Germany's Refugee Crises


"A Muslim migrant from Cameroon is facing murder charges in a court in Spain for allegedly killing six Christians on his boat in 2014. The man was the captain of a boat tasked with taking both Christian and Muslim refugees from Morocco to Spain.

But when a storm hit the wobbly boat, the captain decided to blame the unforeseen natural event on the unsuspecting Christian occupants. He claimed that the storm had struck the traveling migrants because of their Christian beliefs......"
"German FB blocked this vid"

Censorship is a lot higher on the left's list of powerful political weapons than they'd like to admit.

They'll admit it here. If they think your comments are "hate speech," you can face criminal charges. It's part of their broader plan to stomp out neo-Nazism. I can understand that, but there are problems with it.

First, it actually gives neo-Nazism a degree of credibility it doesn't deserve. When you have to censor what's actually political speech, it doesn't discredit the speaker as much as it discredits the censor. I abhor neo-Nazism, but I'd rather see it discredited on the merits than through freedom-suppressing state actions that frankly resemble the methods of old Nazism.

Second, this censorship power is being abused to come after people who aren't neo-Nazis but simply oppose the current government's migration policy. Well, that has nothing to do with Nazism.

Finally, this "hate speech" ban is very hypocritically applied. I've read some of the banned comments, and they're definitely not nice things to say - people wishing the refugees would die in the Mediterranean and similar comments. Obviously that are awful things to say about anybody, but it's no worse or more hateful than what Islamic clerics say about Jews everyday, but I don't see them censored or prosecuted. I just find the irony overwhelming. A country that wants to atone for Nazism chooses to do so by mollycoddling Jew-haters. Seems backwards to me.
Second, this censorship power is being abused to come after people who aren't neo-Nazis but simply oppose the current government's migration policy. Well, that has nothing to do with Nazism

This sums up the problem with all censorship. Usually, people that have nothing to do with the problem get censored (also why I oppose the patriot act and other methods meant to subvert the bill of rights). I, like most, would like to see a world without fascists, nazis, the klan, radical islam, etc. However, if your country cannot resist these beliefs systems on their merits (or lack thereof) without censorship, your society has some big problems that censorship is not going to fix.

That said, Germany is a special case. Censorship made sense after World War 2, especially with so many Nazis still alive. Over time, as WW2 becomes more distant, it would seem okay for Germany to drops such speech restrictions. Whether or not now is the time to do so, I cannot say as I do not live there. I would think that, even if now is not the time, Germany would be able to drop its various free speech restrictions at some point in my lifetime. At some point, the risk of national socialism should be so low that the benefit of suppressing it is not worth the cost of suppressing free speech, including unrelated speech being censored that is unpopular with the government.
Over time, as WW2 becomes more distant, it would seem okay for Germany to drops such speech restrictions.

Especially since some of them are in such ridiculous contexts that clearly have nothing to do with neo-nazism. For example, WW2 board games have to show an Iron Cross for German pieces even if the use the actual period flag for the other nations, or the game can't be bought and sold in Germany.
Especially since some of them are in such ridiculous contexts that clearly have nothing to do with neo-nazism. For example, WW2 board games have to show an Iron Cross for German pieces even if the use the actual period flag for the other nations, or the game can't be bought and sold in Germany.

I was just talking to a friend in Northern Italy about this on skype. he is also fluent in German. Here is what he said about Germany --
"especially germans have problem with right wing"
"ur immediately a nazi if ur not lefty ;)"

I had asked him translate what the cover of this article says

His reply --
AK: where did u get that article from
AK: its titled danger from the right
AK: increasingly kitas (the kindergarden from age 1 to 3) search help because they have to deal with right-wing (err nazis) parents
I was just talking to a friend in Northern Italy about this on skype. he is also fluent in German. Here is what he said about Germany --
"especially germans have problem with right wing"
"ur immediately a nazi if ur not lefty ;)"

I had asked him translate what the cover of this article says

His reply --
AK: where did u get that article from
AK: its titled danger from the right
AK: increasingly kitas (the kindergarden from age 1 to 3) search help because they have to deal with right-wing (err nazis) parents

Your friend is right, and it's getting ridiculous and absurdly overblown. If you want to know how common neo-Nazism really is, look at how well the National Democratic Party does. They are the closest thing to the Nazis. They got 1.5 percent of the vote and have no seats in the Bundestag (Germany's parliament). The successor party to the East German Communist Party (Die Linke) got 8.2 percent and scored 64 seats. If there's a threat of dangerous radicals gaining power, it's coming from the hard Left.
That said, Germany is a special case. Censorship made sense after World War 2, especially with so many Nazis still alive. Over time, as WW2 becomes more distant, it would seem okay for Germany to drops such speech restrictions. Whether or not now is the time to do so, I cannot say as I do not live there. I would think that, even if now is not the time, Germany would be able to drop its various free speech restrictions at some point in my lifetime. At some point, the risk of national socialism should be so low that the benefit of suppressing it is not worth the cost of suppressing free speech, including unrelated speech being censored that is unpopular with the government.

