Germany's Refugee Crises

I think it's too early to attribute the rise in crime for a subset of major cities to BLM .....

60 Minutes just had something in this general area on Chicago
CBS seemed to be blaming Chicago violence due to police presence "pulling back" from certain neighborhoods
CBS did not lay any blame at the feet of BLM. They also mentioned Rahm refused to appear

73% of Muslims in France and Austria say Sharia Law is more important than laws of thier country (per Berlin University)

Especially the lower than expected agreement by Muslims on 'Jews are not to be trusted'. 4 of 6 countries didn't even have a majority on that one. Strange.

I also don't believe that most Dutch Muslims have gay friends. I've been to the Netherlands. Yes, there are plenty of gays in Amsterdam. It's basically San Francisco with canals and better cheese, but the gays sure as hell aren't in the Muslim areas.
So Germany can't control its borders, but what can it do (at least according to its Green Party)? Provide taxpayer-funded hookers for old people, of course. Link.
Hahahaha, I had similar thoughts but was too embarrassed to post them. And because I am already an old fart "sexual assistance" was quite intriguing I humiliatedly admit.

Nash, I've seen some trashy skanks here. You don't want what they're offering.
Pretty ironic for the country that popularized the bikini, the topless bathing suit, and gave us Brigitte Bardot. Damn shame.
Serious question for NJ and SH. Were you for or against Refugee's coming to the USA?

I supported our vetting process and was confident in our ability incorporate the majority of them into the fabric of our country. The 3 most concentrated areas of Muslim's in the US are New York metro, LA, and Dearborn. Only in Dearborn is the Arab American population even approaching a majority (44% based on most recent census). Most of the Arab population there have been here for generations though.

Oh...and it seems there is a pretty salacious false rumor that Dearborn has implemented Shariah law.
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I supported our vetting process and was confident in our ability incorporate the majority of them into the fabric of our country.

So what about the minority? How about the little terrorist that aren't born yet or the ones just considered children? Why do you have confidence in our vetting process when your candidate stated that it's impossible to vet them properly? Are you okay with populating our country with people that are coming from hotbed countries for terrorist?

You know they once vetted a guy from Kyrgyzstan who had two little baby boys. Those two little boys grew up and committed the Boston Marathon bombing. I don't know if you have any sons, but if so, how would you have felt if your son was the eight-year-old boy named Martin William Richard that was killed in that bombing? Why would you even consider taking a chance on our kids, grandkid, great grandkids safety and their future? Are you against putting them in a safe zone instead and allowing them to stay in their own country?

If your 8 year old son would have been murdered by those Muslim Terrorist, would you still be okay with allowing them in? Libs seem to put everyone first but Americans.
You supported the vetting system ,a system without actual data. How can there be data from areas with no data or gov't controlled info? Where did the UN get reliable info? From asking Mohammed if Syed was who he said he was?
And you never answered when it was pointed out to you that the "great vetting" went from 18-24 mons to 3 mobs. Do you support the 3 Mon vetting?
I supported our vetting process and was confident in our ability incorporate the majority of them into the fabric of our country. The 3 most concentrated areas of Muslim's in the US are New York metro, LA, and Dearborn. Only in Dearborn is the Arab American population even approaching a majority (44% based on most recent census). Most of the Arab population there have been here for generations though.

Oh...and it seems there is a pretty salacious false rumor that Dearborn has implemented Shariah law.
Unless the vetting process eliminates the Muslim from the Muslims, it is not going to work effectively. You should be well aware of what these people believe in by now because Europe is filled with them, and the results of Muslim immigration "incorporating" into the fabric of European society is readily apparent. Call it a religion if you must, but look at the beliefs and actions of these people. The KKK's actions pale in comparison to the atrocities these turds have committed.