It's really telling to me that, this attitude which you describe well, means Leftist women have a god complex. They literally want the right choose the life and death of people.
For some, I think that's true, but I'm not sure that most of them are that deep and are thinking it through like that. This issue (especially on the abortion rights side and by necessity) is buried deeply in euphemism, superficial thinking, and diversion. For most, I think they just want to be able to make sexual decisions that they know to be stupid and want society to basically make it not matter. If abortion isn't on the menu, then you have to think twice (or at least once) before nailing that dude you don't know or nailing that dude you do know and know to be rotten but who's "exciting."
Of course, they like to bring up deformities, Down Syndrome, rape, incest, and all the other scenarios that make abortion seem more defensible. However, you can find out if that's their real concern by offering to make that concession (which would only allow a tiny percentage of the number of abortions we allow now). If they go along, then it is. 99 percent of the time, they don't, which shows you that these pretty rare situations aren't the real concern but something they bring up in bad faith.
Leftist men just want to skirt responsibility for their moral mistakes and perfectly happy letting women act as god. Shows how weak they are. Worthless men really.
The framing of abortion as a men v. women issue is the biggest fraud in an issue dominated by fraud. The media shows the people passing pro-life legislation and highlights that they're usually men in order to polarize women on the issue. Of course, that's true because most legislators in general are men. However, the legislators are just politicians doing the bidding of their activist allies, and those people are mostly women on both sides of the issue. I've been around pro-life activists for 20 years. There are men involved, but it's mostly women. Even if men lean a little more pro-life than women do (and it's not by much if at all), the people who are motivated by the issue are mostly women. The real battle is between women who are family-oriented and women who are not.
And dudes? They probably lean pro-life more than women, but it's not a blowout and not at all polarized like it's framed to be. Large numbers of men are pro-abortion rights for the same reasons pro-abortion rights women are. They want to be able to make stupid sexual decisions and be irresponsible and have a better chance at it not mattering. They may not have the ultimate choice like the woman does, but they can certainly apply pressure. It's a lot tougher to talk yourself into nailing that drunk bridesmaid you have a chance to score if you know you'll be on the hook to marry her or pay child support for 18 years if you get her pregnant.