Germany's Refugee Crises

I see Merkel is planning to run for a FOURTH term. I guess we'll see how pissed off the Germans really are. If they vote her back into office, they deserve what they're gonna get; Islamization!

If Germany were a movie ...
I see Merkel is planning to run for a FOURTH term. I guess we'll see how pissed off the Germans really are. If they vote her back into office, they deserve what they're gonna get; Islamization!

It isn't that simple. They have two major parties - the CDU, which is Merkel's party and the SPD, which is the more liberal party. In addition, they have a handful of minor parties - the Greens, Die Linke (old East German communists), AfD (the anti-Muslim party that has been a thorn in the CDU's side in recent state elections), and the FDP (a business-friendly conservative party that was shut out of the Bundestag in the last election).

AfD will enter the Budestag with a significant number of seats but not enough to elect its own Chancellor. Where it gets dicey is that the CDU and SPD are willing to form a coalition government, like the current one. That undercuts AfD's leverage significantly. If AfD drives CDU's numbers below SPD's, the SPD will form a coalition with CDU but will get its own chancellor, who will be worse than Merkel. (Yes, it is possible to be worse.) SPD could also form a coalition with the Greens and Die Linke - unlikely, but that would be the worst case scenario.
You're right Deez, Germany's system is complicated. Sounds liked Germany is pretty much damned in any case. Hard to believe there's a more liberal party than Merkel's.
You're right Deez, Germany's system is complicated. Sounds liked Germany is pretty much damned in any case. Hard to believe there's a more liberal party than Merkel's.

Merkel's party is conservative by European standards. Also, if you're in the US, it's hard to get a feel for how much nationalism is frowned upon here. They really view it as primitive and dangerous, because in recent European history, it has been dangerous. (That's why an arrangement like the EU became politically possible.)

And though I think Merkel is making a mistake (and some in her party agree), I do understand why she's doing it. In addition to the PC reasons that make her popular with the German media which would make the New York Times look like right wing zealots, there's an economic reason. Ethnic Germans (and frankly, white people in general) aren't having children anywhere near fast enough to keep up. Bringing in Muslim immigrants helps keep labor costs down and provides a long term tax base, and unlike white folks, they reproduce and create more workers and taxpayers. Germany did this in the '60s with Turkish immigrants, and it generally turned out well. However, Turks from the '60s aren't like Syrians, Iraqis, and Algerians from the 2000s.

We have the same issue in America, but fortunately, we bring in Mexicans rather than Muslims and have done so mostly with the efforts of our conservative party. That brings its own benefits and costs, but generally terrorism isn't one of those costs.
The incoming UN S-G António Guterres told European policymakers “migration is not the problem but the solution” and that politicians should ignore voters. Guterres (who is a socialist, go figure) insisted every European Union nation must be forced to “share the burden” of mass migration -- "We must convince [Europeans] that migration is inevitable and that it is the multiethnic societies which are multicultural and multireligious who are building wealth.”

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I see the German tax payers unknowingly sent millions of dollars to the Clinton foundation to help Hillary get elected. The money was earmarked to "plant trees in Africa" and sent via the Ministry of the Environment. The money was sent right after Hill praised Merkel. I guess crooked leftist are the same all over the world.

And the Democrats are worried about Russians interfering in the election.
Ethnic Germans (and frankly, white people in general) aren't having children anywhere near fast enough to keep up. Bringing in Muslim immigrants helps keep labor costs down and provides a long term tax base, and unlike white folks, they reproduce and create more workers and taxpayers.

I read a book by Mark Stein a few years ago that pointed out that the U.S. is the only country where "Western European" populations have a sustainable birthrate, which I think was something like 2.1 or 2.4 kids per family?
I read a book by Mark Stein a few years ago that pointed out that the U.S. is the only country where "Western European" populations have a sustainable birthrate, which I think was something like 2.1 or 2.4 kids per family?

And that is likely due to Latinos and recent immigrants. It's probably not ethnic Europeans.
Here is a description of a "rape gauntlet" in Paris
Which apparently has become common

"...... My wife and I ate at a restaurant with a clear view of the Eiffel Tower, which happened to be next door to an Arab-owned shop. As the fireworks display began, dozens of Arab youths set up chairs in the middle of the road and took over a section of the street.

To get back from the Eiffel Tower, you had to pass through this gauntlet of Arab males.

As girls approached, the men ran towards them. These dozens of men began “hugging” the girls.

At first the young girls tried playing off what was happening by smiling and giggling.

They soon realized that the men were not going to let them pass without taking a pinch, grope, or more.

