, but are those guys really wildly more authoritarian than Castro and the Iranian mullahs? I think that's pretty questionable.

I hear the EU and it's apologists criticize anti-EU figures and movements in Europe as "authoritarian." How so? Can fair criticisms be made about Poland, Hungary, and some within the Brexit movement? Of course, fallible human beings run those. However, where is the EU's credibility to make that particular charge? In terms of how it's structured and operates, the EU is by far the most authoritarian and undemocratic institution in Europe - much moreso than any member state.

Until Trump, both Republicans and Democrats have both been cozying up to China since the mid-'90s. Aren't they pretty authoritarian? I think it's pretty hard to argue otherwise.

What I'd rather do is not cozy up to any of these guys. Don't be nice to Un and Putin, but don't let turning China into an economic superpower. Don't cozy up to Iran or any radical Islamic-led nation. Don't play ball with Castro.
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Trump is friendly and says polite and non boorish things, contrary to the narrative, in public. Who knows what goes on in the closed door meetings. Man, some of you need to get a grip.

When Trump called him "Rocket Man", the left and media, redundant I know, said he was going to get us into WWIII. I know there is a middle ground, but all that nonsense got the other leaders to the table. Other countries are paying up.

So, it doesn't really matter what any of us think about his tactics. They seem to work.
Sorry, OU... I was kind of hurriedly mixing two.. or three.. subjects there....the UAE deal, North Korea, and general foreign policy (and had the embassy in Jerusalem on my mind, as well).

As for my UAE deal original post specifically...I don't disagree that Trump wasnt negotiating with a bunch of sworn enemies there. Although, I am always skeptical about some of the ME "allies" and appreciate anything that can be accomplished in the region.
As for NK...I do not know about your nuclear assertion, honestly and, as Deez asked...would like to hear support for that....not for arguments sake but purely out of curiosity.
Sounds like we may agree some on the Palestinians.
I still view Trump as an effective influencer/deal maker/persuader.
We actually agree more than we'd think. We focus on our disagreements.
Ultimately, Switzer is a conservative who likes the media. Factually he usually isn't wrong. He just buys a lot of BS narratives.
I've noticed those who have been here longer can speak of one another with more liberty without starting one of those arm-swinging slapping matches that looks like those two girls you remember from right after lunch at your high school.
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I've noticed those who have been here longer can speak of one another with more liberty without starting one of those arm-swinging slapping matches that looks like those two girls you remember from right after lunch at your high school.

It's not because of my tenure as much as it's Barry's nature. He's a very good sport, and so long as your intentions are reasonably good, he'll let you talk some smack.
We’ve gotten 3 years of relative quiet out of North Korea, and unlike the past formal agreements, didn’t have to pay them off with diesel fuel or nuke reactors like in the 90’s under Clinton.

If all it takes to have quiet there is a few friendly words to their dictator and a meeting at the DMZ like President Trump did, seems like a better bargain in than anyone else has been able to get.
Are you kidding me? I know it is not on the news every night, but and if that is your metric then yeah, the situation is great. Kim Jong-un avoided the threatened "maximum pressure campaign," they never handed over the promised list of nuclear sites (did anyone really believe that was ever going to happen?) even the aging Yongbyon Nuclear facility is still operating. Western assessments I've read are that North Korea did not slow down and has amassed enough nuclear material for 20 bombs in the two years since the summit. The theatrics aside, the summit accomplished little, other than to allow both leaders to claim success. NK has continued to develop and on October 10 unveiled a huge new multi-stage, liquid fueled ICBMs, probably multiple warhead capable, with estimated twice the power of the previous versions. It might be a mere mockup, but it shows that NK is still being provocative. Expect testing next year. I know that many here will blame that on NK not being afraid of Biden, that is the way this board works. The point is that development continued unabated, and analysts say that nuclear material production has continued unabated. The only improvement is that we no longer read press reports of provocative long range testing, but that may change. I know that this board is very pro Trump, and the appropriate spin will follow, but the benefits of photo op diplomacy have been greatly exaggerated.
"Western assessments I've read are that North Korea did not slow down and has amassed enough nuclear material for 20 bombs in the two years since the summit. "
please provide a verifiable link
"Western assessments I've read are that North Korea did not slow down and has amassed enough nuclear material for 20 bombs in the two years since the summit. "
please provide a verifiable link
His screen name says it all. Uses a name that automatically brings to mind one of the worst days in the history of the University. What do you expect?
It's not because of my tenure as much as it's Barry's nature. He's a very good sport, and so long as your intentions are reasonably good, he'll let you talk some smack.
You can't get your feelers hurt on a Longhorn board as a Sooner. There is a small portion of horns who are just flat out arseholes because of my screen name. The rest respond rationally if I keep it respectful. Historically, I reserve one week a year for trash talk. Now that I'm a sponsor I let it leak out a little more. ;)

So, back to the topic...If the dems are going to steal the election wouldn't they steal a few senate seats? Also, couldn't those ballot dumps just be absentee ballots being added to the totals? That would explain why they're so "pro-Biden".
DOMINION software....

MSM does not want to talk about it.

Shut up and move on.

If this Dominion software is being used for malicious purposes in this election as Trump team thinks then we're in trouble. It can actually alter ballots. Recounts won't do any good.
I thought Georgia wad doing a hand count.

Hand count will do no good if Dominion is altering the ballots as they're coming in. However, this is all in theory and it's up to Trump's team to prove it. Before you say it's all a silly conspiracy theory the same thing was said about the FBI's malfeasance in the Russian collusion stuff.

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