Lots of sunshine pumpers this morning, and that’s ok. I don’t question your positive attitudes. Simply, I don’t quite share them.
To be clear, I am pleased by our record. Not exuberant, but pleased. However, my expectations are based on an assessment of the team, the talent, and how that compares to the teams we play. True, it’s hard to question 6-1, but it’s not hard to question the debacle in Dallas, or the inexplicable scare yesterday.
If we finish 11-1, go to the CCG, and win, I will be thrilled. But a sober assessment of this team suggests that simply, we are not performing at the level we should be. And yesterday, after a bye week following a devastating loss, we basically laid an egg.
I guarantee you that Sark shares that opinion. Can we get it fixed? As the season goes along, I grow more skeptical. But again, I will be thrilled if we win the rest of our games, get to Jerry’s world, and take care of business.
As I’ve said before, I don’t think there’s a team we can’t beat, including Georgia, or Ohio State. However, it also appears that there’s not a team that can’t beat us either. To me, that is troubling, and it reveals issues that are not being addressed.