General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

By all means, lets give this man a cabinet post

Hillary is using Obama to threaten an end of the world confrontation with Russia because she thinks a guy who has been trapped inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the last 4+ years might be costing her the election

She is sick, corrupt and now her ego is putting all our lives at risk

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So lets say you say it's going to rain tomorrow
But then it doesnt rain
You lied?

I suggest it is impossible for anyone to lie about a future event

I can't possibly know with certainty that it's going to rain tomorrow. If I claim to know with certainty when I know that I don't, then yes, it can be a lie.

Trump does know and has control over what his own position is going to be on an issue over the course of a campaign. Furthermore, if his position in the primary is truly a negotiation point, then he knows that and knows that he won't actually stand by that position if pressed.
Oh look, Hillary caught lying yet again.
And, unlike predicting the weather, this is actual lie

This is actually a bit revealing. From the voter's standpoint, Trump's positions are sorta like Texas weather. If you don't like them, just wait a few minutes, because they'll change.
If Assange has anything that will change the momentum of the election, he better dump it, now!

What he's given us could be damaging if the media would dumb it down so that the average voter could understand it and then hammer on it, but of course they won't. Assange's revelations so far are just bouncing off Hillary like artillery shells off Godzilla.

He better have something like naked pics of Huma and Hillary while both wear muslim headdresses or it's over. Shrillery up from 5 points to 15 points with women. She's kicking Trump's *** in most battleground states. Gonna take a complete collapse on her part for Trump to be elected.
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Wonder if Obama Administration urged Great Brittan to do it? Because it's those nasty Russians that are behind this, you know.
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If Assange has anything that will change the momentum of the election, he better dump it, now!

What he's given us could be damaging if the media would dumb it down so that the average voter could understand it and then hammer on it, but of course they won't. Assange's revelations so far are just bouncing off Hillary like artillery shells off Godzilla.

He better have something like naked pics of Huma and Hillary while both wear muslim headdresses or it's over. Shrillery up from 5 points to 15 points with women. She's kicking Trump's *** in most battleground states. Gonna take a complete collapse on her part for Trump to be elected.

This has become a battle about dirt. Trump's dirt on Hillary is complicated or at least takes time to explain. Hillary's dirt on Trump is very simple - just audio and video of him saying stupid in things in very succinct and easy to digest statements. in a general election cycle, her dirt war is going to prevail over his, especially when it's buoyed by a friendly media.

A more disciplined and sharper candidate could try to fight back on issues and policy, where in some respects Trump has an advantage. I think more people prefer a tighter and stronger border security and immigration policy than a looser one. I think he could make a strong case behind standing up for law enforcement. I think he could make a strong case for business tax and trade policy reforms. The problem is that he's borderline illiterate on policy and issues, and that basically takes them off the table as a weapon for him. Furthermore, some of his stupid statements have been in the context of issues, so if he brings them up, it'll be very easy for her to divert attention away from the merits and force him to defend the stupid statements.

He's in hell of a tough bind.
Wonder if Obama Administration urged Great Brittan to do? Because it's those nasty Russians that are behind this, you know.

Clearly there are more shoes to drop. Wonder what is still out there that scares Hillary the most?

It's interesting how they dont deny the truth of any of these communications, they only try and divert attention -- "Hey look, over there, a squirrel! Er wait, it's the .... Russians!"

Also interesting is how major media ignores it -- I cannot imagine being a news producer at any level and pretending the WikiLeaks do not exist. How do you cover the news with blinders on? Seems impossible

"Reality Check" on whether Donna Brazile leaked Townhall question to Clinton Campaign

Spoiler: she did and then she lied about it (but you already knew that)

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With all the lying and manipulation the Dems are doing/have done, Trump is a dumbass to even think he could get an honest-to-God Hillary urine sample for drug testing. He thinks they can rig the election, but couldn't rig a simple drug test?

