HBO plays Bush Tape.

Things might have changed but Texas used to have an "Agent day" in the spring where Agents (at least ones Mack respected enough to allow in) were set up in the various meeting rooms and players could meet and discuss whatever they wanted with them.

Agents certainly weren't (and I assume aren't) allowed in the locker room after practice to buddy up with players. I would be shocked if this were the case at USC either - players wouldn't want to deal with getting harassed by Agents every day. They get harassed enough as is. Ask some players how many times they had to change their cell # b/c Agents wouldn't leave them alone.
I am sure lots of programs have 6-figure sums directed to their amateur athletes. Inviting HS recruits and agents to visit the program en masse at the same time is SOP around NCAA. Why, I myself paid several of our second-string players about $220k each last year. Not.
Yes, cad is normally a good poster. But he is being myopic at best on this issue.

His statement that we wouldn't be hearing about this if USC was a bad football team and Bush was a bad football player is some of the most obvious intentionally oblivious crap I've ever read.

No **** we wouldn't be hearing about it. Because guys that suck on teams that suck don't have $750K houses bought for their parents.

And I don't believe he's stupid enough to actually believe that agents are buying $750K houses and flying parents all over the place for all the other 118 teams in the top division.
It sickens me that these athletes dont see a free education and a roof over their head as payment enough for playing.

I go to school full time and have to work full time. I wish I could get a free education and basically free living WHILE doing something I loved.
I say we cheat....I mean seriously...Financially, UT is like the NY Yankees of college football. If all you're going to get is a two scholarship reduction for 3 years then I say we start buying the best players money can a couple of MNC, blow the doors off of everyone...have our players that come from the inner city wearing bling...flaunt it like there's no tomorrow, take our "penalty" cough cough, from the NCAA ******* and then start over paying them more...

And I'm not talking football only....i'm talking in ALL sports...If the spineless POS NCAA can't do anythign to police USC and OUs of the world for openly paying directly or indirectly for it's players then i say figure out a loop hole and open up that Puff fund Deloss........
All you have to do is look at SMU. NCAA gave them the death penalty and saw what it did. No one will ever get that again. USC will get a couple years probation with no bowl and still be a great team. Every program runs its course and it appears USC might be at the tail end of their course. I just wish ESPN would at least admit there MIGHT be something fishy. Most likely, SC did not openly know there was something going on, but you can't just turn the cheek when you smell some ****.

We still beat them and can't wait to beat them the next time we play. Which could be any year.... and living in LA, believe me, it feels good.

C'mon, dude. Nobody is saying that USC provided these things to Reggie, or actively participated in a conspiracy to pay players. Don't be dense.

Just like A&M in the FedEx and no-pay for work scandals, USC officials (coaches, assistants, faculty advisors, whatever) turned a blind eye to obvious indications of impropriety and hoped that purported ignorance equalled innocence. A dude shows up with instant bling and instant nice car...If you are under the eye of the NCAA, you ask questions if it means that you could take a fall for it.

So, NONE of the Trojan coaches ever saw his bling, his nicer ride, nor caught wind of his parents' house? Really.... REALLY? Are your coaches that detached from the lives of their players that they don't see what car they drive, the clothes they wear, notice new expensive items?

Why in the heck would players want to go to a school where coach calls you "What's-your-name"?


When I was in school, I tried to comp the Cash brothers' dinner at a restaurant and they refused adamantly, explaining that it would be a violation. At the very least, your boy Reggie was not schooled on what a violation was and your school was negligent on educating him.
So now we have a real-life smoking gun...

OU got a slap on the wrist after the Big Red Sports/Imports incident, so, considering USC's elite status in college football, they will most likely get a light sentence from the NCAA.

The DAC, however, may be a different story...

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