I agree. After WWII, the Allies needed to stop and fully discredit national socialism, so some censorship and "reeducation" was definitely needed. However, after 70 years, the point has been made, and the overemphasis on neonazism is diverting attention away from much more serious ideological threats. A dumbass tourist standing at the podium at Zeppelin Field and jokingly or even not jokingly doing the Nazi Salute and having his picture taken isn't threat. A nutcase Islamic fundamentalist cleric very seriously telling his congregation how awful the West is and how Christians and Jews deserve to die is a threat. They need to get their priorities straight.
I wonder if that's partially because of the disproportionate attention Germany's war crimes and other fiendish behaviors got compared to that of other nations - especially Japan and Russia.
I wonder if that's partially because of the disproportionate attention Germany's war crimes and other fiendish behaviors got compared to that of other nations - especially Japan and Russia.

This is a great point. Without trying to diminish the crimes of nazi germany, I have to agree that the crimes of imperial japan and the ussr have never seemed to get quite the same publicity.
This is a great point. Without trying to diminish the crimes of nazi germany, I have to agree that the crimes of imperial japan and the ussr have never seemed to get quite the same publicity.
I say it is because of two main reasons:
1) Japan did an excellent job of convincing itself that their war criminals were not criminals. Rather, they gathered great sympathy as victims of the war.
2) The US feared losing Japan to communism in the 1950s. As a way to keep the Japanese on the US side, the US was willing to parole convicted Japanese war criminals.
For example, Okinori Kaya, convicted by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East as a Class A war criminal [those in the highest decision-making bodies], served as Japan's Minister of Justice in the 1960s!
Germany didn't do #1 and didn't have #2. Hence, Germany is still hunting down WW2 officials while Japan has been 'over it' since the 1950s.
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Japan did an excellent job of convincing itself that their war criminals were not criminals. Rather, they gathered great sympathy as victims of the war

They did a pretty amazing job of it somehow. It's gotten pretty common to read that Japan was forced into war by the USA because they had no other options left, or that we craftily maneuvered them into starting the war we wanted to fight because we were racists who didn't want a non-white to become a world power like the white empires were.

And there was certainly some racist stupidity going on on both sides causing them to overlook each other. We didn't take the threat seriously enough because they were little yellow wannabe-europeans who couldn't even see straight enough to fly or shoot effectively, and they thought our morale would collapse easily because we were a bunch of weak-willed wimps who couldn't match the discipline or toughness of the glorious Yamato peoples. But that's different from "oh crap, an Asian nation is getting powerful, let's start a war with them to stop them - or better, let's force them to start a war with us!" which is about how things seem to be implied at times.

We did back them into a corner in one sense - we weren't going to keep supplying them with the war materials necessarily to murder and rape their way across China and SE Asia.
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This is a great point. Without trying to diminish the crimes of nazi germany, I have to agree that the crimes of imperial japan and the ussr have never seemed to get quite the same publicity.

That's because they don't serve the right political agenda. Keep in mind that the media and academia decide whose acts are highlighted and emphasized as evil and whose are rationalized. The USSR (and Maoist China) will never be demonized as much for obvious reasons. Their acts of murder were committed in the name of international socialism, which academics and media figures largely support.

Japan doesn't get as much flack because they aren't considered "white" and because of who their enemies were. They were fighting the US as well as white European colonial powers that had possessions in Asia. Well academics and media types will always dutifully at least offer rationalizations for the Japanese for that reason alone.

I think Italy gets a pass because they didn't end up being a particularly big factor in the war. They ended up being a weak ally to the Germans and folded pretty quickly.

Nazi Germany is the complete package for demonization. Not only did they kill lots of innocent people, they did it to build a massive empire built along white supremacy. And "white" was pretty narrow - excluded Slavs, Jews, etc. Furthermore, whom did they target for land with which to build their empire? The USSR. Other than Jews, whom did they target? Communists in Germany and all over Europe. If you're a left-wing academic or media pundit, it doesn't get worse than that. The bottom line is that the hard Left doesn't hate Hitler because he killed a lot of innocent people, started wars, or because he hated Jews. They idolize plenty of warmongers, murderers, and Jew-haters. They hate him because he targeted and killed communists.
They did a pretty amazing job of it somehow. It's gotten pretty common to read that Japan was forced into war by the USA because they had no other options left, or that we craftily maneuvered them into starting the war we wanted to fight because we were racists who didn't want a non-white to become a world power like the white empires were.

And there was certainly some racist stupidity going on on both sides causing them to overlook each other. We didn't take the threat seriously enough because they were little yellow wannabe-europeans who couldn't even see straight enough to fly or shoot effectively, and they thought our morale would collapse easily because we were a bunch of weak-willed wimps who couldn't match the discipline or toughness of the glorious Yamato peoples. But that's different from "oh crap, an Asian nation is getting powerful, let's start a war with them to stop them - or better, let's force them to start a war with us!" which is about how things seem to be implied at times.

We did back them into a corner in one sense - we weren't going to keep supplying them with the war materials necessarily to murder and rape their way across China and SE Asia.
We were sending them fuel until they partnered with Germany. That was the last straw.
I have always joked that Japan was still fighting the first world war in the 1930s and 40s while the rest of the world was fighting the second world war.
Take this for what it's worth. (It's from the Putin News Network.) However, it has been reported that most of the terrorists involved in the Paris and Brussels attacks were "refugees." Link.
some highlights of Viktor Orbán speech
He is Hungarian and 98% of Hungarian voters say 'no' to EU migrant position

“Shall we be slaves or men set free — That is the question, answer me!”

".....hidden, faceless world powers will eliminate everything that is unique, autonomous, age-old & national..."

“They will blend cultures religions & populations, until our many-faceted & proud Europe will finally become bloodless& docile"

full text can be found here