Germany's Refugee Crises

Bill Gross addressed the credit aspect of the equation in this article on zerohedge today.

When investable assets pose too much risk for too little return. Not immediately, but at the margin, low/negative yielding credit is exchanged for figurative and sometimes literal gold or cash in a mattress. When it does, the system delevers as cash at the core, or real assets like gold at the risk exterior, become the more desirable assets. Central banks can create bank reserves, but banks are not necessarily obliged to lend it if there is too much risk for too little return. The secular fertilization of credit creation may cease to work its wonders at the zero bound, if such conditions persist.

He follows up with 4 more mini Q&As, as follows:

Can capitalism function efficiently at the zero bound?

No. Low interest rates may raise asset prices, but they destroy savings and liability based business models in the process. Banks, insurance companies, pension funds and Mom and Pop on Main Street are stripped of their ability to pay for future debts and retirement benefits. Central banks seem oblivious to this dark side of low interest rates. If maintained for too long, the real economy itself is affected as expected income fails to materialize and investment spending stagnates.

Can $180 billion of monthly quantitative easing by the ECB, BOJ, and the BOE keep on going? How might it end?

Yes, it can, although the supply of high quality assets eventually shrinks and causes significant technical problems involving repo, and of course negative interest rates. Remarkably, central banks rebate almost all interest payments to their respective treasuries, creating a situation of money for nothing — issuing debt for free. Central bank "promises" of eventually selling the debt back into the private market are just that — promises/promises that can never be kept. The ultimate end for QE is a maturity extension or perpetual rolling of debt. The Fed is doing that now but the BOJ will be the petri dish example for others to follow, if/ when they extend maturities to perhaps 50 years.
And I'll admit that I don't know the answer. Many European governments have systems that are very pro-child bearing. Germany has the "kindergeld" program that pays out a cash benefit for having kids, and it's significant money, but people still aren't doing it. I don't think a lack of money is driving it. I think an unwillingness to stop living entirely for oneself is driving it.

This is an industrialized world problem.
And I'll admit that I don't know the answer. Many European governments have systems that are very pro-child bearing. Germany has the "kindergeld" program that pays out a cash benefit for having kids, and it's significant money, but people still aren't doing it. I don't think a lack of money is driving it. I think an unwillingness to stop living entirely for oneself is driving it.
There is a theory that the decreasing reproduction rate reflects an increasing belief that there is no God, hence, no everlasting life after death. There are a couple cultures that are well ahead of the 2 : 2.1 reproduction rate needed to maintain the population. Muslims are one of the fastest growing groups.
You sure appear to be taking your damn time! ;)

It would have happened sooner, but Mrs. Deez had to have gallbladder surgery a few months ago and almost had to have knee surgery just a few weeks later. Because of all that, she had to be on medications that aren't good with pregnancy. But she's off all that now, so we'll see.

Nevertheless, we are somewhat of an example of the issue. I was 31 and she was barely 29 when we married (old by traditional standards), but we waited 5 years to conceive and closer to six before Deez, Jr. was born. He's almost 2 and a half, and we're just starting on Deez, III. If you do the math, that doesn't leave a lot of time. I just turned 40, and she's 37. Unless she wants to be bearing children after 40, we probably won't have more than 2.
There is a theory that the decreasing reproduction rate reflects an increasing belief that there is no God, hence, no everlasting life after death. There are a couple cultures that are well ahead of the 2 : 2.1 reproduction rate needed to maintain the population. Muslims are one of the fastest growing groups.

It certainly seems to impact Christians as well. Most of my friends are Christians (actual Bible-believing Christians, not the Phil Donahue types), but they still don't have kids until late in life, which means they aren't having many.
There is a theory that the decreasing reproduction rate reflects an increasing belief that there is no God, hence, no everlasting life after death. There are a couple cultures that are well ahead of the 2 : 2.1 reproduction rate needed to maintain the population. Muslims are one of the fastest growing groups.

I don't think declining birth rates among Christians has anything to do with belief in God.

The Muslim rate is high because females are basically relegated to being home makers and baby makers. In some muslim countries females can't drive or even go outside without a male relative. Their entire worth revolves around producing kids.

On the other hand, Christian societies tend to free females to pursue careers or whatever they choose. In those countries, many females delay child birth until their thirties, if they decide to have them at all. They're not going to have as many kids as in societies where the average first pregnancy is in the 16-24 year old range.

That's a big reason why in the long run I think Islam is going to rule the world. They're out breeding everybody.
Again, it's not families, and it's not Syrian refugees. Link. 73 percent are dudes, and 71 percent are not from Syria. So what the hell's going on??
It is Malthus. Most of the world's problems can be traced to overpopulation. I am not sure why Europe and the refugees think spreading the overpopulation problem into Europe is the solution.

This world faces a severe overpopulation crisis that is being ignored. Middle Eastern immigrants overpopulating Europe is not the answer. Less developed countries need to use birth control to stablize their population growth like it has stablized in most developed countries.

The whole "everyone needs to have more kids" attitude is wrong. It seems like various groups are trying to win the population race by having the most of their religion, race, nationality, etc. It is a classic tragedy of the commons. Every country on Earth needs to produce fewer children.
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It is Malthus. Most of the world's problems can be traced to overpopulation. I am not sure why Europe and the refugees think spreading the overpopulation problem into Europe is the solution.

This world faces a severe overpopulation crisis that is being ignored. Middle Eastern immigrants overpopulating Europe is not the answer. Less developed countries need to use birth control to stablize their population growth like it has stablized in most developed countries.

