General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

As they say, perception becomes reality and most women will believe the allegations. That's not why I'm voting for Clinton, it's because Trump has no self discipline and he is not equipped to make the serious decisions required of the President.
It is hard to understand that in the entire story of Hillary using her private server to conduct our country's sensitive business, ,Lying about it, destroying evidence even after she was ordered to turn over to Congress
Even after all that is now known the only person arrested convicted and serving time is Guccifer.:whiteflag:
Election has boiled down to a referendum on Trumps character. Hillary is loose with the truth, but Donald has made that only important to the GOP base. His continuing inability to focus on issues, like calling for pre debate drug testing, just plays into democratic hands. He is quite simply a fool. You could have picked a Republican name out of a hat and beaten Hillary, but you managed to nominate the one guy who can't.
I actually wrote some long posts on this concurrently with the actual events
I laid out how his positioning on immigration, as well as other issues, was right out of his book.
He campaigned in the primaries in the same fashion he negotiates big business deals
And he blew away the field

A verbose and nice way of saying, "he lied."

By the way, here's another consequence of nominating Trump - court rulings that pro life pregnancy centers have to give women information about government funded abortion services. Who needs freedom of speech and religion? This sort of ruling is coming to the national level when the Left takes over the Supreme Court.
Hillary has character all right,corrupt lying and devious. A character who cares nothing about our country and who has been proven to put our country's security at risk when it benefited her.
Have any of her lies been Disproven?
How many of the women who have accused Trump been disproven, by facts on time and date or by 3rd party witnesses or even by family members?
But for sure focus on "scandals that have been debunked
And ignore the facts that show what a devious lying person she is.:brickwall:
More bullsheet -- HRC said she preserved all emails that could POSSIBLY be work related.
The subject matter of Sid Blumenthal emails clearly falls under that umbrella.

Uh no. I would call on you to reexamine the definition of lie.

Lie - "to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive."

Let's see. He told people during the primary that he was going to deport all illegal immigrants and was going to impose a ban on all Muslims entering the US. You say that he took those positions as points of negotiation. If that's true, then he never actually intended to stand by those positions. Did he tell the voters this? No. In fact, he ripped his opponents for not standing their ground on the issue.

So let's look at the elements.

1. Speak falsely or utter untruths. Yep.
2. Knowingly. If he intended that they be mere negotiating points, then he knew he wasn't going to stand by them. Yep, he meets the knowingly requirement.
3. Intent to deceive. Did he tell the voters that these positions were negotiation points? No, he told them other things about their opponents that suggested and gave the illusion that his positions were rock solid and unshakable. Why would he do that? To deceive. Yep, he meets the intent to deceive element.
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Here is the full story on this latest disclosure of Clinton corruption if you want to take a moment and read it -- its good (yes, I know some of you (the avoidance crowd) wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole)

"There is no indication in the FBI interview summaries that Kennedy was directed by Hillary Clinton or her campaign to attempt to reclassify or hide emails."

I don't buy this, but it'll be enough to justify the media not covering the story, which means it won't impact the election. Hillary will deny any knowledge of this, and Kennedy will plead the Fifth when asked about it. He won't throw her under the bus.
LOS ANGELES — The festering bad blood between movie-star exes Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger erupted Thursday when an angry phone message from Baldwin to his daughter was made public.

On the recording, Baldwin can be heard admonishing his 11-year-old, Ireland: “You are a rude, thoughtless little pig.”

“You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being,” he says, apparently upset that she did not answer her phone for a planned call.

“I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you’re a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the *** who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I’m concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone.”

While Alec Baldwin portrays a fine Donald Trump on SNL, in my mind, it is a bit hypocritical for him to be speaking about possible incest, and having sex with kids on the show. I think that this proves that many people have skeletons in their closest if you investigate their past with a magnifying glass. I won't pretend to know how many women DT may or may not have groped, fondled or made uncomfortable, but I know if my dad had spoken those words to me when I was a 12 year old it would have crushed me to my core.
I personally feel that attacking DT for his statements is fair game, but going after his family is out of bounds, especially the sexual innuendos regarding incest with Ivanka.
There is plenty of ammo without "going there."

This is but one recorded conversation...I have to wonder what other verbal abuse Baldwin's daughter heard during this time of her life.
I just hate hypocrisy. I am totally bi-partisan on that stance.

I thought Michelle Obama gave a stirring speech about men and their treatment of women. But, then I was reminded of the many rappers who have "entertained" at the White House, and I wonder if "her soul was shaken to the very core" when she heard the nasty and mysogynist lyrics I will not repeat here.
Again, double standards.
I just hate hypocrisy.

And that's what's so nauseating about this election cycle. Neither side is being consistent or genuine. Liberals who routinely celebrate thuggery and misogyny in entertainers feign outage at Trump. Conservatives (and a lot of alleged conservatives) are claiming that character doesn't matter - echoing the exact mantra that Bill Clinton's surrogates pitched back in 1992 and 1996. I expect this from Democrats, because they've never cared about character or consistency. The ends always justified the means, but to see conservatives do this just builds my cynicism.
Does this explain everything with regard to Comey/FBI?

At the unprecedented and improper meeting on the tarmac between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, Bill basically threatened "if Hillary goes down, so does Obama?"

Oh look, Hillary caught lying yet again.
And, unlike predicting the weather, this is actual lie

This time, it happened when Anderson Cooper asked her on national TV why she charged $225k for a speech.
She demurred, claiming, "That's what they offered"
Errrr, no they didnt. That was what YOU demanded (you big fat liar, pantsuits on fire)

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