General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Dang you Musburger! I was just getting ready to post a little prayer.

Dear Lord, we have seen Obama's erection. We have heard the gory details of sexual misdeeds and gross misconduct in which Bill Clinton engaged. We have listened to video of Donald Trump bragging about groping various body parts of women, and heard many stories of sexual perversion by both men.
But, through it all, I have managed to continue onward, disgusted at my very core, yet able to slog through another day of the sickening circus that is enveloping my Nation.
But please, with all of the great power you hold in Your mighty Hand, with every fiber of my being, do not place before my eyes a sex tape, a sex rumor, a sex photo/video of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
There are some things in this lifetime I can not overcome. There are some things a human can not unhear, unsee, or unforget.
I am only so strong.
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Except with Media Matters, the DNC, ACORN and HRC, yes.

More specifically, except with alt-right. His methods and his outcomes have been fraudulent. His agenda marries up to the alt-right thus they don't question the information because it fits a preconceived opinion. If only the alt-right questioned their own "media" sources as much as mass media then maybe we could all have rational discussions.
More specifically, except with alt-right. His methods and his outcomes have been fraudulent. His agenda marries up to the alt-right thus they don't question the information because it fits a preconceived opinion. If only the alt-right questioned their own "media" sources as much as mass media then maybe we could all have rational discussions.
Because he goes undercover with video his methods and outcomes are fraudulent? Just because Media Matters has brainwashed you with the alt right name calling because Bircher is no longer vogue, try to provide actual links or support for your claims.

What part of this latest expose was wrong? The guy who was fired with known ties or the guy arrested at the Trump rally who worked for the groups?

While your head is so far up HRC's butt, can you check for health problems?
Because he goes undercover with video his methods and outcomes are fraudulent? Just because Media Matters has brainwashed you with the alt right name calling because Bircher is no longer vogue, try to provide actual links or support for your claims.

What part of this latest expose was wrong? The guy who was fired with known ties or the guy arrested at the Trump rally who worked for the groups?

While your head is so far up HRC's butt, can you check for health problems?

I don't read Media Matters, DailyKos or any other extreme left site. Simply look at the O'Keefe's wikipedia to see the right and left criticisms of O'Keefe. One of the criticisms likened O'Keefe to Michael Moore, an equally worthless "journalist" or "documentarian".

With all of his previous journalistic misdeeds to lie and deceive (selective editing) why would I give him the time of day now? I get want to believe this truth.

It's all HRC's fault, clearly. From the AP:
LONDON (AP) — Ecuador's government has acknowledged that it has "temporarily restricted" WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's internet access at its embassy in London after the whistleblowing site published documents from Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign

The foreign ministry in a statement Tuesday said that while it stands by its decision in 2012 to grant Assange asylum, it doesn't interfere in foreign elections. Leftist President Rafael Correa's government said it was acting on its own and not ceding to foreign pressures.

The foreign ministry didn't specify the extent of the restrictions on Assange's access to the internet, saying only that the restrictions on his communications wouldn't affect WikiLeaks' ability to carry out its journalistic activities.

What's up with Wikileaks using this to fund Assange's defense against his rape charges?
I don't read Media Matters, DailyKos or any other extreme left site. Simply look at the O'Keefe's wikipedia to see the right and left criticisms of O'Keefe. One of the criticisms likened O'Keefe to Michael Moore, an equally worthless "journalist" or "documentarian".

With all of his previous journalistic misdeeds to lie and deceive (selective editing) why would I give him the time of day now? I get want to believe this truth.
Oh yes, Wikipedia is a reliable source. I guess that is where you came up with throwing alt right at conservatives. Regardless, I find the corruption presented by Assange, O'Keefe and other sources remarkable. For goodness sakes, the Attorney General met privately will Bill Clinton just before making a judgment on whether to bring charges against his wife. Did the media edit that too?

Either you are stupid or completely brainwashed if you do not think HRC is corrupt. And for what it is worth, I think Trump is slimy. I know the tape was likely edited and also think the liberal media has proven their bias simply with the unending playing of it. However, I do not think it is all false because I support anyone other than HRC.

HRC and the DNC are dangerous to the existence of our country.
For the record, I've never claimed that HRC isn't corrupt and have railed on her private email server with the masses. I've stated many times I'm not an HRC supporter and would happily have voted for Kasich had he been given the respect he deserved by the primary voters.