The whole "everyone needs to have more kids" attitude is wrong. It seems like various groups are trying to win the population race by having the most of their religion, race, nationality, etc. It is a classic tragedy of the commons. Every country on Earth needs to produce fewer children.
You are off your rocker. An increase in a nation's wealth reduces child bearing as less children are needed for a secure retirement. Fastest way to reduce population is to have low cost energy available worldwide plus implement pro-growth capitalism. The left is working crosswise to this. Note China recently went from a 1 child policy to a 2 child policy with almost an immeasurable increase in child birth. The fact is China likely would have achieved their aim without any child policy due to their rapid economic growth.
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^ how am I off my rocker on this issue? Is there not an over population problem? The uprisings in Egypt and Syria started because there were too many people and not enough desert resources to go around. The population of Egypt is 84 million. The population of Germany is 80 million and Australia 24 million.

Syria has (or had) over 20 million people. Texas has 26 million. Much of Syria is desert. Of course at some point there would be instability and mass migration out of the country. There is no way Syria could support 20 million+ people.

India's population was 500 million in 1970 and is 1 billion today.

World population:
1970: 3.6 billion
1980: 4.4 billion
1990: 5.3 billion
2000: 6.1 billion
2010: 6.9 billion
2015: 7.3 billion

When I said birth control I mean the optional use of pills/condoms/etc.

Not every country in the world is going to have a strong, capitalist economy. As time passes and there continues to be over population in the southern hemisphere and Asia, there will be more migration, especially among males looking for jobs. My post was answering the "why so many males question." Yes overpopulation leveled off in developed countries (Western Europe, Japan, the USA) but what of less developed countries? I do not have an answer for this problem. I do know the world population needs to stop growing. All I can say is expect more migration of young men from overpopulated less developed countries over the next century.
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^ how am I off my rocker on this issue? Is there not an over population problem? The uprisings in Egypt and Syria started because there were too many people and not enough desert resources to go around. The population of Egypt is 84 million. The population of Germany is 80 million and Australia 24 million.

Syria has (or had) over 20 million people. Texas has 26 million. Much of Syria is desert. Of course at some point there would be instability and mass migration out of the country. There is no way Syria could support 20 million+ people.

India's population was 500 million in 1970 and is 1 billion today.

World population:
1970: 3.6 billion
1980: 4.4 billion
1990: 5.3 billion
2000: 6.1 billion
2010: 6.9 billion
2015: 7.3 billion

When I said birth control I mean the optional use of pills/condoms/etc.

Not every country in the world is going to have a strong, capitalist economy. As time passes and there continues to be over population in the southern hemisphere and Asia, there will be more migration, especially among males looking for jobs. My post was answering the "why so many males question." Yes overpopulation leveled off in developed countries (Western Europe, Japan, the USA) but what of less developed countries? I do not have an answer for this problem. I do know the world population needs to stop growing. All I can say is expect more migration of young men from overpopulated less developed countries over the next century.
Do you think the problems of Venezuela is because they have too many people or too much soicialism?
World population:
1970: 3.6 billion
1980: 4.4 billion
1990: 5.3 billion
2000: 6.1 billion
2010: 6.9 billion
2015: 7.3 billion

Permit me to tell you a story about the overpopulation scaremongering. When I was in grade school in the 1970's, I recall reading (typically UN forecasts) the world population was going to be 30B in 50 years. Then, in the 80's, it was lowered to 20-25B. In the early 90's, it was lowered again to 15-20B. In 2000 or so, the forecast became 10-15B. Today, it is 9-12B. See a trend? Lately, I've seen the so-called experts saying there will be a big population boom in sub-Sahara Africa, which I don't believe. I've seen more sober analysis suggesting a peak of 9-9.5B between 2050-2100 AD. By the way, most of these people will be older who don't consume much resources (versus young families).
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I think liberals cry overpopulation when their leftist ideas fail in the field instead of admitting failure.

I am not on the left. I voted for Cruz. I do have an economics degree.

As for the population, it is still going up. Just because it is not going up as quickly as experts said does not mean an overpopulation will not be an issue. Developed countries have shown if people have access to good birth control, the overpopulation problem can be stopped. I am just not sure a fix will happen in time for undeveloped countries. I think there will be more "migrant" crisises due to economic problems caused by overpopulation.
On the other hand, Christian societies tend to free females to pursue careers or whatever they choose. In those countries, many females delay child birth until their thirties, if they decide to have them at all. They're not going to have as many kids as in societies where the average first pregnancy is in the 16-24 year old range

Let me at least suggest an alternative theory. I don't think delaying childbirth is (directly) link to religion quite so much, although I'm sure it's still a factor.

People in Christian societies are having fewer kids and waiting longer to have their first than they used to. My guess at the main 2 reasons: 1)the education arms race. Stuff that used to require no degree now takes a bachelor's, stuff that used to require a bachelor's now takes a masters. Longer education often equals longer wait to have a family. 2) Divorce rates. A lot of young people grow up seeing most marriages around them fall apart. Even if they ideally want marriage and want to have kids in that context, they're pretty skeptical about marriage as a practical viable option that won't leave them worse off and with more heartache in the end. Hence, more people waiting longer to get married which often correlates to waiting longer to have kids.
I am not on the left. I voted for Cruz. I do have an economics degree.

As for the population, it is still going up. Just because it is not going up as quickly as experts said does not mean an overpopulation will not be an issue. Developed countries have shown if people have access to good birth control, the overpopulation problem can be stopped. I am just not sure a fix will happen in time for undeveloped countries. I think there will be more "migrant" crisises due to economic problems caused by overpopulation.
Okay, but I still think you have the causation backwards.

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