General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Is that really HRC's shoe? I find it unbelievable that that squad of people didn't realize she had left a shoe to the point that the SUV drives away and another car parks in its place. That has to be staged.

I dont know. There is alot of fake stuff out there, its hard to ever be certain.

What I do know is that the Clinton people blocked her press pool in a mad escape to that black van. I also know that they were in such a rush (sensing a collapse was imminent), they violated SS protocol. And if this one person had not been there to film this latest episode, they would all be on TV denying it even happened.
Is that really HRC's shoe? I find it unbelievable that that squad of people didn't realize she had left a shoe to the point that the SUV drives away and another car parks in its place. That has to be staged.
The shoe is the part of this whole episode that concerns you?

Do you have any comments on her health after yesterday?
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Forget the content or which candidate the article supports. When did this kind of foul language and coarse rhetoric become acceptable in a supposedly serious political publication? Link.
I don't think that's the Huff Post proper. But another more social media outlet branded by HP.

Still, that sort of rhetoric will only hurt Hillary. This guy is out of touch.
The shoe is the part of this whole episode that concerns you?

No, the situation is bad enough without obviously fake stuff included. Overall the situation is very concerning for any POTUS candidate. Her health should be questioned at this point. The HRC campaign's lack of transparency continues to be a significant concern.
Can't pneumonia be contagious?

If so, wasnt she putting the health of scores of other humans at risk?
They said she was playing with her grandchild at Chelsea's - was this prudent?
And there was the little girl on the sidewalk who she did a little Joe-Biden-style contact with.

It is a little funny to think she refused to ride in the press plane until she came down with pneumonia (how evil is it to hope her smug media-cheerleader Andrea Mitchell gets it?). Back then, she was spinning a tall tale of "allergies" in order to explain her chronic coughing fits.
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No, the situation is bad enough without obviously fake stuff included.

It is not obvious. It may be real, it may be fake.

....Her health should be questioned at this point. ....

It was legitimate when it was first questioned in this thread, some time back. Something you ridiculed people about at the time and ever since (until now it seems). You were wrong. A righteous poster would admit as much.
I will preface my comments with the comment that I am no MD. I did grow up in a family of medical people, my dad was a Pharm D, and my brother is a physician. I also worked in the medical field for 30 years.
One of my closest friends has an auto-immune illness that makes her prone to pneumonia. She has had it 3 times in the past 4 years.
If HRC is suffering from pneumonia, I will eat my hat.
You don't go from being clear eyed, voiced one day, and collapsing suddenly the next. Oh, and then you stride out of your daughter's house a mere 90 minutes later feeling "great!"
I read that a policeman said that security threw her in her car "like a side of meat". When my friend, (who just turned 50) has it, her breathing is labored, every day, every minute. Her face is flushed, eyes dull...she can't rebound and sound chipper on a 90 minute cycle. She looks sick. Really sick. HRC sounded just fine the evening before, when she was calling half the people who would vote for Trump deplorable. (a whole 'nother subject!) She didn't cough once and had no problem speaking and breathing clearly.

When another friend's father had pneumonia, he had to sleep in a chair in order to breath somewhat comfortably. You could hear congestion in his voice. He was in the 65+ range, and it took him about a month to recover.

As noted above, in any situation of sudden collapse, no matter the age, you go to the ER. No questions asked. I was appalled that they went to Chelsea's home and thought it obvious that this was a drill performed before. There is another video floating around from a different angle (this is getting Zapruder-esque!) where it does look like instead of "legs buckling" her head jerked 3-4 times before she blacked out.