The girls began to freak out, and I walked closer to make a show of force.

I would not stand idly by while a savaged attacked a helpless woman.

The girls were allowed to pass after each man had taken his turn hugging, grabbing, and groping them....."


As the fireworks display ended, I saw those same “boys” grope and sexually molest two young girls.
Reading about the atrocities of this refugee nonsense makes me cherish the Second Amendment as a pillar of life.

Oh to read the morning news of what happened to a 'rape gauntlet' in Texas.
Reading about the atrocities of this refugee nonsense makes me cherish the Second Amendment as a pillar of life.

Oh to read the morning news of what happened to a 'rape gauntlet' in Texas.
That's called a Turkey shoot in Texas.
Maria Ladenburger- EU official daughter killed by refugee

The only thing more screwed up than the crime is the reaction to the crime. Of course the girl's dad is a high-level EU bureaucrat, so he has called for more support and money for migrants. I'm sorry, but if that's the reaction your own daughter getting murdered, then you are f'ed up. Other politicians (including so-called conservative politicians) have downplayed the attacker's origin and said they commit the same crimes that native Germans commit. Of course, that's a BS point to make. If you can literally find one German who has raped and murdered someone, the statement is true. However, it is completely devoid of any perspective or proportionality, and the fact that it's taken seriously is indicative of how dishonest and anti-intellectual the arguments in favor of this nonsense are.

I also read that this guy only faces a maximum sentence of ten years and deportation. That's ridiculous. Germans are rule followers, and their criminal code reflects that. You don't need severe punishments when your people naturally follow the law as a core facet of their culture. However, the people they're letting in are not cultural rule followers, and though it's very politically incorrect to say this, they don't view crime the same way, especially sexual offenses and crime against women in general. People are created equal, but their cultures are not. Germany is going to have to adjust their criminal laws to reflect a more lawless society.

I'm also going to bring this up again. The guy who committed this crime is not a refugee, and I'm really getting tired of people playing the "refugee card" fraudulently. He didn't run away from ISIS or Assad. In fact, he's not even from Syria. He's from Afghanistan and came for economic opportunity that he and his people should be building for themselves in their own country. He never should have been allowed into Germany.

You might recall that early on, I was pro-refugee. l still sympathize with those running away from the mess in Syria, and most of them are innocent people who would never hurt anybody. However, the issue is in need of honesty, balance, sanity, and we're not getting it. We're getting a chaotic free-for-all and lots of BS and lies. Well, if our only choice is between that and closing the doors, then a sane person has to err on the side of closing the doors.

Reading about the atrocities of this refugee nonsense makes me cherish the Second Amendment as a pillar of life.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) has called for relaxing gun laws, which the established parties dismiss and invoke America's crime rate as a reason not to do it. However, it would be a game changer. Instead of the people being afraid of getting shot, the terrorists would fear getting shot.

One other thing, in the last couple of years, hunting license applications in Germany have spiked. Having a hunting license wouldn't let you carry a gun, but it would let you keep one in your house. Personally, I carry a blade when I go out. It's better than nothing.
What a tragic horrible crime no family should have to face.
Mr D articulated it so well.
In fact you could change to setting to USA and illegals with the feelings and conclusions being the exact same.
Err on the side of closing our doors
At least to those who try to come illegally and to those from certain areas of the world.
Maria Ladenburger- EU official daughter killed by refugee

That's what happens when the chickens come home to roost.

An unescorted woman is fair game to people like her attacker.

Hope Trump keeps his promise and stops all immigration from M.E.

I noticed the Obama Administration released some news on Friday (so it would fly under the radar) about "The government suspended naturalization ceremonies and banned officers from approving any new applications for citizenship earlier this week after realizing its background check system was broken and ineligible people may have been slipping through, a key congressman revealed Friday."

Turns out we've been naturalizing criminals into the country because no FBI checks were being performed. What happened to all that vetting we were allegedly doing?
You can't vet someone if no record of their activities exists.

This is what I've never understood about the whole vetting process. How do you vet someone for an idea they hold in their heart but have never acted on? We don't read about very many repeat offenders in most of the accounts of domestic terrorism, because it's pretty much always their first time to actually do anything. Now in a lot of cases, you can find some bread crumbs in their social media trail or something of that nature, but if you're talking about a mass of refugees coming in from a culture where violence toward women and embracing of jihad is at least a normal thing (if not outright accepted), are you really going to find this random teenager posting about all the stuff he wants to do to infidels on Facebook?

The issue is not what they have or have not done. It's what they have been conditioned to see as normal or acceptable.