Germany's Refugee Crises

2) Divorce rates. A lot of young people grow up seeing most marriages around them fall apart. Even if they ideally want marriage and want to have kids in that context, they're pretty skeptical about marriage as a practical viable option that won't leave them worse off and with more heartache in the end. Hence, more people waiting longer to get married which often correlates to waiting longer to have kids.
Check those stats. I saw a recent report showing divorce rates are declining significantly from the days of almost 50%.
I saw a recent report showing divorce rates are declining significantly from the days of almost 50%.

Possibly a countereffect of more people delaying marriage, being pickier about who they marry, or choosing not to marry at all even with a serious s.o. they hope to spend their life with.
Check those stats. I saw a recent report showing divorce rates are declining significantly from the days of almost 50%.

Divorce rates are falling because people aren't getting married until they've been living in sin for years, often with kids. What used to be a marriage and quick divorce is now just a breakup.
Merkel should stroll through Cologne's central train station - alone- next New Year's Eve. Maybe on Jan. 1 she'll pull her head out of her a$$.
I work with a German immigrant. He married an American who worked for an American airline in Germany. I asked him about Merkel and the muslims. He refused to criticize her. Of course, he has an Obama bobble-head doll in his office too.
Merkel should stroll through Cologne's central train station - alone- next New Year's Eve. Maybe on Jan. 1 she'll pull her head out of her a$$.

Wouldn't make a difference. They wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole, especially when they can get away with groping hot German chicks.
"There is no country we could find where a majority are positive about immigration"


The year-to-year trends are interesting. In the US and Great Britain, opinions about immigration have been on a steady trend upwards. That is the opposite of what I would have expected.
A woman in Belfast (Northern Ireland) almost got tossed in the slammer for speech. Link. I don't condone what this lady said and would never say what she said. However, she said the same sorts of things that I hear Muslim leaders all over the world (including in Europe) say about Jews, Christians, and Westerners every day. How many of them are ever put in jeopardy of incarceration?
It is Malthus. Most of the world's problems can be traced to overpopulation. I am not sure why Europe and the refugees think spreading the overpopulation problem into Europe is the solution.

This world faces a severe overpopulation crisis that is being ignored. Middle Eastern immigrants overpopulating Europe is not the answer. Less developed countries need to use birth control to stablize their population growth like it has stablized in most developed countries.

The whole "everyone needs to have more kids" attitude is wrong. It seems like various groups are trying to win the population race by having the most of their religion, race, nationality, etc. It is a classic tragedy of the commons. Every country on Earth needs to produce fewer children.

Except the social safety net of all the Western countries has been setup based on an ever increasing population.
Except the social safety net of all the Western countries has been setup based on an ever increasing population.

That can be fixed. For starters, we could probably divert enough Pentagon waste to cover it.
I did not feel like going into a long post, but it absolutely can be cleaned up. For starters, the money in the program should actually go where it is meant to go. It is fixable. However, it may be a lost cause, not because it cannot be fixed, but because I doubt either party will ever manage to get this country's finances in order.
I did not feel like going into a long post, but it absolutely can be cleaned up. For starters, the money in the program should actually go where it is meant to go.

The tens of trillions in the hole assumes the money in the program does go where it's meant to go. It pretends that the IOUs in the trust funds are real assets.
Merkel needs to go

"MERKEL'S U-TURN: Chancellor vows to DEPORT failed asylum seekers as election failure looms"
DESPERATE Angela Merkel has vowed to deport failed asylum seekers – a year after opening Germany's doors to more than a million refugees.

"ANOTHER blow for Angela Merkel: Even Hungary’s Socialists want to REJECT migrant quotas"
HUNGARY is a step closer to rejecting EU migrant quotas now as even the socialist party thinks it's a bad idea
Here is a Finnish woman with good English who has three anecdotal tales of some of the crazy stuff that is happening in her part of the world
It is only about 16m, and (IMO at least) gives an interesting and unique perspective

Here is a Finnish woman with good English who has three anecdotal tales of some of the crazy stuff that is happening in her part of the world
It is only about 16m, and (IMO at least) gives an interesting and unique perspective

Wow. That sounds awful.
Another state election in Germany that went badly for Merkel's CDU party and went well for Alternative für Deutschland. Link.

The state governments in Germany have virtually nothing to do with immigration policy, yet AfD has been able to go from nonexistence to major players at the state level within just a few years mostly by using this issue. It'll be interesting to see what they can do in the national elections, where the issue is of much greater consequence. I'm not holding my breath on a Frauke Petry chancellorship, but I could see them gaining enough leverage to bust up Merkel's coalition.
"I came to Austria to **** the women." Link. The article is in German, but that's what this accused rapist claimed was his reason for coming to Austria from Algeria.

See why we have to use the broader term "migrant" rather than "refugee?" Generally we don't grant refugee status when you enter a country to bang the chicks - at least not yet.