I feel badly for Hillary. I hope no one takes any pleasure from seeing a 67 year old woman collapse, and especially while the world was watching. If she were my mom, or loved one, I would be begging her to stop and take care of herself.
As for the why is she doing this--The Presidency is something she has wanted for years, and I think she is putting her desire to "be the first woman" ahead of everything, including her health, damn the consequences. I have been a bit skeptical about the whole "health issue", but I am on board now. They are hiding something, what, I don't know. (It's not Parkinson's either)

Even if she truly has pneumonia (she doesn't) this indicates to me a person who lacks judgment for the long game. I heard her schedule mentioned, and it was crazy. If she had been diagnosed on Friday, why not cancel the trip to California? She has the state locked up, has millions to play with. Is it worth a cross-country flight? Can anyone on her team, including her husband, tell her "No"? Does she listen to anyone, ever, or is it always her way or the highway? Can she not think clearly enough to see that if she has pneumonia (she doesn't) it would be better to cut back a bit, get better, and then go all out?

I don't like the idea of anyone as POTUS, including Trump, that won't listen to others, won't do the logical or reasonable thing, and has the hubris to believe once again that they are somehow special, and even pneumonia (which she doesn't have) will play out differently for them.

I hope that Trump will release his health records, as he has said, and force HRC's hand. It is amazing how things are now being spun at what a rock star Hillary is since she is still going strong, even sick with pneumonia. (that she doesn't have)
What amazes me are the Hillary people that denied yesterday and are denying today there is any sort of health issue. I was reading about the CNN and other stuff today, and some in the media are so far in Hillary's camp, they are denying what was clearly shown on camera and calling everything out as conspiracy theories. I guess I am just completely out of touch with the true believers of both nominees. The reaction and denial from the Hillary diehards (not the left, but specifically the Hillary diehards) tells me they are as out of touch and looney as anybody else in this country. I think they actually believe Hillary is not corrupt.

Most of my democratic friends do not like Hillary, agree she is corrupt, didnt vote for her in the primary and also want another option, even if they ultimately will vote for her. I guess I have been sheltered from Hillary diehards.
Htown, if you have been sheltered from Hillary diehards, consider yourself a lucky man.
They are truly crazier than the majority of Trump lovers. Many people I know who will vote Trump are aware of Trump's deficits, but are "anyone but Hillary" people, and are hoping for the best. My dad, if he was alive, would be supporting Trump and his was not any of her "isms, or "phobics", merely a life long Republican.
The Hillary supporters I have been exposed to are absolutely blinded by her. Any mention or question, no matter how benign, of an issue is met with a rush of scorn, indignation, and the belief that you are indeed in the basket of deplorables. Someone was just absolutely dog piled today on my Facebook for suggesting that her basket comment wasn't a good political move for her. He supports her, but realizes that it was an incredibly stupid thing to say. You truly wouldn't believe the things people posted back to him. It blew my mind.

The irony is that a room full of wealthy New York insiders paying $25,000 for the pleasure of a meal with HRC are laughing over all the stupid, racist, bigots, regular folk, etc. who support Trump is the exact reason that so many people are for Trump. The insiders can't even comprehend that they are fueling the Trump fires. That comment will energize his base for sure, and provide some great ammo.

Oh, she's so fierce. Attack the people voting for Trump instead of the man. That is how to win over the undecided. That comment made me so angry, I almost want to vote for Trump just to see her lose. Almost.
I have found that the hypocrisy of most people on the left is almost unbelievable.
Shouldn't every candidate be trying to win over every voter, and at least leave the door open to them if she wins? Instead, it was incredibly obvious she holds great disdain for anyone who doesn't agree with her...these next few weeks are going to be horrible.
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The fact that everyone around her spent more time trying to pretend she was okay speaks volumes. It tells me, that whatever is wrong, is a common occurrence for her. If it were not, they would have layer her down to protect her from a fall. They would have called 911 or rushed her to a hospital. They would not rush her to her daughters house.

And if she was disagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, why not just say that when it occurred. Why stage her exit from Chelsey's?
go figure

".... In 1996, after Bob Dole released all of his health records and challenged the president to do the same, the White House released 11 pages of letters from doctors summarizing laboratory tests. President Clinton sat down for a lengthy interview with Lawrence Altman of the New York Times, who was also a medical doctor.