I'm not sure what that has to do with O'Keefe though. He's a movie maker with the angle of selling to an audience that wants to believe sensational stories. This is why he splices in a picture of himself dressed as a pimp to make the audience believe he walked into an ACORN office dressed like a pimp rather than any normal joe off the street. He's creating a fantasy and deceives the rubes he's talking with into giving him something he can fashion into his narrative. That's why the Michael Moore analogy was so appropriate. Moore does the same thing albeit for liberal causes. He also deserves to be chastised and discredited.

Oh, I think Trump is much more dangerous to our country than a self-serving politician. I know what to expect from HRC, the good, bad and ugly. Trump is only bad, ugly and completely unpredictable. I hate that I'm forced to either hold my nose and vote for HRC or go for the protest vote which is looking more likely as Trump falls further behind.
For the record, I've never claimed that HRC isn't corrupt and have railed on her private email server with the masses. I've stated many times I'm not an HRC supporter and would happily have voted for Kasich had he been given the respect he deserved by the primary voters.

Yet somehow you still think Trump would be worse than HRC. UNBELIEVABLE!!! Do you really believe what you type. After reading her emails, it's amazing that you think she's just only corrupt. I've come to the conclusion that I'd vote for around 300 plus million US citizens before I'd for HRC. Actually I'd vote for a drunk living under a bridge because at least he'd be passed out and doing nothing. We can't survive with her decisions she is wanting to make. You name one policy that Donald Trump can make that would come close to Hillary's decision to allow 10's of thousands of refugees in our country from hotbeds of terrorist countries. She said herself in emails that it's impossible to vet them. It's just amazing how your brain thinks. How ever bad you think Hillary is, you need to times that by a million.

Oh, I think Trump is much more dangerous to our country than a self-serving politician. I know what to expect from HRC, the good, bad and ugly

How is he more dangerous? Hillary is wanting the potential terrorist in our country. Hillary is setting an all new precedent that known corruption at the highest level ever have no consequences. This is while she is trying to win the highest office on earth. Can you imagine how far she would go once she gets complete power? What could Trump do that could possibly make him dangerous? Do you really think there is a red button that he can go push anytime he wants that would send nukes across the ocean? The left has lost their mind and it's because they believe everything the left media feeds them. Some of our good friends here seem to be brain washed.
She said herself in emails that it's impossible to vet them.

This gets repeated over and over again by Trump voters. And it's a complete disregard for the context she was using, and the facts about how the United States vets refugees in its own process.

In a 3-year-old speech, she said it was impossible for JORDAN to vet the thousands of people walking across their border from Syria. She never implied that it's impossible to vet the refugees who legally apply for asylum in the United States. She praised the rigor of the process that takes "18-to-24 months," in her own words.

Anyone who twists that into "she thinks we should be borderless and let in everyone because she gave a speech to Banco Itau" is seriously deluded.
This gets repeated over and over again by Trump voters. And it's a complete disregard for the context she was using, and the facts about how the United States vets refugees in its own process.

In a 3-year-old speech, she said it was impossible for JORDAN to vet the thousands of people walking across their border from Syria. She never implied that it's impossible to vet the refugees who legally apply for asylum in the United States. She praised the rigor of the process that takes "18-to-24 months," in her own words.

Anyone who twists that into "she thinks we should be borderless and let in everyone because she gave a speech to Banco Itau" is seriously deluded.

Don't bother. Brietbart has already told them what to think. Trump likened her to the "Devil". That's one step up from Hitler at which point he'll have jumped the shark. A hallmark of the alt-right is that they ignore facts that are inconvenient to their worldview. 'Rather they choose to believe wild conspiracy theories based on half truths or outright falsities.
I am sure the Assad regime will provide all I-9's needed as well as access to their criminal records to make sure only the good ones come over. And by good, I mean ones that will vote democrat which is really all that matters.

Please dispute any of this with "facts." Just how do we specifically vet everyone?
WOW! You both just disregarded the whole point of the refugees getting vetted. Can we vet the refugees with 100% accuracy? Let me answer it for you since you won't. NO!!! We can't. If even 1 can get through the vetting process Americans will die. PERIOD! Why the hell would you be okay with allowing our safety to be jeopardized?
This should go well --

Smartmatic, a U.K.-based voting technology company with deep ties to George Soros, has control over voting machines in 16 states including
-- Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia

The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.
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Forget all the Wikileaks. The MSM ignores them and hammers Trump on his past womanizing instead. All the Wikileaks taken together show that we're about to elect a very corrupt, almost evil, beltway insider. But the average voter doesn't care.

