Germany's Refugee Crises

2016 for Europe
Not over yet

Brussels bombings, March 22 – 35 killed, including three suicide bombers

Munich stabbing attack, May 10 – 1 killed

Outside Paris - Married French police couple stabbed in their home on June 13 – 3 killed, including the attacker

Nice truck terror attack, July 14 – 87 killed, including the attacker

Ansbach bombing Germany, July 24 – suicide bomber killed, 15 injured

Normandy church attack, July 26 – 3 killed, including two attackers

Hamburg stabbing attack, October 16 – 1 killed

Berlin truck, Dec 19 - 12 killed, 48 wounded (18 seriously)
France has had a particularly bad last 19 months
With no relief in sight

1) Charlie Hebdo massacre - January 7, 2015 - 12 dead, 11 injured

2) Kosher supermarket siege - January 9, 2015 - 5 dead, 9 injured

3) Paris attacks - November 13, 2015 - 130 dead, 368 injured

4) Magnanville - June 13, 2016 -- French police couple stabbed in home – 3 killed

5) Nice truck rampage - July 14, 2016 - 84 dead, 303 injured

6) Rouen priest murder - July 26, 2016 - 1 dead, 1 injured
A Christmas Tree covered in blood - “a picture worth a thousand words?”

Merkel has condemned Germany and Europe more broadly to generations of living with terror.

Obama started us down this same road, and Hillary would have furthered it.
Probably all of the non-Trump Republican primary contestants would have had policy close to Obama/Hillary on this particular issue. Why? (a) They were too afraid to do anything else; and (b) They were going to take whatever position on this issue that their owning-donors wanted them to take.

Trump ran against them all with his plan for a wall. He also proposed a ban on immigration from certain parts of the world. He also proposed deporting illegal aliens. He opposed his own Party on these things and was roundly denounced for it, by the people in this country who do the formal denouncing. Then Trump won the R-primary in a landslide. Then won the general.

It continues to amaze that certain Republicans are still digging in their heels on these issues.
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An argument can be made that right now is one of the most consequential periods in the last 5,000 years of human history.
The End of Europe.
The Death of the West.
A decent WAPO set of infographs

"45 years of terrorist attacks in Europe, visualized"
From 1970-2015: 4,724 people died from bombings. 2,588 from assassinations. 2,365 from assaults. 548 from hostage situations. 159 from hijackings. 114 from building attacks. Thousands wounded or missing.

The database tracks more than 150,000 foreign and domestic terrorism incidents worldwide. Attacks in 2014 and 2015 have seen the highest number of fatalities, which includes terrorists targeting civilians, government officials, businesses and the media, across Europe since 2004.
Katie Hopkins, British TV personality and columnist, said: "How many more atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal?"

Amen, Katie, amen. Christmas used to be a time of peace and celebration. Now it's becoming a time of fear and dread.

Build the wall Donald and halt all M.E. immigration period.
Katie Hopkins, British TV personality and columnist, said: "How many more atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal?".....

Prediction -- she will be attacked on a personal level, while the underlying issue is swept under the rug.
Amazing how he could go from country to country with no problem.

Those are all Schengen Agreement countries. It's amazing, but it's not surprising at all. It's no different from driving between Texas and Mobilhoma.
I've been thinking we need a huge wall between us and Mobilhoma as well. :smile1:

And build a wall around Bryan-College Station as well.

In all seriousness, the Schengen Agreement is a disaster. I understand why they did it, but in the age of global terrorism, it needs to go.
A decent WAPO set of infographs

"45 years of terrorist attacks in Europe, visualized"
From 1970-2015: 4,724 people died from bombings. 2,588 from assassinations. 2,365 from assaults. 548 from hostage situations. 159 from hijackings. 114 from building attacks. Thousands wounded or missing.

The database tracks more than 150,000 foreign and domestic terrorism incidents worldwide. Attacks in 2014 and 2015 have seen the highest number of fatalities, which includes terrorists targeting civilians, government officials, businesses and the media, across Europe since 2004.

From the map in your link, most terrorist incidents between 1970 and 2015 occurred in Northern Ireland, Basque Country, Kosovo, Ukraine, and Georgia. Three of these regions (NI, Basque, and Georgia) featured Christian-on-Christian terrorism. One (Ukraine) occurred in a largely non-religious area. The fifth (Kosovo) is in a largely Muslim area but the terrorism was related to self-determination, not jihad.

The map appears to be based on the number of incidences rather than the number of deaths or injuries, so a map of death counts would look different. Also, a map over a shorter period of time would look different because most jihad-related terrorism is more recent than 1970. However, as a whole the map is spread over too broad of a time period with too many different things going on to really mean much.
Belgium terror fears -- Boy, 14, found with rucksack full of bombs marked 'Allah Akbar'

It wouldn't surprise me if something is planned for New Year's Eve. I'm sure there will be more rapes like there were last year, but I'll bet somebody will try something bigger and more organized. I'm not going out. I'll stay home and watch my neighbors get drunk and set off fireworks in the middle of the street like they did last year.
So the Köln Police probably prevented another rape party this year, and of course, they get accused of racial profiling. Link. And this is what's wrong with Europe.
Of course they were profiling. And that is a good thing because it worked.

So long as it's supported by statistical analysis, I don't have a problem with racial profiling. However, I'm not convinced that they actually were profiling. According to the article, many of the men were showing signs of aggressive behavior. If that's the case, then they were stopped because of their conduct, not because they fit a profile.
On a related note, the murder rate in America skyrocketed in 2016. San Antonio's murder rate increased by 60%. Chicago, Las Vegas, and many other big cities saw similar increases.

A former Chicago police chief said you could lay it at the door of Black Lives Matter. The police are reluctant to stop suspicious people anymore, especially if they're black. Now if they stop anyone, they're likely to be required to fill out paperwork explaining why they stopped them. That paperwork gets reviewed by the ACLU and others who are looking for patterns of profiling blacks and minorities. The net result is that criminals are emboldened and crime rates soar, just like when the Baltimore police quit going into certain neighborhoods after the Freddie Gray riots.
On a related note, the murder rate in America skyrocketed in 2016. San Antonio's murder rate increased by 60%. Chicago, Las Vegas, and many other big cities saw similar increases.

A former Chicago police chief said you could lay it at the door of Black Lives Matter. The police are reluctant to stop suspicious people anymore, especially if they're black. Now if they stop anyone, they're likely to be required to fill out paperwork explaining why they stopped them. That paperwork gets reviewed by the ACLU and others who are looking for patterns of profiling blacks and minorities. The net result is that criminals are emboldened and crime rates soar, just like when the Baltimore police quit going into certain neighborhoods after the Freddie Gray riots.

I think it's too early to attribute the rise in crime for a subset of major cities to BLM but here is the most recent article I could find on murder rates. The synopsis...a handful of major cities are driving the increase that started in 2015 (over 2014). As of the writing of this article, the increase was primarily focused in the Southwest.