Bill Clinton told Altman he didn’t think of the interview as an invasion of privacy. “The public has a right to know the condition of the president’s health.”
Htown, if you have been sheltered from Hillary diehards, consider yourself a lucky man.
They are truly crazier than the majority of Trump lovers. Many people I know who will vote Trump are aware of Trump's deficits, but are "anyone but Hillary" people, and are hoping for the best. My dad, if he was alive, would be supporting Trump and his was not any of her "isms, or "phobics", merely a life long Republican.
The Hillary supporters I have been exposed to are absolutely blinded by her. Any mention or question, no matter how benign, of an issue is met with a rush of scorn, indignation, and the belief that you are indeed in the basket of deplorables. Someone was just absolutely dog piled today on my Facebook for suggesting that her basket comment wasn't a good political move for her. He supports her, but realizes that it was an incredibly stupid thing to say. You truly wouldn't believe the things people posted back to him. It blew my mind.

The irony is that a room full of wealthy New York insiders paying $25,000 for the pleasure of a meal with HRC are laughing over all the stupid, racist, bigots, regular folk, etc. who support Trump is the exact reason that so many people are for Trump. The insiders can't even comprehend that they are fueling the Trump fires. That comment will energize his base for sure, and provide some great ammo.

Oh, she's so fierce. Attack the people voting for Trump instead of the man. That is how to win over the undecided. That comment made me so angry, I almost want to vote for Trump just to see her lose. Almost.
I have found that the hypocrisy of most people on the left is almost unbelievable.
Shouldn't every candidate be trying to win over every voter, and at least leave the door open to them if she wins? Instead, it was incredibly obvious she holds great disdain for anyone who doesn't agree with her...these next few weeks are going to be horrible.
You can't underestimate the power of identity politics. "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women (support Clinton)," as Madeline Albright said.
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All this HRC health stuff has left me thinking about "The West Wing". Unfortunately for the US, Martin Sheen played an infinitely better sick president than I think Hillary will.
Some state deadlines for a name to be certified on the ballot are listed as unclear in this article. However several states with definitive deadlines have already passed....

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Indiana, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont pass by Thursday 9/15.

On the current presidential electoral map at least 13 are very likely or solid red states on that list, not including current red leans like South Carolina and Texas.

Good luck winning court challenges in all of those red states to get a <60 days out and shrinking replacement on the ballot.

Then there would be the opposing lawsuits by Trump to enforce each state's laws as they are written.

IMHO, HRC is gonna have to limp it out and hope Trump pulls another Trump.

Even that's no longer certain as she's allowed Trump to switch roles from the offender to the offended. Something few thought was possible. :tap:

It was a grave mistake to screw up and hate bash millions of Americans.

Now Trump is playing it like a fiddle and speaking with a compassionate tone as the self-proclaimed "voice of the people" ever since the basket comment.

The corruption and emails were already bad enough, now bashing millions of Americans in a condemning, nasty manner plus major health incidents...too much.
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Good luck winning court challenges in all of those red states to get a <60 days out and shrinking replacement on the ballot.

Then there would be the opposing lawsuits by Trump to enforce each state's laws as they are written.

As the article you cite points out, courts have historically been very willing to allow switches even when directly contrary to state law:
Replacing a candidate's name in late September could prove challenging. The parties would likely have to look to the courts. As Politico noted on August 4, 2016, the courts have shown a willingness to work with the parties on the issue of deadlines: "Courts have tended to discard ballot deadlines in favor of having two parties represented on the ballot.”[3] In 2002, for instance, the New Jersey Supreme Court allowed Democrats to replace their nominee for a U.S. Senate seat 15 days after the certification deadline.[4] In addition to this, election officials in the states have been known to show some leeway on the deadlines. Richard Winger, an expert on ballot access laws, told Ballotpedia by email, “even when major parties have missed deadlines for certifying presidential and vice-presidential nominees, or presidential elector candidates, election officials have always set the deadline aside.”[5]

The other factor to consider, however, is whether or not the opposing party would file lawsuits seeking to enforce state laws as they are written and prevent a replacement nominee from appearing on the ballot. This would consume a considerable amount time, energy, and resource for both parties but would likely exacerbate the struggles of the party trying to get its replacement nominee on the ballot.