The Wikileak that interests me is the FBI and State Dept. talking about some quid pro quo deal to reclassify emails.. This is the agency tasked to do an investigation of Hillary's email server! She had 'em by the short and curlies. No wonder Comey moved to not prosecute.
With all the lying and manipulation the Dems are doing/have done, Trump is a dumbass to even think he could get an honest-to-God Hillary urine sample for drug testing. He thinks they can rig the election, but couldn't rig a simple drug test?

The Wikileak that interests me is the FBI and State Dept. talking about some quid pro quo deal to reclassify emails.. This is the agency tasked to do an investigation of Hillary's email server! She had 'em by the short and curlies. No wonder Comey moved to not prosecute.

What's lost in that version of the story is that the FBI official in charge of the classification process said "no". Kennedy and the other FBI rep might have attempted to work out a deal but the integrity of that officer in charge of the classification stopped any deal in its tracks. The official(s) that attempted to make the deal should be fired but Comey can honestly say "my organization stood tall in the end".

The drug test? That's an obvious attempt to change the narrative, a piss poor one at that.

So far these Wikileak email releases are a lot of inside baseball but limited in scope and grandeur, despite JoeFan's best efforts. Seriously, doesn't anyone care that HRC's people requested a $225k speaking fee vs. was offered? Does anyone think that a political campaign doesn't plot their positions based on voters impressions? Does anyone think these surrogates on each of the news channels aren't working directly with the campaigns that placed them there? After all, Kellyanne Conway jumped right from being a Meet The Press regular to running Trump's campaign. Donna Brazil, former head of the DNC goes to This Week then back to the DNC. Do you think Hannity wouldn't share something with Trump if he heard Wallace say something over the water cooler? Like lobbyists, the political news shows have become a revolving door from politics to the "news" then back.
What's lost in that version of the story is that the FBI official in charge of the classification process said "no". Kennedy and the other FBI rep might have attempted to work out a deal but the integrity of that officer in charge of the classification stopped any deal in its tracks. The official(s) that attempted to make the deal should be fired but Comey can honestly say "my organization stood tall in the end".

The drug test? That's an obvious attempt to change the narrative, a piss poor one at that.

So far these Wikileak email releases are a lot of inside baseball but limited in scope and grandeur, despite JoeFan's best efforts. Seriously, doesn't anyone care that HRC's people requested a $225k speaking fee vs. was offered? Does anyone think that a political campaign doesn't plot their positions based on voters impressions? Does anyone think these surrogates on each of the news channels aren't working directly with the campaigns that placed them there? After all, Kellyanne Conway jumped right from being a Meet The Press regular to running Trump's campaign. Donna Brazil, former head of the DNC goes to This Week then back to the DNC. Do you think Hannity wouldn't share something with Trump if he heard Wallace say something over the water cooler? Like lobbyists, the political news shows have become a revolving door from politics to the "news" then back.
It's always okay if the dems do it. If not illegal, why didn't he accept it? If illegal, why not arrest. The level of corruption is frightening regardless of political party. Add in collusion from the media with a dash of justice department, and you know longer have a free country. But hey, if your party is in charge, all is great!
I've seen this story and video floating around on Facebook about Obama showing off his "equipment" in a state of arousal to female reporters back in 2008, and it looks kinda fake to me, so I blew it off. However, it has shown up on Daily Wire, and since their owner (Ben Shapiro) is anti-Trump, I take it a little more seriously than I would if it was on Breitbart. Does anyone know if this is real or have it from a non-ideological source?

Yes, I know this story is lewd and juvenile, but in this election cycle, what does anyone expect? There are no standards anymore.
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I read an article by a serious writer that mentions the video. Thus I presume it is true
Zerohedge originally suggested it was Goldman Sachs gold for cash swap that did it (they made this same deal back in 2014)

But perhaps this is more like it

Either way, seems pretty clear Ecuador leveraged Assange's internet access to get something it wanted

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this bumps up pretty close to Totalitarianism -- Hillary is not even in the US Govt, yet has this kind of intl reach -- staggering


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