Women are voting for a woman and against Trump's perceived treatment of women. Hispanics are voting against the wall and against restricting immigration. Blacks and Labor vote democrat because... they always have. Trump may be as close as 1% in the Rasmussen, but when you look at the electoral map projections, he's way behind.

Tonight is Trump's last chance. He needs to forget about pointing out Hillary and Bill's transgressions. He's been doing that for months and it hasn't worked. He needs to focus on immigration and the economy. He needs to ask the American people if they're ready to pay for waves of undocumented immigrants and welcome them up into their communities and into their schools. He needs to hammer on the skyrocketing national debt, which will continue to soar under Clinton, and on the weakest economic recovery from a recession in history.

Will he do that or anything even close to it? Probably not. Is he better prepared this time? Probably not. While Hillary was sequestered yesterday, memorizing and practicing her scripted lines, Trump was berating SA mayor Ivy Taylor for disciplining cops for wearing Trump hats and attending two rallies. Color me depressed.
WOW! You both just disregarded the whole point of the refugees getting vetted. Can we vet the refugees with 100% accuracy? Let me answer it for you since you won't. NO!!! We can't. If even 1 can get through the vetting process Americans will die. PERIOD! Why the hell would you be okay with allowing our safety to be jeopardized?

So... with the 1993 WTC attack and 9/11 and San Bernardino and Boston and Northern NJ and all of the other acts of terror committed by radical fundamentalists, how many of the perps were refugees? Asking for a friend.
So... with the 1993 WTC attack and 9/11 and San Bernardino and Boston and Northern NJ and all of the other acts of terror committed by radical fundamentalists, how many of the perps were refugees?

What does that have to do with anything? They were all radical Muslims - why would we want more of them than what we already have?
So... with the 1993 WTC attack and 9/11 and San Bernardino and Boston and Northern NJ and all of the other acts of terror committed by radical fundamentalists, how many of the perps were refugees? Asking for a friend.
How many were extreme vetted before entering the US? Also, how many of the 911 attackers avoided our immigration laws? Asking for a friend. By the way, beside being a really dumb argument, how about the wife of San Bernadino? She became a citizen through a sham wedding.
So... with the 1993 WTC attack and 9/11 and San Bernardino and Boston and Northern NJ and all of the other acts of terror committed by radical fundamentalists, how many of the perps were refugees? Asking for a friend.

That has zero to do with refugees, but I'll play your little game. All from 9-11 were not refugees, but we're all capable of entering the US with a vetting system in place. Boston marathon bombers weren't alive when their dad was vetted into the US. So how can we vet those that aren't even born yet and one day those vetted will have kids that can potentially be radicalized at the risk of our kids or grandkids? Are you okay with putting our future generation's safety at risk? San Bernardino and Northern NJ would have gotten past the vetting process as they were. Both men were describe as use to being really cool and great people that just changed over time. We have enough problems with our mental illness that go out and shoot up a movie theater. The difference is they are just one person that each snapped. Terrorist are organized groups that are growing massively and believe if you aren't Muslim you should have your head chopped off. They have started a war and are already growing at a large rate even without the refugees.

Again, are you willing to jeopardize the safety of our children and grand children and many generations to come just to add to your voting block? If I'm wrong then great, we don't have the refugees here and we move on with the hopes we prosper more without them. But if I'm right we lose not only American lives but risk an eventual take over by the radicals that will never give up as long as they are alive. It absolutely makes no sense in how you libs view things.
How many were extreme vetted before entering the US? Also, how many of the 911 attackers avoided our immigration laws? Asking for a friend. By the way, beside being a really dumb argument, how about the wife of San Bernadino? She became a citizen through a sham wedding.

Can anyone define "extreme vetting" please? What policies or process improvements has Trump proposed that are different than the current vetting process?
Horn 11
Where does the USA vet?
From where do they get info?
Do you actually think there is vettable info on these people?
Surely you are not that naive?
So Mohammed from the village vouched for Said and Said crotches for ?Mohammed?
Do you really think the UN or any international org who supposedly interviews these people have any verifiable info?
You do know don't you that this "extreme " vetting We supposedly do was cut from 24 mons to 3
So tell us again HOW do we vet?
Horn 11
Where does the USA vet?
From where do they get info?
Do you actually think there is vettable info on these people?
Surely you are not that naive?
So Mohammed from the village vouched for Said and Said crotches for ?Mohammed?
Do you really think the UN or any international org who supposedly interviews these people have any verifiable info?
You do know don't you that this "extreme " vetting We supposedly do was cut from 24 mons to 3
So tell us again HOW do we vet?

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