I've read a few of those cases, which doesn't make me an expert, but it does give me some insight into the analysis. The basis of the ruling is that ballot access laws restrict democracy, and thus are enforceable only if necessary to protect a necessary state interest. The only such interest is having enough time to print and distribute ballots. Thus, if there is sufficient time to implement a switch, denying that switch would be unconstitutional.

In this case, there is still plenty of time to implement a switch, so they'd have little trouble winning lawsuits. Any state where they lose the lawsuit would be a state where they couldn't win the electoral votes anyway, so no big deal. That will change if the switch happens too long from now. Thus, it is time for the Democrats to **** or get off the pot.
When I think about it, her symptoms don't seem like pneumonia. As someone said, you have a hard time breathing, all the time, with pneumonia. And, although I was deathly ill, I never came close to passing out.

If there's one thing we know for sure about the Clintons, it's that we don't know anything for sure about the Clintons.

I was surprised to see Anderson Cooper challenge her over her lack of transparency. Good thing he's a gay man or he'd get the heave ho like that Huffington Post guy.
Media lapdogs do as they are told


Pence declines to call Duke 'deplorable' — Politico.

Mike Pence refuses to call David Duke 'deplorable' — USA Today.

Mike Pence declines to say whether David Duke is 'deplorable' because he 'is not in the name-calling business' — Washington Post.

Mike Pence refuses to call David Duke 'deplorable' — Huffington Post.

Mike Pence declines to call David Duke 'deplorable,' disavows support' — CNN.

Mike Pence Denounces David Duke but Won't Call Him 'Deplorable' — ABC.

Mike Pence refuses to describe former KKK leader David Duke as 'deplorable'; 'I'm not in the name-calling business' — New York Daily News.

Mike Pence Won't Call David Duke 'Deplorable' — Daily Beast.

Mike Pence Just Refused to Call Ex-KKK Leader David Duke 'Deplorable' — Esquire.

Mike Pence says he wouldn't call David Duke 'Deplorable' — Slate.

Mike Pence is too nice to call an avowed racist 'deplorable' — GQ.
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When I think about it, her symptoms don't seem like pneumonia. As someone said, you have a hard time breathing, all the time, with pneumonia. And, although I was deathly ill, I never came close to passing out.........

Not to mention "squeeze my finger" is a neuro test


"WASHINGTON — It’s never happened before, but if Hillary Clinton has to drop out before Election Day, the Democratic National Committee would pick a successor — and it wouldn’t have to be running mate Tim Kaine.

If Donald Trump faced the same situation, the Republican National Committee would select a GOP replacement, perhaps by reconvening 2,472 delegates.

Clinton’s near-collapse over the weekend, coupled with the ages of the two major candidates, have brought the far-flung scenarios into the realm of possibility.

Trump is 70 and Clinton turns 69 on Oct. 26.

There were 55 days until the election as of Tuesday and military and overseas ballots are mailed 45 days before the polls open.

Thirty-seven states have some sort of early voting, with North Carolina being the first by mail on Sept. 9.

What would really complicate matters is if a nominee had to drop out when ballots have already been cast.

“It would be an unprecedented, complicated mess,” one election lawyer said.

The Electoral College would then select the next president.

If the electors couldn’t agree, the House of Representatives would make the selection."
I doubt the DNC would have much of a problem getting a replacement candidate on the ballot should HRC have to drop out for health reasons. Since when has the rule of law meant anything to Dems?
Hillary's IT guys are in front of Congress today via subpoena

Can you already guess what they said?

Have any of the Clinton's or their people ever simply told the truth about anything the first time? Ever?

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